July 2013 | Fanboys Anonymous

The Dace Man Show Ep 6 - Take It Out Back and Shoot It

Posted by The Dace Man - Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Check out episode 5 of The Dace Man Show with special guests Michael Burhan, Mike Paden, Dan Raup and Brian Gibson!

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Join The Dace Man this week as he tackles:

Weird World News
  • Detroit Bankrupt…approves renovations for the Red Wings Arena
  • Pakistani Game Show offers babies to Europeans as Prize
  • Disabled Man claims Delta Airlines forced him to crawl onto a plain.
  • Vacationing American in Greece kills and cooks a rare sea creature.
Sports News
  • During a Seattle Mariners v Minnesota Twins game a fan made it rain $6000 in 1s all for a promotion of a 5k run during the 7th Inning
  • David Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox goes nuts in the dugout after an Umpire Call. Next day goes 4 for 4 and mocks beating up a phone.
  • Jonathan Papelbon bad mouths Phils Organization
  • Tim Hudson from The Atlanta Braves is out with a broken foot.

Tim Hudson Injury

Celeb News This Week:

  • Zimmerman makes news again pulled over for speeding and packing heat….
  • A top contender on "Master Chef" had a bizarre, violent encounter with cops in Chicago, telling them Gordon Ramsay is an "asshole" who possessed his body and then transformed him into God
  • Randy Travis is out of the hospital today.
  • Carlton Banks is back on TV with a spelling bee game show thing
  • Confirmed : a new Rocky movie spinoff called Creed

The Off the Wall topic of the week:When should a movie franchise be laid to rest?

Also the fan favorites of the High Five Movie Franchises and the Douchebag of the Week

Step into the Crazy Train with Chris "The Dace Man" Dace this week on The Dace Man show....queue the Final Countdown!!!

Check out The Dace Man Show live every Wednesday at 8pm EST on Mega Powers Radio. As well as all archived episodes!

What started out as just another all-female "fan service" book has quickly and gracefully evolved into a story with great depth and perspectives into characters that we've long been without. Fearless Defenders, thus far, has been a story of Valkyrie, a former Defender, and her quest to assemble a group of worthy Shield Maidens. The powerful first act of the series has now ended, which brings us to Fearless Defenders #7 to pick up where the previous issue left off. 

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At the start of this issue, we find that Annabelle has now ascended to Valhalla to live out of the remainder of her undead life. In a somewhat cliche plot move, we see that Valkyrie (who is guilt-ridden over killing her) is searching for a way to bring her fallen comrade back to life. Now enter a character that I'd never thought I'd see again: Clea. For those of you that don't know, Clea is the estranged wife of Doctor Strange (no pun intended). Taking advantage of a somewhat strained marriage between Clea and Strange, Val coaxes Clea into helping her resurrect Annabelle. In yet another somewhat cliche plot move, we find that Annabelle is returned to life at the cost of merging with Val (a callback to a situation that Val has been in before).

Writer Cullen Bunn has, as I previously mentioned, taken a handful of overused plot devices and manages to pull it off. How? Well, for one, he plays around with a set of characters that haven't had an incredible amount of exposure in the past. This offers a fresh perspective on things and naturally draws readers into a familiar situation to learn about some newer characters. Secondly, the art by Stephanie Hans is absolutely breathtaking. Hans and the art team paint a stunning picture of environments and characters that look like they're coming out of a fairy tale. Every page is a pleasure to view.

A book like this just goes to show that you don't have to have shocking and innovative twists and turns to make a great story. Solid character development, smart dialogue, and breathtaking art can turn any plot into a worthwhile adventure; Fearless Defenders #7 is just that... A worthwhile adventure. Do yourself a favor and pick it up today!

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Score: 10/10

Max Landis Death & Return of Superman Pitch

Posted by Anthony Mango - Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Max Landis, writer of the movie Chronicle, has taken to YouTube to talk about his pitch for a reboot of the DEATH AND RETURN OF SUPERMAN storyline.

It's a long view (42 minutes) of him telling you his idea for it, but if you're a fan of comics (and I bet you are, you fanboy you) then I highly suggest checking it out.

The storyline itself is a bit of an amalgam take on several different concepts and I frankly found it to be fascinating.

Go ahead and check it out:

Watch Max Landis Death and Return of Superman Pitch Short

New Avengers #8 kills off The Living Tribunal, the second most powerful character in the ENTIRE Marvel Universe.

Who is more powerful Living Tribunal One Above All Uatu Galactus Thanos Marvel Gods
His three faces couldn't see it coming

Yes, that means more powerful than Hulk, Thor, the Celestials, random concepts like Eternity and Infinity, even Thanos and Galactus. In fact, The Living Tribunal is supposed to be only eclipsed by one character in the entire multiverse of Marvel...The One-Above-All.

Jack Kirby One Above All Who is God in Marvel Universe 616
Cause, you know, the name fits

The One-Above-All is supposed to essentially be God and this guy is the next best thing, so how can someone kill him?

Is it Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet that somehow pulls out this feat?

Is it the combined power of the Celestials?

Did Black Bolt cough?

What repercussions will this have in the Marvel Universe? Some think it could lead to a reboot of Marvel comics.

Then again, others just think this is a mislead and there's no death whatsoever. Instead, we'll see another "he was in a coma" or "the Living Tribunal was actually unconscious in that scene" or "that was a hologram/impostor and not the real thing" switch-up.

What do you think is happening, and if he's truly dead, who do you think is responsible?


The Wolverine Movie Review Podcast - FA Roundtable Episode 9

Posted by Anthony Mango - Monday, July 29, 2013

Episode 9 of the monthly Fanboys Anonymous roundtable discussion meeting podcast revolves around reviewing the latest X-Men film: The Wolverine. We break down the good and the bad as well as discuss other things going on with the Wolverine character and take a look at X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Hosted by Tony Mango, the panel includes Michael Burhan, Brandon Liggan and Nikki Mills.

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Some topics we address:
  • X-Men: Days of Future Past credit scene
  • Was Viper the worst character of the movie?
  • How did Jean Grey factor into the film's worth?
  • The bullet train action sequence
You can watch the podcast below. Make sure to subscribe!

* Here is the link to the original video, which was taken down on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To63DwuKF0s

* Here is the link to the video on the backup channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCCCZVPYSIE

This episode has caused us a lot of grief as far as YouTube's policies go, but we stand by our opinions and our podcasts!

I've been experiencing a few issues with posting these videos, but I'm back now, so here's Week 5's 100 Movies in 100 Days additions.

This week differs from the previous weeks as it is a combination of live action and animated movies.


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The Green Hornet (2011)

This Is The End (2013)

Resident Evil Degeneration (2008)

The Internship(2013)

Resident Evil (2002)

Justice League Flashpoint Paradox (2013)

DareDevil (2003)

Stay tuned for more Moviefile as I will be reviewing the movie catalog of one Sly Stallone!

Turbo Movie Review Hits & Misses

Posted by Anthony Mango

Turbo, directed by David Soren, written by Darren Lemke, Robert D. Siegel and David Soren, starring Ryan Reynolds (Turbo), Paul Giamatti (Chet), Michael Peña (Tito), Samuel L. Jackson (Whiplash), Bill Hader (Guy Gagné), Luis Guzmán (Angelo), Maya Rudolph (Burn) and Snoop Dogg (Smoove Move).

Sometimes, the comic book movies and emotionally exhausting dramas just need to be put on the backburner to make room for something that seems like a lighter affair. I had this in mind when I wanted to see Turbo, almost entirely built upon the concept of "hey, that snail is cute" along with how many animated films tend to be quite good. Did it turn out that way? It's time for another REVIEWPOINT as we break down the film's hits and misses.

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As always, let's start with the bad news first.



Halfway through the film, everything stops dead. It then takes quite a while to get rolling again, almost as if it's starting from ground zero. This is annoying, because you'd like to keep the momentum going rather than come to a screeching halt. The reason they do this is to set up another problem...


I didn't like a single one of them. As mentioned, the setup for them slows the entire film down to...well...a snail's pace, and for what? Some incredibly cheap, overly stereotypical boring characters? Why did the human need to be a taco selling fat dude named Tito? How come Ken Jeong is playing an old, short Asian woman that owns a nail salon? I can't even tell you the names of the mechanics. Why they thought this was a good idea, I have no clue.


That's not to say that the humans were the only problems. With the exception of Chet (Paul Giamatti) and to an extent Whiplash (Samuel L. Jackson), I didn't really like any of the other snails outside of Turbo. Burn and Skidmark were utterly pointless as was Smoove Move, which just got annoying after a while.



Is it generic? Sure. But that doesn't mean it's a bad things. The most repetitive stories are often done so because they work and you can't blame them for going the easy route. Snails are slow, so let's make him a racer. Everything's already done for you outside of the touches here and there that you make along the way.


One of the best things about these films is how they incorporate aspects about the subjects into cute little jokes. For instance, Turbo uses a tortilla for a blanket and a sauce packet for a pillow. His eyeballs are his headlights. So on and so forth.


The big flaws come in the supporting characters, so every scene that focuses on them ends up being a drag, but the Turbo scenes themselves are entertaining enough to not make that overbearing.

Would I recommend it? Maybe. If you typically like animated films like this, you should check it out. If you're someone that has an aversion to them, avoid it. I wouldn't suggest anyone watch this as their first viewing of an animated film if they weren't used to them, as there are FAR better options out there (Toy Story for instance) but if you're looking for something light to watch, particularly to take the kids to see, go for it.

If you want to check out some more recent Reviewpoint articles: White House Down | The Lone Ranger | Man of Steel | Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox | The Wolverine

Turbo movie White Shadow snail scene
This review was done so fast you can only see it's shadow

What were your thoughts on the movie? What should the next Reviewpoint be?


Being what I consider to be in the mainstream of video games, I tend to, like everyone else, gravitate towards the most pronounced and name-branded games out on the market. Such franchises like Resident Evil and God of War have graced my consoles over the years. But once in a while I do find a game out there that many people have seemingly never heard about. and when that happens, I feel it my duty to share said gems to the world at large. such is that case with today's game, a game so obscure that not even fans of its source material know it exists. I'm talking about the Dreamcast Gem: Sword of the Berserk: Guts Rage.

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Sword of the Berserk is a video game based off of the popular Berserk manga series by Kentaro Miura, and stars a mysterious swordsman named Guts, who is accompanied by his love interest, Casca, and a tiny winged elf named Puck. If you're looking for any sort of backstory on any of these characters, You're gonna be sadly let down. See, this is one of the few problems I have with this game: The game's continuity takes place between issues of the manga, the very, very lengthy manga. In fact, the game takes place late in the manga's series. This means there's alot of backstory with these characters, as well as plot points in the game that tie into the previous manga issues, that sadly the game doesn't delve into at all. The three main characters just pop up into the main story and are given no real background say for a few throwaway lines by Puck. There are creatures such as a giant demonic gargoyle and a demon knight that pop up in the game that I think are supposed to mean something, but without any context, their appearances just leave you scratching you head as to what they matter to the overall game story. Even the main FMV that starts the game up just describes Guts sword, the Dragonslayer. We know nothing about Dragonslayer, or the tattoo on Guts's neck that seems to react around danger or something, or why Casca, one of the main characters, seems to be suffering from a condition that makes her mute and child-like in mentality., or where in God's name did this wise-cracking elf thing come from. The only saving grace is that the main story of the game itself is pretty procedural. It's its own thing independent from the main series, save for these tiny book-ends that link the two issues. There's a glossary you unlock after beating the game that tells you all the details behind everything in the game, but by then why even bother. at that point its just homework.

Now, onto the main story, which has Guts entering a small castle town ravaged by a mysterious plant called the Mandragora, which has the effect of turning people infected by it into mindless zombies. Guts is asked by the town ruler, Balzac (stop giggling) to help procure the heart of one of these creatures in order to make a cure, and in exchange he will cure Casca of her mental condition. Guts agree and starts on a journey to a neighboring village to find a Mandragoran heart and cure is love. along the way you meet up with other characters including the leader of a resistance against Balzac, where Guts learns that not everything Balzac said was the whole truth. The story even throws in the question of the nature of good and evil with the Mandragorans, and what their true nature is, that elevates it past just your standard action filler. The story is somewhat predictable, but is told well enough that it doesn't feel trite.

Speaking of story telling, there's the production, which is what really to me stands out the most in this game. The publishers of this game was Eidos via their Crystal Dynamics label, and it shows. Its obvious that the team behind the Legacy of Kain series had a hand in production because the game has that exact same level of movie-quality production that their other series has. The voice acting is top notch, and really one of the standouts of the game. Even Legacy of Kain alumnus Micheal Bell (Raziel) lends his voice as Guts. Cutscenes are shot like they were right out of a movie studio. Remember folks, this is 1999, and very few games at this point were reaching those levels of production, save for Metal Gear Solid. So seeing production this clean and high in a game is something to remark on. As are the graphics of the game, which really show what the Dreamcast could offer. In my previous Dreamcast review (Dead or Alive 2) I mentioned that that game and Soul Calibur really set the bar high for what the Dreamcast could do. This game really in terms of scope goes just as close. Areas are fully realized as opposed to the locked off levels of those fighting games, characters are solid-rendered (no cut pieces) and alot of the details are rendered out as opposed to painted on textures (although even those are top notch). the biggest stand-out in my mind are the faces, which were fully rendered and animated. Remember folks, 1999, so most games out on the market would cut corners in that regard and paint faces onto flat surfaces. To see fully rendered and animated faces on the main characters really lends alot to their performances. Sound design is done by Susumu Hirasawa, the composer from the Berserk anime, so if you are a fan of the anime, the score is lifted right from it.

As for the gameplay, I would hesitate to say that the gameplay was really ahead of its time. As stated, this came out in 1999. The PS2 was not out yet, and so we had yet to play games like Onimusha and Devil May Cry, which in my opinion set the standard for hack and slashers of that era. So to play a game that is essentially a precursor to those really is remarkable considering how little people apparently played this game. Essentially you go around hacking and slashing up enemies left and right. You have several tools at your disposal, including a rapid fire crossbow, bombs, and ninja throwing arrows. Control-wise you have the ability to hack with a quick vertical strike, or a much slower yet more effective horizontal slash. You also have a dodge and block feature, as well as a melee attack without your sword. But the main feature, and the namesake of the game itself, is Guts' Rage, where after filling up a bloodlust meter (its not really called that, but its what I like to call it) you enter an invincibility-mode that not only turns the screen blood red but also powers up your strikes to the point of being able to completely dismember your enemies with a single strike (which is not that over the top considering your normal strikes cause geysers of blood to flow from enemies) Gameplay-wise the game really stands up, albeit except for two gameplay quirks that might rear their ugly heads all too much. First, alot of the game's combat takes place in tight indoor corridors and alleyways. The problem with this is that game developer Yukes (yes the same company behind the WWE games) programmed a stun lock when you strike hard surfaces with your sword, i.e. walls. this means in battle its really easy to hit the walls and get stun locked while your enemies wale on you, especially considering how big your sword is. This means you are better off using your melee attack, which is powerfully weak and bad against groups of enemies. You have no idea how many times I have died trying to fend off a group of soldiers in a hallway because I wasn't able to use my crowd clearing horizontal slash out of fear of stun lock. Another issue is the lack of a lock-on or targeting feature. Maybe this is just a new school mindset, but I find in the heat of battle completely losing my positioning after dodging around and getting attacked from behind. this is especially the case in boss battles. Its not as game-breaking as the stun lock, but its worth mentioning.

So at the end of the day, is the game worth your time? Honestly, I would give it a shot. There arent many non-arcade Dreamcast titles that really stand out among the pack, and this one really brings alot to the table. Amazing production values boost a game whose gameplay is a bit rough, but satisfying. Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy the game enough to go out and read the manga or watch the anime. It's a win-win all around.

Grade: B

I Got Gameplay Ep 35 - Capcom

Posted by Unknown - Saturday, July 27, 2013

Episode 35 of the I Got Gameplay podcast is now online. On this episode, Michael Burhan, Shaun Walker, Travis Goss, Nikki Mills, Chris Dace, Miguel Leon, and Jeff Croop discuss Capcom from the company's hits to its misses to Dace's love and dire need to bring back Crash Bandicoot.

This episode is one you can't miss, so check it out with exclusive content on Mega Powers Radio of Dace singing the Mario Bros theme tune as Michael Bolton!

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If you'd like to join the discussion, like us on Facebook and comment on our page here: http://adf.ly/IwSfZ

You can also subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel at http://adf.ly/IwShu

The Wolverine Movie Review Hits and Misses

Posted by Anthony Mango - Friday, July 26, 2013

The Wolverine, directed by James Mangold, written by Mark Bomback and Scott Frank, starring Hugh Jackman (Logan), Tao Okamoto (Mariko), Rila Fukushima (Yukio), Hiroyuki Sanada (Shingen), Svetlana Khodchenkova (Viper) and Famke Janssen (Jean Grey).

When X-Men Origins: Wolverine turned out to be as bad as it was, the future of the X-Men franchise was in question. Particularly, how could they do a spinoff if the one that was guaranteed to succeed was met so poorly? Ever since then, there had been rumors that we'd see another solo Wolverine film and this year, we finally got one. Promised to be much better and "the Wolverine film we've all been waiting for", how does it measure up? It's time for another REVIEWPOINT as we break down the action film's hits and misses.

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As always, let's start with the bad news first.



Seriously, that's all she does this entire film. Every single scene that she's involved in is her laying down next to him. That's it. Famke must have been pissed that she had to do about 10 scenes of the exact same thing.


What a pointless character! In all honesty, I can't figure out a single purpose that she served in the film. Her powers are to be exactly like a snake (why? why does that factor in here?) and to be toxic. Okay. Maybe if Wolverine had an aversion to snakes or, I don't know, the toxin was the factor that made him temporarily lose his healing factor? Nope. Instead, it's some nanobot Matrix type squid-looking thing that does the job. They could have had any normal human implant that in him...or, if you had to make it a mutant, you could give them cooler powers and hire a better actor.


If the whole film is about how Logan loves Jean, why was there a shoehorned random romance with Mariko and Logan? If anything, it seemed like Yukio had a crush on Logan. Mariko had a failed fiance, a failed relationship with a guy that she loved from childhood, and just kind of boned Wolverine when he clearly didn't care about her. They may have had a romance in the comic, but it just didn't serve much of a purpose in this film in my opinion.



Logan kills people left and right, like he should. There are some decent action sequences that are fun, most predominantly the bullet train scene.


Midway through the credits, you see a sneak peak for X-Men: Days of Future Past in typical Marvel Cinematic Universe style (despite this not being in that line of films). Fucking awesome! I don't want to say what it is, but it was pretty damn cool.


Comic purists might be angered that the Silver Samurai is not exactly how it is in the books. There's no teleportation, it isn't Kenuichio Harada, no mutant energy. Still, I think it was an odd way of doing things that they somehow were able to pull off.


If you go into the movie expecting it to be the next Iron Man, Batman Begins, or any of those other "really good movies that just happen to be about superheroes", you'll be disappointed. However, if you go into it expecting it to just be a fun, random X-Men film, such as watching an adaptation of a one-shot graphic novel (similar to how DC does their animated films), then it'll be received better.

Would I recommend it? Overall, yes. The movie isn't going to win any Oscars, nor is it going down in history as one of the best comic book films of all time. Still, it's entertaining and it works as a continuation of the classic character's story.

If you want to check out some more recent Reviewpoint articles: White House Down | The Lone Ranger | Man of Steel | Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox

What were your thoughts on the movie? What should the next Reviewpoint be?


Marconi Union's Weightless - The Most Relaxing Song Ever?

Posted by Anthony Mango - Thursday, July 25, 2013

Have you ever felt like you needed to relax and just couldn't find that song that would help you do it? Apparently, you don't need to look any further, as a group of scientists have figured out how to make the most relaxing musical tune ever.

Marconi Union, a band of "sound therapists" are responsible for creating the song, which supposedly is even more effective at relaxing humans than things like massages, tea, bubble baths, etc.

It makes use of a 60 BPM structure that puts your brainwaves and heart rate in sync with the rhythm which is supported by low, underlying bass tones to help you slip into a deep, calm state.

I listened to this after having a headache and I have to say, it actually did take it away. Granted, that might be more of a placebo effect than anything else...or, hell, maybe the two Motrin that I took a few hours ago actually kicked in, but one way or another, I did enjoy listening to it and I figured that this was pretty interesting, so I think you should give it a shot.

You can listen to it via SoundCloud below:

What do you think? Did the song calm you down, or are there other songs that do it better for you?


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Source: Shortlist.com | Lyz Cooper, founder of the British Academy of Sound Therapy

The Dace Man Show Ep 5 - Zimmerman is Playing Spiderman

Posted by The Dace Man - Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Check out episode 5 of The Dace Man Show with special guests Michael Burhan, Dan Raup, Brian Gibson and first-timer Nikki Mills!

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Join The Dace Man this week as he tackles:

Celeb News This Week:
  • A stripper from CA who had been saving her one dollar bills over her 15 year career has won a case to retrieve the money from an officer in NJ who had confiscated it from her lackeys.
  • Amanda Bynes is exhibiting signs of schizophrenia...and medical professionals and others WILL seek a 2-week extension on her 5150 psychiatric hold so doctors can properly diagnose her.
  • Prince William and Kate Middleton are dirty secret keepers -- refusing to release the name of the future King of England...and their subjects are pissed!
  • George Zimmerman saved car crash victims
  • Law & Order star Dennis Farina passed away due to a blood clot this past Saturday.

Dennis Farina Passes Away

Sports News:

  • Ryan Braun was suspended for the rest of the season due to the Illegal Drug use allegations.
  • Aaron Rodgers writes a check with his tweet his ass cant cash.
  • Dustin Pedroia officially became the first second baseman in major league baseball to cross the $100 million threshold. With the Boston Red Sox.
  • U.S. men's national soccer team is on a roll like never before.
  • Madden Games gets sued again.

The Off the Wall topic of the week…San Diego Comic Con Announcements. Also the fan favorites The Dace Man's High 5: Comic Book Movies! and the Douche Bag of the Week presented by Brian Gibson.

Step into the Crazy Train with Chris "The Dace Man" Dace this week on The Dace Man show....queue the Final Countdown!!!

Check out The Dace Man Show live every Wednesday at 8pm EST on Mega Powers Radio. As well as all archived episodes!

If you're looking for an app that lets you control your computer via your phone, I highly recommend Winput.

I've tried about ten other ones over the course of the past few months and there hasn't been a single one that I would bother suggesting people download.

For instance, Remote Mouse was problematic when it came to three different factors. If you were to use the magnifier on your computer, it wouldn't recognize the mouse the same (ie, it wouldn't work). The right-click often wouldn't work, either, and would force the program to crash. Then again, the program would just randomly crash every so often anyway, so that shouldn't be a surprise.

Winput, however, has been on my phone for about a month now and I haven't come across a single miniscule problem with it.

Everything has been extremely responsive, it's yet to crash or have any sort of glitches, and the interface is quite nice as well:

So if you're as lazy as I am and you're looking for a way to control your computer's mouse from the couch or the bed, you can download Winput for your Android device on Google Play

What are some of your favorite apps that do things like this?


Sub Pop Record's official Tumblr page posted something interesting today, a letter sent by a college student who claims to be a mascot who hopes to have Nirvana record a special greeting for their Homecoming video.

Letter to Nirvana Virginia Tech
One could assume that perhaps this was a letter from the past that was dug up... until they start talking about posting the video to YouTube and sending it via iPhone. Where to begin? First off, why Sub Pop and not Geffen? Did Bleach suddenly become the most popular Nirvana album?

What's the more preposterous act of ignorance here? Not knowing Kurt Cobain was murdered by Courtney Love committed suicide? Or thinking Kurt Cobain would get excited about being in the company of "three famous NFL players?"

No actor will ever be quoted as saying that their favourite part of the movie making process is doing interviews to promote the film. In fact, it's not uncommon for actors to down right seclude themselves from doing it. However, Bruce Willis takes it to new levels while on an interview alongside co-star Mary-Louise Parker with Magic 105.4's entertainment reporter Jamie Edwards. While Jamie just tries to do his job and ask his guests about their upcoming release Red 2, Willis turns into too-cool-for-school mode and begins sarcastically insulting the reporter by the end. Seriously, what's this guys deal?

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Someone has to die in the upcoming sequel to Thor, entitled Thor: The Dark World...but who should that be?

First off, you might be thinking "WHY does somebody have to die?" It's because the stakes need to be raised and Thor has far too many peripheral characters NOT for someone to be killed off to do so.

Think about it. We have Thor, Odin, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, Lady Sif, Loki, Frigga, Heimdall, Jane, Dr. Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis as well as possible influence from S.H.I.E.L.D. and even more potential crossovers. That's far too many, and they didn't even introduce Balder or Beta Ray Bill (though c'mon, if they do the latter, that'd be ridiculous). Speculation has been (for some reason) that Thor will lose his hand in battle, but I prefer to think that a character or two will die...and I'm hoping it's even more than two.

I'd love to see all of the humans die, particularly Erik Selvig. What purpose does he serve, now? I don't want to see him eating up any more screen time like he did with Avengers (which should have been Hank Pym's spot!). Jane Foster can die and give Natalie Portman a way out, or perhaps she can just leave with Darcy and not return in the third film of the franchise. We still have Sif that we can use as a romantic interest and she's more than capable to carry that load, considering their relationship in the comics.

Now, Earth shouldn't be the only ones to lose someone. In fact, if you want to bridge the worlds, making Thor feel like he lost someone on both grounds, someone has to die from Asgard. That person needs to be Frigga, who is essentially pointless. Plus, if Odin were to die, then Thor would need to become king, and that shouldn't happen until the third film's Ragnarok. Loki and Thor can still lose their mother and it would be a huge blow.

I'm not in favor of killing someone for the sake of killing them in every movie, but this is one wherein I think a death needs to happen. There are too many sacrificial lambs, too many opportunities to kill them off, and too much that could be gained by it to ignore.

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Reviewing Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox Hits & Misses

Posted by Anthony Mango - Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, directed by Jay Oliva, written by Geoff Johns, James Krieg, and Andy Kubert. Starring Justin Chambers (The Flash), Michael B. Jordan (Cyborg), Kevin McKidd (Flashpoint Batman), Kevin Conroy (Batman), Sam Daly (Superman), Dana Delany (Lois Lane), Jennifer Hale (Iris West), Ron Perlman (Deathstroke), Nathan Fillion (Green Lantern), Cary Elwes (Aquaman) and C. Thomas Howell (Reverse-Flash).

The latest in the long line of DC animated films follows the trend of keeping Batman or Superman involved, but branches off a bit more to be focused quite a bit more on The Flash instead. For the most part, these movies have been entertaining to me, but I don't consider them particularly great, so how does this one pan out? It's time for another REVIEWPOINT as we break down the action film's hits and misses.

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As always, let's start with the bad news first.



Seriously, why is Cyborg the top priority at DC right now? They're shoving him down everyone's throats. I understand that they want to diversify and I have no problems with that, but come on. It's blatantly obvious how badly they want him to catch on by just how much he's being shoehorned into things. Has there been a single DC venture that hasn't featured Cyborg lately? They're making him a member of the Justice League, he's in every animated film, the Injustice video game, etc. Give me a break. What happened to Steel, Martian Manhunter (I know he's not black, but his human disguise should be), Mr. Terrific, etc?


Shouldn't he be something like 30 years older than Bruce? You mean to tell me this guy who was a doctor suddenly became Batman, learned how to fight, become a detective, a scientist in other realms, and so forth...and he can do all this when he's something like 60 years old?


Something that DC tends to do in a lot of their animated takes is draw the characters to look out of proportion and with weird features such as giant chins, weird lips, beady little eyes, or bodies that are so oddly shaped and muscular that these top-heavy people would fall over in an instant? Shit, look at Superman here with his bulging body and tiny little head:

Watch Justice League Flashpoint Paradox Movie Online
This is an even uglier design than the one in All Star Superman


Any time you have Kevin Conroy, Tim/Sam Daly (or George Newbern), and Dana Delany back voicing Batman, Superman and Lois Lane, I'll enjoy at least that. Those voices are just so immensely tied to the characters that I can't escape them, and if I hear something else, it just doesn't sound right to me.


While I find these two to be boring and bland for the most part, I liked the idea of having the two worlds feuding with each other as the war. When it comes to the core Justice League (and no, I'm not looking at you, Cyborg), I consider these two to be the two most likely to do something like this. Batman never would, Flash never would, Superman is about 50/50, Green Lantern for the most part doesn't fit the mold unless he's under the Parallax situation, but both Wonder Woman and Aquaman have these attitudes that would fit this scenario.


For some people, they think Batman should be this emotionless psycho who is just on a warpath for crime and completely shuts himself off from the world. To me, it should be the opposite. Batman is the persona he puts on in front of everyone, even himself as often as he can, as a protective shield for his emotions. Bruce finds it hard to let his guard down because he's afraid of being hurt again, as on the inside, he's still fueled by the death of his parents. Having Bruce cry reading the letter from his father is exactly what I was hoping would happen and I'm so glad they added that in there. The comics need to do stuff like that more often and show that instead of just redeeming villains, there's a chance you can redeem heroes as well.


This isn't as bad as Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, All-Star Superman, Superman vs. The Elite, or Superman: Unbound, but it isn't as entertaining as Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, Batman: Under the Red Hood, Justice League: Doom or Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. It suffers from the same problems as nearly all of the other ones, but hey, I'd rather see them pump these out than to stop, especially considering how they can't seem to get their live action universe going for the life of them.

Would I recommend it? Only for true comic book fans to watch when they're bored as something to do. I'd never recommend it to someone as an actual movie and give them the impression that it's The Godfather or anything.

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If you want to check out some more recent Reviewpoint articles: White House Down | The Lone Ranger | Man of Steel

What were your thoughts on the movie? What should the next Reviewpoint be?

Leave us a comment below!

White House Down, directed by Roland Emmerich, written by James Vanderbilt, starring Channing Tatum (John Cale), Jamie Foxx (President James Sawyer), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Carol Finnerty), Jason Clarke (Emil Stenz) and James Woods (Martin Walker).

I've been watching a string of disappointing movies, from The Lone Ranger to the two Grown Ups films and G.I. Joe Retaliation and even Man of Steel, so when it came to White House Down, I was desperately hoping for something I'd enjoy. Thankfully, that was just the case. It's time for another REVIEWPOINT as we break down the action film's hits and misses.

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As always, let's start with the bad news first.



One of the main plot points of this film is that John Cale's daughter, Emily, is amongst those held captive at the White House. I'm virtually never a fan of kids in movies and television shows, as they're typically written to be obnoxious little brats that can save the day despite how for most of the story, they're complete idiots. This is no exception. Emily is bitchy to her father who is doing the best he can and a total dork. I know why she's in the film as far as structurally, but every scene with her made me wish it would end so we could get back to the entertaining things.


I see why Emily is the way she is. Her mother is annoying as well.



These two work extremely well together. In buddy films, this is an absolute must, and there's no flaw on this side of White House Down. I'd like to see the two of them work on another film in the future....possibly White House Down 2?


When you can get me to legitimately laugh out loud at something that you've put there to be intentionally funny, I naturally have to give props. Nothing is worse than when a film is trying to be funny and wants to beat you over the head with something in the hopes that you laugh, but nothing is better than when it just simply does its job and actually IS funny when intended.


Of course, the focal point of this film is the action, and this delivers throughout. There are instances where the fighting is pretty gritty and realistic, but then there are other times when the gloves are off and it's time to just have some fun. Sometimes, you need that break where you can watch the President of the United States drive around in a limo with a rocket launcher on the White House lawn.


A lot of action films take the cheap way out. This could have easily been about terrorists just trying to kill the President or about a ransom, but instead, each and every villain was given a motive that would fit them. Whether it be glory, revenge, politics, the aforementioned money, things lined up nicely when you find out just how these people from opposite ends of the spectrum got together to concoct such a plot.


He was the man. I would have liked more scenes with him, as ridiculous as he was.


Is this going to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards? By no means. However, this is exactly the type of film that it claims to be. It's fun, entertaining, popcorn escapism and exactly what movies need to be once in a while. If everything was doom and gloom with people wailing about their emotions, life would suck, wouldn't it? But the key factor here is that this did not fall under the traps that most other films do. Many movies—particularly under the action, horror, and comedy genres—get so swept up in being the opposite that they just turn out to be garbage. They have random explosions, no real plot, horrible acting (and so on and so forth). White House Down is able to fire on all cylinders and come out as a breath of fresh air.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely, especially if you're in the mood to just sit back and watch some action. Just stay away if you're the type of person that only likes indie films, foreign films, or anything else with a pretentious attitude.

Batman/Superman Villains Speculation - Lex Luthor & Metallo?

Posted by Anthony Mango - Monday, July 22, 2013

Now that the Man of Steel sequel has been announced as a Batman / Superman crossover, speculation has begun on everything from "who will play Batman" to "what will the storyline be" and everything in between, so I figured I would throw my ideas around for just how I think this will go.

Obviously, they need to build upon the previous film. Superman is still not gold with the public. Metropolis and Smallville were SEVERELY ruined with Zod's invasion. There needs to be repercussions of this.

Stepping in to clean up a lot of the mess is Lex Luthor, a billionaire mogul who has his hands in every pot from philanthropic ventures to weapons manufacturing deals with the government. In true Luthor format, Lex is also very jealous of Superman. After all, Lex Luthor was the big man on the scene before he came along and now, nobody is talking about him anymore. Suddenly, the top of all mankind is no longer good enough when there's a SUPERman on Earth.

Another person helping to clean things up is Bruce Wayne, a competitor of Luthor's who, obviously, is already established as Batman - though Batman is more of a myth going around at this point. This version of Bruce needs to be more like the Bruce Timm animated series version, wherein not everything is incredibly realistic and gritty. He needs to be more of the Bat-God, in a way: ridiculously awesome physical prowess as well as an intellect that is unmatched by nearly everyone (except possibly Lex Luthor, of course).

Batman will be looking into Superman as well, trying to analyze the threat potential. Can he trust this guy, or is this something he's going to have to take care of?

Something else we need to establish is Kryptonite. Now that Emil Hamilton is dead (WTF, Snyder) we're left to Luthor and Batman as the only two people that should really be examining the stuff. Kryptonite needs to be big in this, for two primary reasons.

The first of which is the supporting villain, Metallo. John Corben can be introduced as a member of the military that was wounded in Zod's invasion and, as expected, has a bit of a grudge against Superman for it. Who steps in to make him Metallo? Why, none other than Lex Luthor - weapons manufacturer that has been working on an attempt to make a legitimate Man of Steel (ahem.....that's why the first movie should have been called Last Son of Krypton, and been about Brainiac instead of Zod...). Kryptonite powers his heart, as we all know. This gives Superman someone to fight who poses a big threat.

Luthor is the primary villain for Batman, in turn, for the final fight. Earlier on in the movie, you need to have Batman in an confrontation with Superman where Kryptonite comes into play, but at the end of the film, there's a trust built between the two that calls for Superman giving the Kryptonite ring to Bruce. If anyone is going to take down a rogue Superman, it's going to be Batman.

What do you guys think? Do you like this situation or are you up for something else? Is this how you imagine the film will pan out?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Spoilers for Batman/Superman Film Title World's Finest New Logo
Here's hoping they change the logo as this is one ugly Bat Symbol

Comic-Con 2013 has given us some more information on season 2 of the CW television series Arrow.

  • The Black Canary story will start to be told, but it may not necessarily start with Laurel Lance. I still think they should have named her Dinah, like...you know...her character should be?
  • Roy Harper will be put through his own trials and tests to becoming Red Arrow (or Arsenal...they haven't really said)
  • We'll start to see a transition from "The Hood" to "The Arrow" and then "Green Arrow"
  • Brother Blood will be on this season, played by Kevin Alejandro
  • Not only will Bronze Tiger be on this show (played by Michael Jai White) but he'll also be part of the Suicide Squad. One would assume that Deadshot will be on this team as well.
  • Felicity will start to make the Arrow Cave a bit more decked out
In other news, the character of Diggle has become popular enough that they've decided to toss him into the comics and make him an official member of the Green Arrow mythos. Although I would have rather had him die in season 1 than Tommy (who was in my opinion, EASILY the best part of this show, far above and beyond anything else), I can see why they're going to include him. The question is, how? Will he be the actual character in the show or will they mess around with it like Chloe Sullivan's introduction into the comics?

What are your thoughts on these reveals for season 2? Are you excited about the new season?

Let us know what you think in the comments below!

For now, check out this sneak peak at season 2:

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The title to the Avengers sequel has been revealed as AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON.

My first reaction? Awesome! My second reaction? Wait...what?

Joss Whedon has said that both there won't be Hank Pym in this film and that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will have a big role, which means I'm utterly confused.

First off, when it comes to the Maximoff siblings, I've always thought it was a stupid idea to bring them on board. Granted, I don't know how they're doing this, so they might have a legitimate way to do it, but I'm starting to get the impression that I did when Spider-Man 3 came around.

And before you say it...no...I don't mean "there are too many characters". Spider-Man 3 was a fault NOT because they added Venom into it (as Nolan's films have proven that you can have lots of characters and still do a good job), but more so because Sam Raimi let his inner fanboy out and forced Sandman into it just because he liked him. I'm fearful that Joss Whedon just might be a fan of Pietro and Wanda and shoehorned them into the film for that reason.

What purpose could they possibly have in this movie, particularly if Ultron is the villain? The only connection is a huge stretch, with Vision (Vin Diesel?) being the romantic interest for Scarlet Witch. Surely, we're not going to cram an entire origin story for Ultron AND Vision AND the Maximoffs into one movie that also has Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, potentially the Guardians of the Galaxy, SHIELD, etc?
 As far as the Hank Pym situation, I just can't help but feel that they messed up in terms of scheduling. Why is Guardians of the Galaxy a part of Phase 2 if Thanos isn't the villain in Avengers 2, but #3...meanwhile, Ant-Man is in Phase 3, but not 2? Wouldn't it make more sense to include Ant-Man in Phase 2 and build towards Ultron that way, then include Guardians of the Galaxy in Phase 3 to ramp up to Thanos?

My guess is, they're altering the storyline and making it so Tony Stark is the creator of Ultron. After quitting the Iron Man game, he could very well spend his time trying to make a replacement Iron Man for SHIELD using Jarvis as a template.

There has also been talk that Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the biggest lynchpin to bringing Avengers: Age of Ultron plot elements to screen, which has me confused as well. Iron Man 3 could theoretically lead to the scenario I mentioned above, but where would the other films? Guardians of the Galaxy has nothing to do with Ultron. The Winter Soldier is a political thriller starring villains that are a mercenary and a brainwashed soldier. Thor: The Dark World is TOTALLY not about Ultron.

Does Marvel really have this all planned out and well? Do they know what they're doing, or are they setting themselves up for failure like when they thought people would love the Mandarin twist? How do you think Ultron is going to fit into this series? What about Pym? Guardians of the Galaxy? Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch??

Tell us your ideas in the comments!

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Big news coming from Comic-Con. A new BATMAN/SUPERMAN crossover film is finally coming to fruition through the vision of Zack Snyder and David S. Goyer.

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This, my friends, is a good thing. As I have stated time and time again, in order for a Justice League movie to happen, DC needs to expand its universe. What better way to do this than to give the fans what they want with a World's Finest movie?

Since it's announcement, the internet has been ablaze with rumors circulating on who will play the new Batman and much skepticism as to what role the Dark Knight will have in this new movie. Will he come out the dominant winner? I have recently released a video debunking all these rumors and the fact that I feel that this movie will be a clear team-up instead of a direct confrontation and a fight to the finish.

Remember guys, DC are here to build the universe, not shatter it. By having this movie made, they will do something that hasn't been done before: bring the two biggest characters in their arsenal together and make one Hell of a movie.

Do you agree? Disagree?

Leave a comment and remember to stay tuned to Fanboys Anonymous for more on the World Finest and Comic-Con!

Episode 34 of the I Got Gameplay podcast is now online. On this episode Michael Burhan, Shaun Walker, Mike Paden, and Jeff Croop discuss Gaming Sidekicks, from the good to the bad and the unhelpful. The group breaks down the characters, their strengths and their weaknesses, and why playing with the AI is worse than playing with a second player.

The hosts will also be highlighting the sidekicks that annoy them the most. An amazing not-to-miss show, exclusively on Mega Powers radio!.

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San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive: World of WarCraft Movie

Posted by The Dace Man - Saturday, July 20, 2013

Trailer for World of WarCraftMovie
That's right Fanboys you are reading the title correctly. A World of WarCraft movie is in the works. Live at the San Diego Comic-Con during the Warner Bros and Legendary panel, a brief clip was shown featuring a knight drawing his sword and picking up a shield from a skeleton. The camera then follows creatures coming over the hills and pans in on an Orc who is picking up speed. Just as the Orc's blade comes down, the clip cuts to to the WORLD OF WARCRAFT logo! Fanboys who have spent days upon days of raiding rejoice...your big screen moment has arrived! Duncan Jones then came out briefly after the clip and alerted fans this was simply a "mood piece" and shooting will begin early next year. Finally, for those of you wondering...yes it is live-action.

Check back regularly to see what The Dace Man is up to and stay tuned for more updates on this year's San Diego Comic-Con.

So for The Few, The Proud, and of course The Dacetacular...grab a beer (or in this case, your war hammers and yell LERRRRRROOOOOYYYY JENKIIIIINS.)—and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. Later Nerds!

90's Kid Presents: Pokemon Special

Posted by Miguel Leon

Pokemon.........nuff said.

That's all you need. If you grew up in the 90's, chances are you just smiled at the sight of that first word. Pokemon hit the scene in 1998 in America, and seemingly would go on to rule the world from 1998 (or 1996 if you lived in Japan) into the 2000s and today. From games to movies, from cards to toys, to everything in between. Pokemon may not be as massive as it once was, but its still going strong with its upcoming release of X and Y on the Nintendo 3DS. There have been numerous entries in the Pokemon series, as well as several spin-offs of the franchise formula. Some are worth a place in video game history along side its namesake, while others don't have much to speak of. today, I talk about two early branches in the Pokemon series. So grab your Pokemon Pikachu, start humming the Poke-Rap, and strap in, because we talk Pokemon.

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The first title on our Pokemon Special is Pokemon Pinball for the Gameboy in 1999, an entry that actually feels right in the series. Considering one of the symblos for the series is a pokeball, it would make sense that they would utilize that for some kind of ball-based game. Even so, it seems like easy pickings to take pokemon and transfer it to a Pinball game. Hell, most Pinball games are just the game of pinball with franchise paraphernalia decals slapped onto them. Instant money, right? Well, to the game's credit, the developers at Jupiter (the developers behind the Gameboy camera, and more recently Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the Gameboy Advance) actually managed to fuse both the essence of Pokemon with the simplicity of Pinball. The gameplay is simple: you start by picking one of two colored boards (either Red or Blue, with both playing completely different). From there, you choose from a random selection of towns such as Cerulean City, Viridian Forest, and depending on which board you choose, board specific towns like Lavender Town and Mt. Moon. From there it plays like any normal pinball game of knocking your ball into bumpers and other board obstacles to win points all the while keeping your ball from falling into the pit. Lose enough balls, and the game is over. But, hidden among the surface is the real meat and potatoes of gameplay.

In each level your tasked to catch pokemon. you do this by looping your ball around the board in a certain direction and entering a catch pit that triggers a cath game. In this game your tasked with hitting specific bumpers to reveal chunks of a blocked out picture of a pokemon. Once the picture and the pokemon's identity is revealed, you catch said pokemon by bumping your ball into said pokemon on screen until the word catch is spelled and he gets caught in the ball. It sounds alot more complicated spelled out like that, but trust me, its alot easier than it sounds. From there you can travel to other towns by hitting special bumpers enough times to open a travel pipe. Travel enough times and you can even reach more advance towns like the Safari Zone and Cinnabar Island, even going so far as to finally reach the Indigo Plateau. Each new area has a different assortment of pokemon for you to collect, and you even have the ability to evolve pokemon similar to how you catch them, except instead of hitting bumpers you hit exp. charms scattered around the board (or in certain cases, evolution stones). All of this also gets charted into your own Pokedex, where catching them all is the name of the game. Failure to catch or evolve a pokemon leads to a silhouette of said pokemon. Finally there's the biggest feature to the game: the rumble pack. Built into the game's massive black cartridge is a tiny rumble motor that vibrates based on the action on screen. Hit a bumper, you get a tiny buzz, save your pokeball with a Pikachu kickback, and your whole game rumbles. Its a neat feature, though I dare you to find someone who still has the little door that houses the single AAA battery used to power it.

All in all the game really stands above itself. This could have easily just been Pokemon-themed Pinball, but the developers really blended the core of pokemon into a pretty bare format. It still feels like a Pokemon game, and really brings more to the gameplay than just trying to rack up that 5 billion score. It has alot of replay value to it, and really very few faults. If there is one nit-pick I have, its that the design for the red board was clearly made for form rather than function, as while it looks neat, trying to get the ball into certain tunnels is impossible without perfect mastery of ball physics. Its frustrating, but I'm sure with enough practice, you'll get the hang of it.

Grade: B

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Next we come to probably the biggest game in the Pokemon series outside of the main franchise, 2000's Pokemon Stadium. Sure, 1999's Pokemon Snap was a neat little diversion, but this was the game fans had been dying for; a full fledged 3D Pokemon game on the consoles. I remember once at a Pokemon Expo the year before the game came out entering in a Pokemon game tournament in hopes of winning a chance to play a demo of the game in private. It was a huge deal, and I'm sure anyone who was a fan of the series had a copy of this in their N64 (hell, at one point I had two copies, don't ask). So it had been years since I had played this game, so I was eager to dust off my old copy of Pokemon Blue (which surprisingly after all these years still has my old file on it) and go through memory lane. Unfortunately years of rose tinting has left memory lane looking less like the autoban and more like a dirt road through the forest. This review is probably not gonna net me any new fans, but I'm just gonna say it: Pokemon stadium is not a good game.

Lets rattle off the biggest complaint I have with the game, and really the biggest I have had with the series in general: Its been a solid 15 years since the first Pokemon Games were released in the US, and yet we still have yet to see a full fledged console release of a true Pokemon game. Sure, we had two attempts on the Gamecube with Pokemon Colosseum with its "Shadow Pokemon" concept as well as the slightly more fleshed out Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. But both of those changed the make-up of the series so much that I honestly don't consider them full fledged entries in the series. Maybe you could argue that the N64 at the time was not powerful enough to handle a game that big, but by now the tech is so advanced that its almost come full circle multiple times. Nintendo should really stop dragging their feet and give the fans the experience they have been dying for. But I digress.

Anyway, back to Pokemon Stadium. So this game was not the big console port that we were all hoping for. What we got instead was a battle simulator. The biggest selling point is that you could use the packaged-in Transfer pak to connect your copy of Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow to the game and upload your own pokemon to Pokemon Stadium. From there, the core of Pokemon Stadium is that you can battle your pokemon from the game on the big screen in fully rendered 3D. And to its credit, the pokemon look really good. From a technical aspect, the game is actually very nice. The menus look hand-painted and cartoony, and the sound is nice and upbeat, with all the familiar tunes from the games fully realized in surround sound. All the pokemon look great in 3D, although one gripe I will give is that it would have been neat to have their voices match the TV show instead of the poorly digitized growls from the game. Although I will say this: if you have Pokemon Yellow, your Pikachu does retain its voice like the TV show, which is a nice touch. No, my biggest issue with the game is the severe lack of gameplay, even with all that you supposedly can do.

Lets start with the actual Pokemon Stadium, which is where the main focus seems to be. In this, you have your choice of 4 different cups you can sign up for: Poke Cup, Petite Cup, Pika Cup, and Prime Cup. All 4 cups consist of 8 fights each going 3 on 3 Pokemon involved, with Poke and Prime Cups having 4 levels of growing difficulty before claiming the cups themselves. Now, on the surface this seems fine, until you realize how limited the cups really are. Pia Cup is for pokemon between levels 15 and 20. Thats fine if you just started the game and want to use your pokemon. Poke Cup uses Pokemon that are 50-55, which having played the game, by the time I got to those levels I was already done with the main game, so in order to even have a chance with my own pokemon, I had to play the entire main game. Then there's Prime cup, which is all level 100 (GTFO with that, and not a one of you bring up the rare candy glitch). And finally there's Petite Cup, which has some of the weirdest guidelines I have ever heard. Ok, so your level limits are 25-30, which is fine. Except, your limited to only un-evolved pokemon that are under a height of 6'8", and less than 44lbs, and no combination of the 3 pokemon chosen in the battle can combine to make 80lbs. Putting that into perspective, only 45 of the 150 pokemon in the game fit those qualifications. Why freaking bother. And there in lay my biggest issues with the game, I had forgotten just how restrictive the rules of the cups were. And for all that, what do you really get from beating the stadium cups? Nothing. Seriously, there's no big prize at the end of beating all 10 cups aside from a battle against Mewtwo, and thats only after also beating the next aspect we will be talking about. And even after that, you're biggest prize is getting to do all that again in "Round 2". There's nothing gained from what is essentially the most important mode in the game. Hell, you could have at least attached a real story to all this or something to work towards.

Then there's the Gym Leader Castle, which unlike the stadium, actually is where the game kinda starts to feel like its namesake. Here you use your Pokemon to fight up the ranks of the Gym Leaders to finally reach the Elite Four. At least I will give the game credit in that you do gain something out of beating Gym Leader Castle. You get a random Pokemon from a selection of 8 (The 3 starters, the two fossil pokemon, the two hitmons, and Eevee.) Once again, the levels are locked way too high, this time at 50 and up (although the game does conform to the highest leveled pokemon you have over 50). Like i said, its hard to get into it the right way when you basically have to have beaten the entire main game to enter. Rounding out the last of the play types is Free Battle, which is a free for all area where you can play against another player with any rules you like. Next is the GB Tower where you can play your Pokemon games like you would with the old fashioned Super Gameboy for the SNES. Its a neat feature, especially if you wanted some spur of the moment leveling for the cups, but its not that impressive over time. Also there's the Pokemon Lab. which is like Professor Oak's lab, where you can sort your in game items, research your pokedex, and transfer pokemon to your Pokemon stadium cart (which they are stuck in after that). Last but not least is the Kids club, which is my favorite aspect of the game. This is where you can play several mini-games centered around certain pokemon. There's a sushi-eating competition with Lickitungs, Simon Says with Clefairy, ring toss using Ekans and Digglets, among other unique ideas. This is actually where alot of your party time might wind up after all the battles, and really I would not have been adverse to a Pokemon-themed Mario Party clone like this.

To sum up my biggest problem with the game, I don't consider it an actual game. After going through a few fights and maybe trying your luck against Gym Leader Castle, what else is there? I can maybe understand back then when pokemon was everywhere, but even then the battles get boring, especially since like I said, you dont gain anything in terms of EXP or items. Honestly I got more enjoyment out of the minigames more than the actual meat of the game. If you are a die-hard pokemon fan that plays constantly, I can see you getting alot out of this even today. Otherwise, I would honestly skip this, especially since the sequel brought a little more to the deal.

Grade: D