April 2013 | Fanboys Anonymous

Robert Downey Jr to Reprise Iron Man for Avengers 2

Posted by Unknown - Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Coming hot off the heels of Iron Man 3, it has been learned that Robert Downey Jr will be reprising the role of Tony Stark aka Iron Man for Avengers 2. Speaking to GQ magazine Downey states:

Robert Downey Jr replaced for Iron Man 4 Avengers 2 Avengers 3
 "Isn't that crazy?"  "They're so pissed. I can't believe it. I'm what's known as 'a strategic cost.' "

Downey is reportedly making 50 million for the role, which is more than his co-stars are making. What will this mean for his character's future? Will he demand more to reprise the role for Iron Man 4 or bow out gracefully?

You can read the full article by purchasing your copy of GQ. For more Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase 2 news, stick around here at www.fanboysanonymous.com

Hello, my name is Drew White and I just recently joined Fanboys Anonymous. For my first post I wanted to do something that I actually like, so I'm starting a series called Games That Deserve a Sequel. In this series I will go over games that never got a sequel that probably deserved one. For the first game to kick things off, I am going to choose a game that was one of the few that can help describe my teenage years.... Bully.

For those that don't know what Bully is, it is a game developed by Rockstar Vancouver that I consider the high school version of Grand Theft Auto as it is an action-adventure open world game (but a bit toned down in the explicit content department in comparison). It was released in the United States on October 17, 2006. I didn't even hear of this game until around Christmas time of that year when my best friend brought it over to my house and I borrowed it. From that day it has always been on my desk of games I will continue to play for the rest of my life. Now let's talk about the game itself and what it is about.

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This is the awesome cover to the game.

Bully takes place in the town of Bullworth where the main character, Jimmy Hopkins, is being dumped off at Bullworth Academy by his recently married mother and his fifth stepfather while they go on a year long cruise as a honeymoon. Jimmy has been kicked out of every school he has ever attended for various reasons and is a troublesome child. Upon arriving he picks a fight with the bullies at the school and becomes their enemies from the very beginning. You also befriend Gary Smith, a student who suffers from attention deficit disorder, and Pete Kowalski, a very shy and smaller than average student, to try and take down the bullies at the school. The main objective is to take over the five cliques at the school. These groups are the Bullies, Jocks, Preppies, Greasers, and the Nerds. The game has five chapters to complete, with a sixth one after you beat the main game. The game is set up in missions, so it's pretty much a GTA in high school. After completing the first chapter, you gain the ability to access a part of the town as you are locked in the school gates during the first chapter. Some activities you can perform around town include going to the carnival, getting a job as a paperboy, going to certain shops and obtain new clothes to for Jimmy to strut around in, and getting spray cans to perform some graffiti artwork on buildings.

Why does this game deserve a sequel? Well it does because it is almost as good, if not as good, as the GTA series. It has a very good plot and there is nothing wrong with the game mechanics except for a few glitches here and there. It is rated T for Teens, which means no murders or sex (though there is an errand that involves you escorting a girl to a rundown motel in the poorer part of town, so you can kinda get what they are hinting at). You can however beat the crap out of anyone in town, though I don't recommend beating up a girls, kids, teachers, or the police as they will instantly track you down and get you "busted" and have all of your weapons taken away. The weapons in Bully are ones that you could possibly find on a teenager. So for example fire crackers, stink bombs, itching powder, marbles, and a spud gun. There is a health bar that can be depleted through fights and if it goes completely empty, you pass out. To refill it you can drink soda, or do what is even better and make out with people! Yes you can be gay in the game as there is a male in each clique that you an make out with if you repeatedly talk to them. You can go to class and increase certain things to help you out in the game. Like on English if you pass a certain lesson you can learn to apologize for small crimes that you commit. The classes are set up like mini games, so in English you have to list as many words you can our of the so many letters they give you.

Will this game get a sequel? Maybe.... I say this because Rockstar Vancouver became defunct this past year. Which means that if another sequel was going to go down it would have to be done through another Rockstar studio. However there were a few rumors going around that Rockstar Vancouver was thinking about doing a sequel, so that spreads a little light on the situation if another Rockstar studio wants to start a sequel. If it does end up happening the I will be extremely satisfied as almost everything from Rockstar nowadays turns out good.

So that's it for this post. Thanks for reading and be on the lookout for another one of these to be coming in the near future.

Wolverine to Become Killable in New Story Arc

Posted by Unknown - Monday, April 29, 2013

Wolverine's healing factor has gotten him out of some sticky situations, but that's about to change. As announced at the Chicago C2E2 conference, Wolverine will become vulnerable in the new "Killable" story arc written by Paul Cornell.

fanboys anonymous wolverine to become vulnerable in new story arc

Speaking to Newsarama.com, Cornell had this to say about the introduction of the new story arc and why he feels that Wolverine needs to go in this direction:
"That was actually my central aim when I suggested this story, and I'm delighted that the ramifications of it have been taken up by the other titles too. Because of a historical accident (Wolverine getting a solo title very late on, relatively speaking), important things happening to Logan have tended to happen in team books. We all agreed that a major event in his life should happen in his own title."

Even though Cornell seems to be tight-lipped about the subject, it has been stated that the Wolverine movie will greatly impact on this story and will bring Logan into a different direction, opening up fresher stories for the character. Will this lead to a resurgence for the character or it's eventual demise?

You can check out the full article at Newsarama.com

Game On: 2 Player Mode Review

Posted by The Dace Man - Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hey Hey Hey Fan Boys! Chris "The Dace Man" Dace back here at Fanboys Anonymous bringing you an exclusive look at one of my favorite instrumental CDs of all time. Remember a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away there was this cute girl who played the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Theme whilst wearing a Pink Ranger outfit?!?!? Well her name is Lara de Wit and she has done an awesome collaboration with the equally beautiful and talented Taylor Davis. The two have put together a CD entitled Game On: 2 Player Mode. The two musical goddesses take on some of our favorite gaming scores and give their interpretations with a violin and a piano and it was nothing but pure bliss. I've found my self leaving the CD on at night to fall asleep to as it relaxes me into a gamer induced coma. I have even caught my self hitting the punching bag to Guile's Theme, because it clearly it goes with every thing. If you're a gamer, which hopefully you are since you're on this site, you will thoroughly enjoy the 13 tracks of gametastic nerdom. One can only hope that these two will collaborate again in the near future so we can enjoy the sounds of the video game world as told through Lara and Taylor. So in conclusion, 10 out of 10 on this one boys and girls. So go out and get this album....and by go out I mean click the link bellow and give it a look.

As always check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking at, and no not just porn, as well as all other bloggers here at Fanboys Anonymous. So for The Few, The Proud, and of course The Dacetacular, grab a beer, or in this case click the damn link bellow....you won't regret it, and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. See ya next time!

LaraDeWit and TaylorDavis

For more information about this Awesome CD click here! And don't forget to follow yours truly on Twitter (@TheDaceMan) as well as these lovely ladies (@Larawithabird & @ViolinTay) for announcements and updates from them :)

Best and Worst Movie Trilogies Podcast - FA Roundtable Episode 6

Posted by Anthony Mango - Friday, April 26, 2013

Episode 6 of the monthly Fanboys Anonymous roundtable discussion meeting podcast focuses on movie trilogies. What are some of the films that rounded out a good trilogy and which ones got derailed by the third entry? Which movie series follow the normal curve of a good first film, better second film, and disappointing third film?

Hosted by Tony Mango, the panel includes Sean Mitchell, Michael Burhan, Brandon Liggan, Mike Paden, and Ronnie Brown.

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Some topics we address:
  • The Star Wars Trilogies - Prequel Trilogy vs Original Trilogy
  • Lord of the Rings vs Star Wars debate
  • Clerks 3 will make Clerks a trilogy
  • Ghostbusters 3 will make Ghostbusters a trilogy
  • Toy Story trilogy
  • The Terminator film series should have ended with T2
  • The Mighty Ducks + D2 + D3
  • Back to the Future trilogy
  • RoboCop trilogy
  • The Matrix Trilogy (is the first Matrix movie the only good one?)
  • Naked Gun, Naked Gun 2 1/2, Naked Gun 33 1/3 and Tony's dislike for the latter 2
  • The Dark Knight Trilogy as an example of one that works
  • Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy and how Spider-Man 3 is horrible
  • The X-Men film franchise turning sour after The Last Stand
  • The Godfather Trilogy - does Godfather 3 really suck that bad?
  • Jurassic Park 4
  • Transformers 4
  • Pirates of the Caribbean 4
You can watch all the parts of the podcast below. Make sure to subscribe!

Welcome everyone to yet another new discussion regarding the fourth Smash Brothers game. In my latest video I give my opinion on Luigi acquiring a brand new move set for fighting based off of his attacks and defense in both Luigi's Mansion, as well as Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. As  I state in the video I'm for differing Luigi's fighting style from Mario entirely, but wil they do so? It remains to be seen.

As an advocate for the addition of Professor E. Gadd to the franchise to use the patented Poltergust vacuum and his various other gadgets that he let Luigi use to aid him on his quest you would think Luigi getting such a remodeling using this style is whole lot more realistic than the actual inclusion of the Professor. Now while that is very true, the developers of the Smash series are keen on keeping some of Luigi's attacks similar to that of his brother Mario's.

I'd say the most likely scenario for this situation would be for the Poltergust to be used as a down or side B attack similar to how they implemented Mario's F. L. U. D. D attack from Super Mario Sunshine in Brawl. Maybe, when the Poltergust is out and ready to go your attacks differ for A or B than opposed to when it's not unleashed entirely. You may be able to use other tools such as the Spectroflash and Dark Light once you're in full ghost catching mode.

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I Got Gameplay Ep 21 - Heroes of Gaming

Posted by Unknown - Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Episode 21 of the I Got Gameplay podcast is now online. On this episode, Michael Burhan, Mike Paden, Brandon Liggan with special guest Tony Mango discuss gaming's biggest heroes, the franchises that stood the test of time and the symbols that are the marquee players for companies such as Nintendo, Sony and Sega.

You can check out this episode and the previous two by using the following links:

Lybsin: http://adf.ly/IwSX3

iTunes: http://adf.ly/IwSaK

Stitcher: http://adf.ly/IwSd0

If you'd like to join the discussion, like us on Facebook and comment on our page here: http://adf.ly/IwSfZ

You can also subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel at http://adf.ly/IwShu

(Note: the links use adf.ly, just click skip to go to your required destination.)

Episode 20 of the I Got Gameplay podcast is now online. On this episode, Michael, Sean, Mike Paden and Brandon discuss Nintendo Directs April 17th update and all things retro including Brandon's fondness for cake.

You can check out this episode and the previous two by using the following links:

Lybsin: http://adf.ly/IwSX3

iTunes: http://adf.ly/IwSaK

Stitcher: http://adf.ly/IwSd0

If you'd like to join the discussion, like us on Facebook and comment on our page here: http://adf.ly/IwSfZ

You can also subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel at http://adf.ly/IwShu

(Note: the links use adf.ly, just click skip to go to your required destination.)

Life has been hectic as of late, and I haven't really had the time or energy to sit down and write a dedicated review for the comics that I've been following in the past two weeks. As such, in lieu of a fleshed out individual review for each book, I'm just going to offer a quick snapshot of the issues in one giant post. Ready. Set. Go!

Fearless Defenders (2013) #3

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Fearless Defenders #3 is a key addition to the series, adding some much needed plot movement to the story. All of the characters are nicely fleshed out in this issue, and the main antagonist(s) is(are) clearly identified. The dialogue flows very naturally, and the dynamic between the characters on the team is one of this series' strong points. Overall, Fearless Defenders is shaping up to be a great series that seeks to be much much more than simply a "fan service" book.

Score: 8/10

Cable and X-Force (2013) #7
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Cable and X-Force #7 sees some pretty high-flying action, though the portioning of it is somewhat uneven. While the sequences involving Boom Boom and and Domino were quite well-written, I found the corresponding scenes with Cable, Forge, and Dr. Nemesis a little on the light side. In addition, I'm failing to see how all of this adds up to a bigger picture. Is Cable really just having random visions about the future and assigning X-Force as a team to deal with those visions? or is there something else in the works? At this point in the series, that should be obvious, which it is not. Solid book nonetheless with beautiful artwork as always.

Score: 7/10

Uncanny Avengers (2013) #6
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Uncanny Avengers #6 is somewhat of a strange departure from the chain of previous events. The book shifts away from the current team of Avengers and focuses solely on the aspect of Apocalypse and Kang working together. The reader is thrust into this situation, and it is all a bit confusing at first. Pieces of the puzzle slowly begin to come together throughout the book, though you're left with a lot more to ask at the end than when you started. A lot of people greatly enjoyed this book, though I found the disconnect between the prior issues a little off-putting.

Score: 6/10

Uncanny X-Men (2013) #4
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Uncanny X-Men #4 works really well on one level, but unfortunately falls flat on another. The first half of the book is absolutely genius, giving readers a different look on the interaction between Scott's rebel X-Men group and the Jean Grey School crew. The telepathic exchange between Emma Frost and her former proteges is a nice approach and well executed. On the other hand, the latter half of the book lacked the luster of the first. The revelation of Angel joining Scott's team was also quite poorly done and a bad decision on Bendis' part. We all know it should have been Jean Grey.

Score: 6/10

Wolverine (2013) #2
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Wolverine #2 picks up right where the opening issue left off. Unlike a certain savage counterpart, the characterization of Wolverine in this book is spot-on. Everything from the internal monologues to the dialogue is exactly what we imagine our friend Logan to be thinking or saying. In terms of plot movement, we get a nice glimpse of what the bigger picture has in store for us without giving away too much. This just goes to show that you can never have too many Wolverine books when you do it right!

Score: 8.5/10

X-Men Legacy (2013) #9
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X-Men Legacy has been very hit or miss for me lately, and this issue is a bit of both words. While I can certainly appreciate the overall premise that is being built here, I think the execution might have been a little off. The dialogue can be confusing at times, especially considering all the expletives that are overused in this particular issue. I felt as if I was being dropped into this situation with no warning, and that feeling was a little jarring in this issue. A build-up and/or more fleshed-out approach across multiple issues would have been nice as the pacing of this all seems quite accelerated.

Score: 5/10

By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth! If you know me, you know that I'm quite the fan of a certain master of the mystic arts in the Marvel Universe. Stephen Strange, aka Doctor Strange, is the one and only Sorcerer Supreme of the 616 universe, fighting an eternal battle to protect the innocent from the forces of evil. While it has been known for some time now that a Doctor Strange film is in its developmental stages, no word has previously been released about which lucky actor would take up the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. Well... Until now.

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CHUD.com recently let word out that Marvel has expressed interest in having Justin Theroux on-board for the Doctor Strange film project. Theroux, who is an American actor, director, and screenwriter, has worked with Marvel Studios before, having written the script for the 2010 film Iron Man 2.

It is still unclear at this time what Marvel Studios actually wants with Theroux (screenplay or actor... or both), though speculation by fans has mostly been geared towards sizing him up for the role of Stephen Strange itself. Talks of his resemblance to the character, his acting skill, his personality, and other qualities important to portraying a superhero have been spread like wildfire in the short time that this rumor has surfaced.

Well, as a devout Doctor Strange follower, I'm here to put my two cents in, as well.

The Look

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In all honesty, the Doctor Strange "look" really isn't that difficult to nail. Plenty of suggestions from Johnny Depp to Patrick Dempsey have been bounced around, and they all, more or less, fit the bill quite well. Doctor Strange is an attractive Caucasian male in his early forties. Theroux, who is forty-one, is pretty much that. Throw in a nicely trimmed beard, and the man's got the look down pretty well. No complaints here.

The Acting

Honestly, clips of Justin Theroux acting on the internet are few and far between. That being said, the clips I did find point towards some pretty good work. The above is a compilation of scenes he did in the 2000 film American Psycho. Arrogance is certainly something that I see in this particular role and is something that Stephen Strange does exude many times, especially in his former life as a big-time neurosurgeon. Still, without any substantial material to really judge him on, I'm going to raise an eyebrow on the acting bit. But, who knows? We've seen obscure actors and actresses "wow" us in the past countless times. Who's to say that Theroux won't blow our minds, too?

The "Other Stuff"

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As you can see from the picture on the left, Theroux has no problem doing Doctor Strange's signature mystical hand gesture...

But, seriously, Theroux seems like an all-around decent guy. He's been dating Jennifer Aniston for almost two years now, and the two were recently engaged. I'll give him some credit for being in a celebrity relationship that long.

On top of that, as previously mentioned, the guy has prior experience working in the comic book movie world. As the script writer for Iron Man 2, Theroux not only has worked with Marvel Studios before, but he's also delved personally into the inner-workings of a superhero. Theroux has also dipped his feet into comic book writing also, having worked on Iron Man: Public Identity, which was set after the first Iron Man film and before the second.

He also mentioned briefly a love for comic books as a young child in the Iron Man 2 interview below:

All in all, I think I can say, for now, that I would be pretty happy with Justin Theroux battling the likes of Dormammu in a Doctor Strange film. The guy seems like he could slip into Strange's tights quite nicely. 

What do you think? Comment below or Tweet me @DrStrangeMD!

Pictures of jamie foxx as electro in the amazing spider-man 2
Jamie Foxx as Electro looking very sinister.
When Mark Webb first announced that Jamie Foxx was cast to play Electro in the next installment of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, I have to say that I was truly disappointed. I've caught a lot of crap from people calling me racist because they're changing the character from a white man to a black man. No! In fact, I fully support changing the race of some characters, especially if it works. As an example, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. As many people know, Marvel's "Ultimate" universe's Nick Fury was modeled after Sam Jackson and he just so happens to LOVE comic books, so he signed up immediately when asked to play the role of Nick Fury.
jamie foxx as electro in the amazing spider-man 2
Any way... back to what I was saying.

I don't like Jamie Foxx as an actor. Sure, he may have been awesome in Django. I wouldn't know because I've been putting off seeing the movie since it stars an actor that I can't stand. But, these new leaked photos have got me PUMPED UP to see this movie. Just judging on the character design alone, I think I'm going to love Electro whether I hate Jamie Foxx or not.

jamie foxx as electro in the amazing spider-man 2The character design seems simple when you look at the behind the scenes photos. He just looks like a dude painted blue. But, when you look closer in the other photos, there is so much more detail. You can see bulging veins, silver-like contact lenses, and little LED lights lined within the hood of his hoodie to illuminate his face to give a glowing effect.

jamie foxx as electro in the amazing spider-man 2
So far, everything looks awesome and I'm dying to see more from Electro and also curious to see what Rhino will look like. I'm itching with anticipation for this movie's release. Tell us what you think in the comments section below and let us know on our Facebook timeline. More info will come as we receive it!

Finally the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One box set has released. To those of you who (like me) had this pre-ordered since it was first announced last summer, you may be experiencing the following symptoms:

  • Euphoria
  • Jumping for joy
  • Telling strangers to kneel
  • Fourth thing that is super funny

For some people, this was a must buy. Personally, I never owned any of the movies despite having enjoyed most of them. I was expecting some sort of collection. Anyone who didn't see this coming doesn't really understand how making money works. But that's a different sort of topic.

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Whoa! I would trade a baby for that!
Looks bad ass right! Well, that's the point of promotional material. The die-hards and the collectors were sold before the idea was even pitched. This is a bit of digital magic to entice those that wouldn't typically consider buying something like this. Anyone can tell you to expect worse than this. Still, I was quite excited when I finally got my case.

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Point that hand elsewhere, RDJ.
avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, what's in the box, iron man 3
Not pictured: me squealing in delight.
Part of me wanted to keep it sealed. These are supposed to be pretty limited. That notion faded quickly. Give me my movies dammit! The case itself is pretty solid. But if you're expecting metal prepare to be disappointed. The clasps don't even lift. They're just hard plastic. It feels sturdy, but plastic will do what plastic does, which is wear and break. Once open, I kept the movies out of the case for this very reason. The S.H.I.E.L.D. emblem lights up blue if you press the button on the top of the case. Feels unnecessary. If I were, like, 10, and if this was pitched as a toy? I'm sure I'd lose my shit. Alas. The disillusionment of adulthood was too strong to over come. Either way, it wasn't the important part. The reason I bought the set lies within. So, let's crack the case open!

pulp fiction, marvel phase one, marvel, john travolta, robert downey jr, samuel jackson, S.H.I.E.L.D., avengers, chris evans, captain america, iron man 3, coulson, avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream
I wish it was a lot like this.
I didn't expect much from the interior, but what I did expect was... well... more.

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
The first thing I did was try to press the number pad. Don't judge
My biggest disappointment is with the... uh... I don't even want to call it the Cosmic Cube. I wasn't expecting a perfect replica, but god damn. This is a plastic white box that pulsates blue if you punch it. Huh.

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
Suddenly less imposing
The way the movies are stored is concerning. The cases are soft, and there was some slight damage caused just by shipping. If you aren't careful the discs are positioned perfectly to slide right into the interior, where they could damage. Speaking of the movies themselves... well. I adore the new covers. These are amazing. I sort of expected the packages to be bigger and more complete, but overall that's easy to set aside. There's a bonus disc full of content included as well. I'll get to that later. Now that the interior of the case was a huge let down, I turned myself to the upper half. Therein lies the goodies.

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
For my eyes only. Oh... 
These are supposed to be S.H.I.E.L.D. reports on the various members of the Avengers. Each file contains really neat things that tie into the various movies.

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
Pictures included to rub my face in what the tesseract is supposed to look like.
This file contains information for both Widow and Hawkeye, the Tesseract, and Item 47. Most of the text is blacked out to give the feel of a still classified document. There are a couple cool pictures of the Tesseract, as well as my favorite thing in this file:

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
Uh. Amazing.
avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
Files not included. You aren't missing too much.
This file was designed to look like the one seen in Captain America. Aside various enlistment papers and the photo seen to be included at the end of Captain America: The First Avenger, it has some vintage looking Captain America trading cards (slight foxing around the edges, of course), the doodle Cap made, as well as...
avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
Oh...well..that's kind of really sad
avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
The blueprint shall remain as crisp and unfolded as possible.
As Tony has been in the most movies thus far, his file is the most robust, and has some of the most awesome of things. Newspaper clippings, blueprints (even of the Mark 1 from Iron Man 1. Easily my favorite), and... oh cool. A ticket to Stark Expo. I sure hope when I go that Mickey Rourke keeps his Russian to himself. Anyway, this file is just full of cool shit.

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
I don't remember that napkin.
avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
My excuse for the poor layering: I'm not Tony Stark.
avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
The sketch of Yggdrasil looks like it was torn from a notebook. Cool.
I really like this one. The file is named for the place, rather than the man. We've got some I.D.'s (including a New York State drivers license for Tho... uh... Dr. Donald J. Blake.

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
He better get that renewed next year.
There's a hospital tag, belonging to XX, THOR, the drawing of Yggdrasil, as well as the infrared of Thor being cast out, and the page from the mythology book Dr. Selvig discovers.

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
I don't know what that Cryosync thing is supposed to be...
This one is pretty neat too, despite the decidedly "meh" film. There are some articles, as well as an official looking (mostly blacked out) document. They even have the Stark blueprints for the vehicles with the sonic... blaster... things... on the roof. Although my favorite is the Pingo Doce juicebox sticker. Were I a wasteful man I'd buy a Hi-C juice box and stick this thing on.

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
Remember this thing?
avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
It's textured!
Lastly was an envelope that told me to open immediately. I was pretty tempted to not even open it, but curiosity got the best of me. Within were only two things. A rather mysterious card, as well as what looks as if it's supposed to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. keycard. (with a password on the back.)  The mostly blank card is the secret here. It lines up with a specific page somewhere within the files, which then directs you to a website. This website will only yield to you it's secrets once you put in... yep. The password from the other card. This leads you to a website with an exclusive look at Phase Two. (No, I won't share. The majority of it is about Iron Man 3. Wait a couple weeks. You'll be fine.)

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
Find the toe!
These files are mostly amazing. Any depression I felt at the lackluster cube and case interior is pretty much placated. And the movies themselves are exactly what you'd expect. Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 2 in my PS3 come up as "Iron Man 1/2 disc one"... which... makes me upset that disc two wasn't included for each film... But I'm sure I'm not missing out on much. That bonus disc of special features is pretty much a throwaway as well. It's mostly full of animatics, very few deleted scenes, and the kinda stuff you only watch once.

Final Verdict? Worth while! Especially if you have a blu-ray player (blu-ray only folks, sorry), and none of the films. The sale price was less than each of these films would cost (on blu-ray). If it is as limited as I was lead to believe the price may go up a fair bit. In which case, use this as a guide. I've broken down just about everything in the set. Now, at least you have the privilege to know what you're going to get with your money.

avengers, phase one, robert downey jr, mark ruffalo, chris evans, samuel jackson, nick fury, captain america, chris hemsworth, tom hiddleston, loki, thor, S.H.I.E.L.D., agent coulson, phil coulson, coulson, iron man, hulk, thanos, scarlet johannson, black widow, cosmic cube, tesseract, hawkeye, phase two, watch Marvel's Avengers Movie Online Free Download Stream, iron man 3,
I wish it was numbered.
If you're the gambling type, don't get this set. I'm sure once Phase Three is finished the collection that gets released will be mind-blowing.

My Music Choices for Super Smash Bros. 4

Posted by SpoodBeest - Saturday, April 13, 2013

Welcome back all fanboys to yet another article and video of everything Super Smash Bros. 4 in terms of speculation, hype and wishes. Today we take a little look back at Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it was a game that had amazing music as almost every franchise Nintendo series had their music implemented in to the game. So with that being said how could they possibly top this for the fourth game? I think a simple answer would be to bring back all the songs from Brawl and give them another run on the Wii U and 3DS. Unless the developers want a completely new and original soundtrack for this fourth game and if thats the case than that is what we're here to discuss (in the video below).

I've been asked to choose music or better yet some songs I would like to see in Super Smash Bros. 4, so this week I decided to comprise two lists of ten songs. One list of ten is for songs to return from past games, the other is a list of ten new songs to be included for the first time. Otherwise make their debut in a Smash game.

The process was trickier than I thought it would be. Despite the time and thought put into both lists I still don't feel I gave enough songs from previous games and even songs that should be included the proper recognition they deserve but simply listed ten of my favorite songs from Brawl and then ten songs I would love to see included that haven't been used in Smash soundtrack yet. You can hear all my opinions in full in the video below, and leave a comment on the songs you would love to see either return or debut in the fourth Smash Brothers game.

super smash bros. 4 music song choices wii u 3DS

Episode 19 of the I Got Gameplay podcast is now online. On this episode, Michael, Sean, Mike Paden and Brandon talk family about their fond memories of Lucas Arts and how the gaming giant lost its way before coming to a close.

You can check out this episode and the previous two by using the following links:

Lybsin: http://adf.ly/IwSX3

iTunes: http://adf.ly/IwSaK

Stitcher: http://adf.ly/IwSd0

If you'd like to join the discussion, like us on Facebook and comment on our page here: http://adf.ly/IwSfZ

You can also subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel at http://adf.ly/IwShu

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I Got Gameplay Ep 18 - Family Gaming

Posted by Unknown - Monday, April 8, 2013

Episode 18 of the I Got Gameplay podcast is now online. On this episode, Michael, Sean, Mike Paden and Brandon talk family entertainment and if this market can surpass FPS shoorters as the next big niche or will it end up having a short stay such as its predecessors before it.

You can check out this episode and the previous two by using the following links:

Lybsin: http://adf.ly/IwSX3

iTunes: http://adf.ly/IwSaK

Stitcher: http://adf.ly/IwSd0

If you'd like to join the discussion, like us on Facebook and comment on our page here: http://adf.ly/IwSfZ

You can also subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel at http://adf.ly/IwShu

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I Got Gameplay Ep 17 - Ranting, Raving and Mobile Gaming

Posted by Unknown - Sunday, April 7, 2013

Episode 17 of the I Got Gameplay podcast is now online. On this episode, Michael, Sean, Nick with Mike Paden and Brandon Liggan rant about their biggest peeves in gaming, they also discuss Mobile gaming and if it can surpass the home console.

You can check out this episode and the previous two by using the following links:

Lybsin: http://adf.ly/IwSX3

iTunes: http://adf.ly/IwSaK

Stitcher: http://adf.ly/IwSd0

If you'd like to join the discussion, like us on Facebook and comment on our page here: http://adf.ly/IwSfZ

You can also subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel at http://adf.ly/IwShu

(Note: the links use adf.ly, just click skip to go to your required destination.)

Welcome back Fanboys of all kinds I am going to be discussing to you briefly here and more so in this week's Smash video why I believe Paper Mario has untapped potential as playable character in the fourth Super Smash Brothers game.

There are some detractions that could cost this from becoming a reality. Firstly Mr. Game and Watch a veteran member of the roster already has the 2D style fighting character gimmick claimed and has had such since Melee on the Gamecube. Also if the developers decide they want give new skins or costumes to the characters a model of Paper Mario could be used simply as a more intricate skin change for Mario himself.

Now that we have gone through the negatives less accentuate Paper Mario's positives. He has a uniqueness unlike anyone else that could possibly be newcomers in the next game. That all comes with such a brand new and fresh move set he would bring to the table by spawning his own items and weapons at ease to help him during the midst of a fight.

He gets my simple seal of approval as far as a newcomer I think would be a great addition to the game, you can check out my full opinions on this ordeal in the video below.

super smash bros 4 paper mario

Pokemon X and Y: Mewthree Revealed?

Posted by Ronnie Brown - Saturday, April 6, 2013

A little while ago Nintendo revealed a new addition to Pokemon X and Y. This new Pokemon certainly seems to be a new form of Mewtwo or at least very closely related to it, and the images on Pokemon's official site make it seem like Nintendo is going the latter route with this one.

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Play Pokemon X And Y Now

As you can see, they're calling this a "newly discovered Pokemon." Now I'm personally not crazy about the design. I mean why just take Mewtwo's tail, put it on its head, slightly alter the color and overall design, and call that a new Pokemon? Are the developers really out of ideas? To be fair, there are hardly any known details about this other than it has some relation to Mewtwo, so this could very well end up being some kind of alternate form. I know that's what I'm hoping for because that would make this design much more sensible. Plus a new form of Mewtwo could open the door for new forms of other old legendary Pokemon, which could be a pretty cool way to help keep the series fresh. Being able to catch legendary Pokemon from multiple generations in one game and doing something to alter their forms in some way sounds pretty awesome to me.

Like many of you, I'm really intrigued by and excited about what Game Freak and Nintendo are doing with Pokemon X and Y, and I trust their judgment. Despite the kind of lame design that almost looks like something out of Dragon Ball Z, I'm excited to learn more about this, whether it turns out to be Mewtwo and a half, Mewthree, or something in between. What do you guys think? When Nintendo reveals more about this "new" Pokemon, I'll have more to say. Until then, feel free to sound off below!

All-New X-Men (2013) #10 Review

Posted by Unknown - Wednesday, April 3, 2013

All-New X-Men has been an emotional roller coaster ever since its start ten issues ago. Writer Brian Michael Bendis has done a great job so far of not only plucking the original X-Men out of the past but also facilitating their transition into the present in a realistic manner. Readers see how each individual X-Man is changing because of this knowledge of their future and therein lays the intrinsic value of this series.

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When last we left the Jean Grey School, old Scott Summers and his crew of rebel X-Men had showed up on the front lawn to recruit mutants for his new Xavier School. What I expected to be an all-out clash of fire and ice turned out to be a somewhat more mundane exchange of words and rhetoric. I think a lot of readers, including myself, expected some kind of action, but Bendis manages those expectations well through his dialogue. He shows that the situation is not an inherently violent one and that there is still some mutual respect between the Jean Grey School X-Men and the Xavier School X-Men.

Once again, we get another glimpse of Mystique and her escapades for obtaining cash. It's quite a shallow motivation and very unlike the complex character that is Raven Darkholme. With Bendis, I think we can expect some grander ulterior motives, but it's just not apparent yet when it should be after a couple of issues of plot building with Mystique and her crew. At this point, it's mostly going towards fueling mutant hate, which is quite frankly nothing we haven't seen before.

While the issue as a whole is quite strong, I found that the cliff-hanger ending was a bit melodramatic. I'll shoot myself in the foot if I turn out to be wrong, but I think it's pretty obvious that young Jean Grey is the one that will opting to be join old Cyclops. It just makes sense given the situation, and it would obviously create a huge opportunity for Bendis to capitalize on the dynamics between Emma/Jean/Scott. You're not fooling anyone, dude.

While cliffhangers can be effective when used correctly, this particular usage left me more annoyed than anything, which soured my perception of the entire book a tad bit. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the book, but a stunt like this just wasn't my cup of tea. In any case, All-New X-Men #10 is a nice dramatic exchange between the two opposing X-groups and provides a nice foundation for some juicy events to come.

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Score: 8/10

Super Smash Bros 4. Unlockable Features for Characters

Posted by SpoodBeest - Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome back Fanboys to another video predicting all that may come with the fourth Super Smash Brothers game, as we get closer and closer to the official unveiling of the game itself. This video in particular discusses the various unlockable features that may potentially be found within every member of the character roster.

Such as the Nintendo 3DS having it's own perk to it's version of the game which has been hinted towards having a more single player heavy aura surrounding it. The content you might be able to unlock in the 3DS version could also potentially be imported to the Wii U console as well, which is a good thing to keep in mind.

Unlockable avatars, backgrounds, and titles for an online gaming profile of sorts, new games modes for certain characters, different costumes and even different moves for roster members is all discussed within the confines of this video.

super smash bros. 4 unlockable features characters roster