January 2014 | Fanboys Anonymous

Facebook Turns 10: How Much Time Have You Wasted?

Posted by Unknown - Friday, January 31, 2014

On Feb. 4, Facebook will celebrate it's tenth birthday. After it was created in a Harvard University dorm room by Mark Zuckerberg and his friends, TheFacebook.com forever changed the landscape of social media, how breaking news is shared and how companies and businesses promote their products.

Over the past decade, Facebook has undergone a plethora of changes including dropping its "The" from the domain name to make it simply "Facebook.com," and several layout changes that have further enhanced the social media experience.

But have you ever wondered how much time you've actually wasted skimming your News Feed, updating your status, uploading photos and liking pages? This "Facebook Time Machine" can calculate the number of days, hours and minutes you've spent on Facebook based on your estimated daily usage and the number of posts since you first joined.

How much time have you lost on Facebook in a decade

Since it's launch in 2004, Facebook has gained 1.23 billion users around the world and has a net worth of around $135 billion, according to Business Week.

Even though Facebook users have complained about the changes to the layout of the social website, Zuckerberg has unveiled his future initiatives that will span over the next decade, Business Today reported.

His plans include highly personalized targeted ads in News Feeds, standalone apps like Facebook Messenger and Instagram that will deliver unique experiences, Search Graphs and cheaper, more functional devices and data centers. He also plans on bringing Internet access to the two-thirds of people throughout the world who are not connected.

In 2012, Facebook bought the popular photo-sharing app, Instagram, for $1 billion and put itself ahead of its online competitors such as Twitter and Tumblr.

Zuckerberg told Business Week that companies often lose their way during major transitions. "We're really at this point where we can take a step back and think about the next big things that we want to do," Zuckerberg said.

Hitting another milestone, the internet entrepreneur turns 30 this year.

Let us know how many days you've wasted on Facebook in the comment section below.

The Internet is about to break in half. Casting news came out today for the upcoming Superman vs. Batman vs. Wonder Woman epic (I can't wait until they name this damn movie), and I don't think any of us saw these names coming!

Zack Snyder DC Warner Bros.
Rick Moranis as Steve Trevor!.....just kidding.
Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network) has been officially cast as Superman's greatest enemy, Lex Luthor. Meanwhile, Jeremy Irons, the voice of Scar from The Lion King and Simon Gruber from Die Hard with a Vengeance, will replace Michael Caine in our hearts as the new Alfred Pennyworth.

Details on the plot of this film are nothing but speculation, as the script is still being written by Chris Terrio. The screenplay is by David S. Goyer, who has a fairly respected track record, but hopes for this film are all over the map.
Superman Batman Wonder Woman movie details

Officially, the film is a sequel to the awkwardly received Man of Steel movie but is being used as a launchpad for DC's plans to match Marvel's screen success. The fear (or understanding?) that Superman can barely hold a movie on his own is making this film become a larger spectacle than is needed. The story has been said to include multiple superheroes in either cameos or end-credit sequences, all to set up an eventual Justice League movie. Names being thrown around are Aquaman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and The Flash. Those last two have TV series now, and DC/WB hopes to eventually tie their TV products in with the big-screen ones, expanding a fan's viewing options. Much like Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D will feature characters from the movies, DC hopes to make this take on the genre their own, unique brand.

Lion King actor joins Batman vs. Superman vs. Wonder Woman
As a sequel, the film will very likely rely heavily on Superman and Clark Kent's story. As such, the film includes Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, and Diane Lane reprising their roles from that film. Ben Affleck has been controversially cast as Batman, and Gal Gadot has also been controversially cast as Wonder Woman. The movie is looking to be a large cast of some respectable actors taking on some difficult roles in the terms of shoes to fill.

So, Fanboys and Fangirls…what do you think? These two actors are extremely strong choices that I don't think anybody was expecting. Is Eisenberg old enough or devious enough to pull off playing Lex? Will he shave his head and have a wig like Gene Hackman did? Is Jeremy Irons friendly enough to pull off Alfred? He certainly has the potential with that soft, smooth voice of his, but has he played too many villains to turn us around?

Void Star Studios battlemat promo
Of the various sorts of battlemats employed in recent editions of Dungeons & Dragons and similar miniatures-based games, Tact-Tiles may have been the most popular and well respected. Indeed, my 3e D&D game’s dungeon master swore by them! Manufactured by BC Products, these modular, hard plastic, dry-erase tiles are loved by players and referees alike. They’re resilient, portable, easy to reconfigure during play, and clean off nicely after the game. However, their high quality came with a high price tag—more than $40 for a set—and the price has risen considerably on the secondhand market ever since the product was discontinued in 2007.

Now, role-playing game publisher Void Star Studios—developers of Strands of Fate, Strands of Power, and Nova Praxis—have announced their purchase of the rights to Tact-Tiles and their intention to launch a Kickstarter to fund a new production run.

From their website:
“Void Star Studios, Inc. has acquired the rights, processes, vendors and original mold for Tact-Tiles! And the original creators of the Tact-Tiles are working with us as advisors.

“These aren't some cheap knock-offs. These are the real deal, tweaked to improve the manufacturing process to insure we can bring them to you at an affordable price.

“Our intent is to make this new run of Tact-Tiles 100% compatible with the original Tact-Tiles from BC Products, and to insure these are of even better quality.

“Tact-Tiles are highly portable, rigid, thick plastic, dry-erase, gaming tiles. No more erasing the mat and starting over when the PCs run off the edge! And no more fussing with a rolled up mat!”
D&D miniatures playing grid
This is great news to anyone running Pathfinder, a miniatures-oriented D&D game, or any other game where a battlemat comes in handy. If you missed out on Tact-Tiles seven years ago—or if your set is worn out, misplaced, eaten by grues, etc.—now’s your chance to pick some up at a reasonable price, rather than the extortionate cost of an original set on eBay. I’m going to keep an eye out for the Kickstarter myself, and maybe pick up a copy for my own Basic/Expert D&D campaign.

If you use a battlemat, or another grid or terrain system such as Dwarven Forge, please share your experiences with it in the comments below!

2000AD's Dredd Sequel A Phenomenal Success

Posted by Fellonius Munch

It would have saved us all the trouble of petitioning and trolling for almost two years if you would have just made a movie sequel, Universal!

2012 Karl Urban Judge Dredd movie petitions sequel
"Rookie, you ready? You look ready!"
In both the United States and the United Kingdom, Dredd: Underbelly, 2000AD's official comic book sequel to the Karl Urban/Olivia Thirlby movie Dredd, sold out completely in just two days. According to news sources, Dredd: Underbelly left the shelves before they even got there, in almost exactly 48 hours, calling for mass reprints and redistribution of the comic.

2000AD comic book sequel to the 2012 movie Dredd sells out in 48 hours
Defense noted.
Also set to be one of 2000AD's most downloaded digital format comics ever, it will be available once again through Diamond Distribution, with a new and exclusive cover by Dredd's film artist Jock. Notably, this is the first time British comic legend 2000AD has produced comics for the United States. That's great news, since the petition for a Dredd movie sequel now stands around the 92,000 mark, and it's about to get even higher…

2012 Dredd movie sequel petition nears 100,000 signatures.
What's the price of admission multiplied by 100,000, Universal?
Sound off, Fanboys! Surely Universal is clever enough to see the clear opportunity for success here? Comments below and thanks for reading!

I thought about tabbing out the bass line to the intro of Seinfeld as the first paragraph, but that is a very geeky thing to do—even out-geeking some of Fanboys Anonymous's repertoire of staff nerds. Regardless, if you were born anytime before 1988 or so, you probably watched Seinfeld on TV, even if the adult-oriented jokes didn't make much sense to you in your preteen years, or maybe you got into the reruns, in which case you are one of us.

seinfeld cast reunion michael richards jason alexander julia louis dreyfus jerry seinfeld
If you don't really know what Seinfeld is, then I'll spare you the humiliation as you dig your dub-step, Twitter, iPhone-Starbucks afternoon. Speaking of social networks and gossips, something Seinfeld-ish comes our way in the form of some sort of reunion.

Regardless of any speculation or educated guess as to what this Seinfeld reunion might be like, at least we'll get something new from the show about nothing. Jerry Seinfeld confirmed on WFAN's Boomer and Carton show this Thursday morning that his latest project—with Jason Alexander (George Costanza), Seinfeld producer Larry David, and himself—is indeed related to the seminal NBC series that shaped '90s humor.

It is more likely to be a one-off episode, or possibly "webisodes" of sorts, but nothing like a full season in the mold of a comeback like Arrested Development. Whatever the case, fans are anxious to see what comes of it. If Michael Richards and Julia Louis-Dreyfus are on board, it'll be one for the books. These pretzels are making me thirsty!

Who is a fan? What was the first Seinfeld episode you ever saw? Happy with the possibility of something new on the way? Comment or no soup for you!

Seinfeld michael richards painting the kramer

It seems like it was only yesterday that I was talking about the news that Robert Rodriguez's From Dusk Till Dawn was going to be made into a cable network series for his very own station, El Rey Network!

From Dusk Till Dawn Nude scene Salma Hayek bikini strip club

I can even honestly say that I wasn't sure if this was a good idea, despite the Machete and Sin City director never having seemed to make a bad decision in his life. But my doubts were blown away with the debut of the show's trailer, which I have right here for you...

The series sees Seth and Richie Gecko (DJ Cotrona and Zane Holtz), two violent armed robbers looking to escape the law, not to mention Texas, after a heist claims lives. On their trail is Texas Ranger Earl McGraw (Don Johnson). As the two brothers attempt to cross the border, they run into—and take hostage—a retired minister (Robert Patrick) and his family. Instead of serving as a prequel to the 1995 movie, the series takes place over the course of the film's events, but it flows more like a novel in that it doesn't rush from beginning to end.

From Dusk Till Dawn may very likely jump from the cable network and onto screens everywhere this year, especially if it's as good as it looks. But for now, it debuts on the El Rey Network on March 11th!

So sound off, fanboys! Doesn't this look pretty awesome? Comments below and thank you for reading.

This past week, a dear friend and a fellow YouTuber passed away. Today, I talk about my own issues dealing with depression and the people who have helped me through it.

That Guy with the Glasses JewWario Tribute VideoAll I can say to those who are feeling the same, please don't let this take you down, pick yourselves up and talk to someone.

If you would like to donate to Justin's family, you can do so using this link: Donate Here

Finally, I want to take this time to mirror what Justin once said in a hangout session:

"You are not stupid, don't ever tell yourself that you are, you're important. What you have in your head may not mean a lot to a lot of people, but it's what makes you special. You are important, you mean something, and you are gonna go out there and do some wonderful things. First and foremost, you are not stupid; you are not an idiot, so never tell yourself that you are.…So, if no one else ever tells you this, know that I care about you."

Rest in Peace Justin. You will be missed.

In my previous article on bitcoins I explained what they are and summarized how the bitcoin system works. Based on my opinion, I thought that the situation with bitcoins was a bit shaky. Indeed, I was not mistaken. Along with the increase in the development of bitcoins, the number of countries who are trying to regulate their use is increasing as well, even though the whole purpose of bitcoins was that they could not be regulated by any central bank, let alone any government.

exchange rate Bitcoin currency vs dollar bills

So what exactly is the situation with bitcoins now? Well, in the most recent news, Business Insider says that in the United States a "civil war is emerging between Bitcoin's earliest and most libertarian adopters, and a more commercial wing seeking to embrace regulation as a means of legitimizing Bitcoin businesses."

The escalating feud between these two sides will soon lead to what Business Insider has called a Bitcoin Civil War! The feud started with two events: The first was the hearing for Bitcoin license, which according to the podcast "E79-A Bitcoin World" on LetsTalkBitcoin took place on January 28. During the first hearing, the courts proclaimed that companies who use bitcoins should all have bitcoin licenses. After the hearing, according to some tweets, supporters of bitcoins were not that worried about this:

Tweet response to regulators from AndreasMAntonopoulos of Mad Bitcoins

The second event was the arrest of Charlie Shrem, CEO of BitInstant, on charges for money laundering. According to reports, Shrem was "accused of selling over $1 million in bitcoins to Silk Road users, who would then use them to buy drugs and illicit items."
laundering bitcoins to silk road users
With Shrem's arrest and more government control over bitcoins, it seems now that it is becoming more difficult for any other bitcoin start-up companies to establish themselves.

Another concern that comes to mind regarding government regulation is the anonymity of bitcoin itself. Bitcoins were different than regular money because they offered people the freedom to do whatever they wanted, developing or purchasing as many bitcoins as they needed, without the scrutiny of government institutions such as banks, taxes, etc.

As Amir Taaki says on LetsTalkBitcoin: "Bitcoin is a tool of resistance gifted to us by Satoshi (the founder of bitcoins). The idea has escaped and the idea of countercurrency will not be stopped. Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency will succeed."

Tell us what you think about regulations for bitcoins!

Terry Gilliam's The Zero Theorem First Trailer

Posted by Fellonius Munch - Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today we get a first proper look at one of the lesser-advertised gems of 2014 with the debut trailer for Terry Gilliam's The Zero Theorem!

French actress Melanie Thierry stars in Monty Python member Terry Gilliam's The Zero Theorem sci-fi fantasy drama

Fans of Gilliam's work (Twelve Monkeys, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus) who have been following his progress for the past year will no doubt be pleased. Not only do we get a better idea of what the film is about, but we also get a glimpse of a true work of art that is typical of the Monty Python legend.

The Zero Theorem, starring the excellent Christoph Waltz, Melanie Thierry, and David Thewlis, is about a computer hacker attempting to discover the reason for human existence only to find himself being deliberately distracted. Of course, nothing is going to be that simple with Terry Gilliam at the helm. The film clearly has shades of his classic surreal 80s fantasy Brazil, and with a supporting cast that includes Matt Damon and Tilda Swinton, this could prove to be one of 2014's runaway successes.

The Zero Theorem will be released in the UK on March 14th. Details of US release to be announced!

Twelve Monkeys director Terry Gilliam Christoph Waltz surreal sci-fi fantasy the Zero Theorem

Sound off, Fanboys and Fangirls! What do you think of this first look? I have to say that I mistook Waltz for John Malkovich for a moment back there. Please feel free to comment on the trailer (and Melanie Thierry's kinky nurse outfit), and thanks again for reading.

Hide your junk food, because the consumption of sweets is a crime in Ars Thanea's recently announced sleuthing game Another Case Solved.

Another Case Solved Release Date

A government ban on sugar has resulted in an overworked police force chasing down sweet-toothed crooks to all corners of the city. With no law enforcement available, the common folks have no choice but to turn to a private detective. That's where (you guessed it) you come in.

Another Case Solved is the next game from Ars Thanea, the developer of the award-winning (and free) Puzzle Craft. You play as a private detective working to solve candy capers in a dystopian sugar-free future.

Puzzle Craft let's play guide

Thanea's tried-and-true tile-matching gameplay is in the trailer, but you will also interrogate suspects, navigate the city, investigate crime scenes, level your detective up, and upgrade/customize your office.

I spent way too much time on Puzzle Craft, so I can't wait to get my hands on this one. Another Case Solved is set to release in late February for iOS and Android devices. Stay tuned for updates as they become available.

Could you guys live without sweets? Shout out in the comments.

Pop culture made an epic twist: the Bard and the Jedi. Ian Doescher returns to the galaxy far, far away with two more installments in his Elizabethan-esque dialogue with Shakespeare's The Empire Striketh Back and The Jedi Doth Returns. This is the book you're looking for…

Ian Doescher's second installment in his Shakespearean Star Wars saga
Good luck understanding Yoda now in Shakespearean dialogue. 
"In time so long ago begins our play, In star-crossed galaxy far, far away." 
*Cue the music*
Ian Doescher retells George Lucas' Star Wars saga of valor and villainy across the galaxy as though it were a classic Shakespearean play. Combined with elaborate black-and-white Elizabethan-styled illustrations by Nicholas Delort, Doescher's brilliantly written mashup of the iconic sci-fi saga and the 17th-century playwright returns with two more books due out this year.

The Empire Striketh Back and The Jedi Doth Returns complete the elegant translation of the original Star Wars into five-act Shakespearean dramatic plays.

"Return to the star-crossed galaxy far, far away as the brooding young hero, a power-mad emperor, and their jesting droids match wits, struggle for power, and soliloquize in elegant and impeccable iambic pentameter," Quirk Books said on its website.

William Shakespeare's Star Wars returns for two sequels
Scene 1 from William Shakespeare's Star Wars
A long-time fan of both William Shakespeare and Star Wars, Doescher published his first book, William Shakespeare's Star Wars, on July 2, 2013, and it debuted at number twelve on The New York Times best seller list for hardcover fiction.
Luke Skywalker in Ian Doescher's William Shakespeare's Star Wars
Ian Doescher's Verily, A New Hope

"I do think any modern storyteller is influenced by the stories we all grow up with and become familiar with, our shared cultural narratives," Doescher said in an interview with Quirk Books last year. "Shakespeare's plays are a part of that tradition, so George Lucas was probably influenced at least somewhat by Shakespeare, as well as Twain, Dickens, Melville, etc."

The second installment will go on sale March 18, with Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return arriving on bookshelves July 1. Preorders are available now at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and elsewhere.

Additionally, for teachers interested in getting students excited about Shakespeare, this William Shakespeare’s Star Wars Educator’s Guide provides a side-by-side comparison between Doescher's William Shakespeare's Star Wars and Shakespeare's plays such as Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Henry V, and his sonnets.

Art thou excit'd f'r the next two installments of William Shakespeare's Star Wars? Speaketh thy mind in the comment section below. May the verse be with you.

Hey, Hey, Hey Dacetacular Nation! Check out Episode 32 of The Dace Man Show with regulars Dace, Gibby, and Frank Ward! Also joining the show is special guest Michael Burhan.

2014 Grammy Award Winners

Join The Dace Man and crew this week as they break down the following:

  • So the NFL Pro-Bowl happened…
  • Current NHL Leaders…This will dominate because no other sports are happening…
  • And more?
  • It's Gibby! Damn it to hell.
  • Facts of life or just everyone talking at once.
  • Mötley Crüe: Home Sweet Home and Calling it Quits
  • Justin Bieber to be charged with criminal assault for attacking a limo driver
  • And the 2014 Grammys go to?
  • What is The State of The Union?
Plus the High Five: Top 5 and The Douche Bag of The Week. All that and more, only on The Dace Man Show!

More Entertainment Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Mega Powers Radio on BlogTalkRadio

Step onto the crazy train with Chris "The Dace Man" Dace and crew, only on The Dace Man Show… cue the "Final Countdown"!!!

Listen live to The Dace Man Show every Wednesday at 8pm EST on Mega Powers Radio.

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REMEMBER TO DONATE: Official Fanboys Anonymous Page With Deets: Dacetacular Gaming For A Cause | Fundraising Websites - Crowdrise

Week in Geek: January 29th, 2014

Posted by Jeff Penner - Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Want to know what happened the past few days in nerd culture? WEEK IN GEEK is your quick fix to catch up with the rest of the Fanboys (and Fangirls) out there.

Nerdy current events in geek culture for this week


No Godzilla or Guardians of the Galaxy trailers at the Super Bowl.

My take: This is surprising—we are getting trailers for movies we've seen plenty of footage of already (Captain America: the Winter Soldier, for example), but nothing from these two films people are itching for. I would call it a misstep in marketing, because we Fanboys and -girls do have a limit when it comes to patience. I don't want to feel animosity toward GotG especially, so I hope they at minimum release the San Diego Comic Con footage from last year.

I, Frankenstein bombs at the box office.

My take: No sh**. That trailer looked straight out of Keanu Reeves's Constantine. I didn't mind that film at the time…at the time…

X-Men Days of Future Past Instagram

My take: A trailer was announced for January 27th via the ever popular "social media"; they surely hoped the news would go "viral," and they'd have a "real hit on their hands." Sorry, I'm just getting tired of Internet marketing jargon. I want this film to be so good so bad. I wasn't a huge fan of First Class, which apparently has me in the minority.


PS1 and PS2 games heading to PS4 emulation.

My take: This is going to be a gold mine, and such an obvious one. It's about time it was announced, and I'm sure Xbox will follow suit. Finally, I can play Jet Moto again! The only problem is that I still have all these old discs I would rather use!

Cover artist Greg Martin died.

My take: It's the artist's way to only be appreciated once they've passed. A sad reality, but hopefully he knows we look back on his works with awe and nostalgia.

Microsoft goes all-in and buys Gears of War franchise from Epic Games.

My take: Gears is my favorite, ever, of all time, video game series. They insist they will keep the Unreal Engine (which gives the series its unique gameplay), so they better damn well not mess this up. I played Batman: Arkham Origins and could immediately tell "something" was missing after the game changed studios. Microsoft, do not mess this up.


Peter Capaldi's 14th Doctor costume revealed.

My take: Uhhhhhh…Ya! Approved! Looks good to me!

24 returns on May 5th, 2014

My take: Can't wait to see the "Jack Sack" comeback! This series has a lot to make up for. After smartening up and getting his daughter out of the way after the first few ridiculous seasons (seriously, a bear trap?), the show went to become a joke all over again. The Simpsons did a great 24 spoof once that turned out to be eerily too similar to the show. The plots kept getting bigger while character reactions to world-changing events got smaller. Realism was this show's strongest suit at one point, and they need to watch the clock (literally) and make this return mean it. They're running out of time!


Diamond Comics GEM awards handed out.

My take: It was nice to see studios like BOOM! getting credit deserved. The more people the mainstream DC/Marvel comics attract, the more people will find their way to great writing eventually.


Man removed from movies for wearing Google Glass

My take: This is the beginning of Skynet. A woman recently won a court case regarding driving while wearing Glass. New laws are going to start popping up because the government wants to watch you without allowing you to watch everything else.

Watch out for this segment each and every Wednesday. We'll see you next week!

Did we miss something? What are your thoughts on these topics? Leave us a comment below!

Star Wars fans will be happy to hear that the old gang will likely reunite to play their roles in the upcoming Star Wars Episode 7.

Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher have confirmed that they will play in the new film, which is slated for release in summer or spring 2015. Fisher even told TV Guide:

"I'd like to wear my old [cinnamon buns] hairstyle again—but with white hair. I think that would be funny."

On January 23 Fisher confirmed that she will definitely reprise her role as Leia in the upcoming movie. According to Naughty But Nice Rob, Ford has also confirmed that he will return as Han Solo. As for Mark Hamill, there is no official news as of yet, although Fisher indicates he is on board as well.

Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford playing in Star Wars

Based on news from Screenrant, however, George Lucas has apparently met with all three actors—Fisher, Hamill, and Ford—to discuss the movie. Along with this came many changes; Hamill, who is 62 years old, and Fisher, who is 57 years old, are now getting fit and dieting in order to get ready for their parts. The filming of the movie will start in March or April.

The script is written by director J.J. Abrams (Alias, Lost, Star Trek) and Lawrence Kasdan, who wrote both The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Abrams has been quoted around the Internet as confirming that the script is finished and now in "deep" preproduction. Rumors online indicate that the film will now focus on the original three leads. Originally the film was being written by Michael Arndt and was intended to focus on the children of the original characters, and the reasons for Arndt's departure have been the topic of some controversy: was it merely bad timing, as reported, or a dispute over which generation of characters to focus on, as the latest rumors claim?

We are excited about this news and hope to see them again in the movie. Don't you all agree?

Peter Capaldi's 12th Doctor design has hit the interwebs! The outfit will be worn by cosplayers almost immediately at conventions around the world. And, I must say, the Doctor has rarely looked more dapper!

Dr. Who's costume design for cosplayer template
"Who", you say? "Indeed", says I.

What are your expectations of the 12th Doctor?

How about your thoughts on the costume design? Will cosplayers everywhere approve?

If you're a frequent visitor to this site, you probably know the name Kevin Feige. If you have no idea who that is and this is your first time, welcome! Kevin Feige is President of Production at Marvel Studios, which means he's the guy with his fingers in all the pies, so to speak. He's had some creative input and has acted as producer on every Marvel movie since 2000's X-Men. He got the "President" title in 2007, just before Marvel started slow-cooking their big cinematic universe—to great effect and no little acclaim, one might add. This being Hollywood, it was only a matter of time before someone copied that idea.

marvel iron man feige avengers thor robert downey jr black widow scarlett johansson sexy hot
Dance, puppets, dance!

The first out of the gate was Fox, which still retains rights to both the X-Men and Fantastic Four—a reboot of the Fantastic Four franchise is slated for a June 2015 release, helmed by Chronicle's Josh Trank. The X-Men franchise is going strong still, with The Wolverine released this past year, X-Men: Days of Future Past coming this May, and Age of Apocalypse in 2016. There was a rumor of a crossover movie in the offing, bridging the FF and X-Men franchises, though Fox has stated this is untrue. To oversee their superhero properties, Fox brought in celebrated (infamous?) comic writer Mark Millar, who has done comic work on both sets of characters. His role is supposed to be similar to Feige's: the man with the plan, who knows what's going on in his "universes," as these properties are increasingly referred to. The official press release states Millar will "serve as a creative consultant on the studio's upcoming projects based on Marvel Comics properties."

However, more recently, Fox also signed Simon Kinberg to a three-year first-look deal, with part of his mandate being to expand the X-Men and Fantastic Four brands like Marvel has, having additional related installments of films wrapped around the "core" franchise (e.g., the Thor franchise being supplemental to and an extension of the Avengers franchise). It's uncertain where this leaves Mark Millar, from whom we have heard little recently about Fox's Marvel properties. Possibly Fox just wants to hold on to Kinberg, who himself may just be happy to indulge an interest in the Marvel franchises while working with a big studio. Fox is likely just happy to have Kinberg, who has probably affected your geek life in recent years whether you know it or not. Starting as a screenwriter and producer, his first major success came with his script for 2005's Mr. and Mrs. Smith. From there he co-wrote X-Men: The Last Stand, and in addition to other work was the final credited writer on 2009's Sherlock Holmes. He produced X-Men: First Class, Elysium, has more in the pipeline (including work on Days of Future Past), and is one of the main writers on the new Star Wars trilogy. Dude's busy, and perhaps more importantly, has proven profitable.

brad pitt mr mrs smith brangelina sexy hot angelina jolie
He helped create Brangelina. That is true power.
Then there's Sony, which took the man-in-charge concept to an extreme. Sony only has one superhero property to call its own—luckily, that property is Spider-Man, one of the most popular heroes in the world and one of the most profitable franchises. This is a property they are going to want to tend and nurture very, very carefully, and it starts for them in forming a "brain trust" for the Spider-Man universe, consisting of Amazing Spider-Man director Marc Webb, ubiquitous blockbuster scribes Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci (Transformers, Star Trek, etc.), Jeff Pinkner, Ed Solomon, and Drew Goddard. Currently, this team reports they are plotted out through to Amazing Spider-Man 4 and a couple of spin-offs, reported to be villain-centric movies focused on Spidey enemies Venom and the Sinister Six; and recall, if you will, that Amazing Spider-Man 2 has yet to hit theatres. The writing and directing jobs are split amongst the group; Goddard is supposedly in control of ASM4, the Sinister Six film, and Kurtzman is slated to direct the Venom spin-off. Spider-Man has a deep and rich story history peppered with memorable supporters and villains, and it sounds right now like Sony is willing to tap into all of it.

And finally, there's Warner Bros. WB isn't exactly bringing up the rear, but they've been less chatty than others about their adaptations, despite the high level of fan fervor and media interest surrounding their characters. While there's no one "officially" in charge of the Warner/DC superhero films, one name keeps popping up around them, and it's a name that WB recently signed (like Fox with Kinberg) to a three-year, first-look deal. David S. Goyer's career is an interesting one: as a writer, he's dropped bombs like Dark City, the Blade films and Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, as well as Man of Steel; as a director, his record is spottier, with four underperforming features under his belt. But word is he's got a hand in developing additional DC properties for Warner Bros., including lower-budget features to supplement the big superhero films. It's reported that Deathstroke, Team 7, Booster Gold, and Suicide Squad are all either in development or being considered for such (at least one of those properties is redundant, in this writer's opinion), and Goyer is the man working on all of them. NBC just ordered a pilot for a Constantine show that Goyer pitched, and would produce if the show gets picked up. There are even rumors of a Sandman movie in development, with Joseph Gordon-Levitt involved in some creative capacity (perhaps even as writer/director/star). Point being, if there's a DC-related property being considered for film adaptation, Goyer is likely part of it.

Benedict Cumberbatch sandman morpheus neil gaiman sherlock vertigo
I'll take this moment to again plug my OWN preference for Morpheus.
JGL is awesome, but… Cumberbatch.
I will point out, however, that when these properties make it to TV, the patterns shift. Kevin Feige is still involved with everything Marvel Studios creates, which extends to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the upcoming shows Marvel is producing with Netflix, leading to the Defenders event. When it comes to DC, there are a few cards on the table. Smallville was a big hit for DC and WB, and producers Miles Millar and Alfred Gough were set to produce an Aquaman spinoff similar to Smallville, featuring Arthur Curry's life and self-discovery rather than Clark Kent's. The character even appeared in Smallville to pave the way for the new series, but it failed to come together. Similarly, now Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim have a hit with Arrow and will produce The Flash, spinning off of the character's introduction in the former. An outlier exists in the form of Fox's Gotham TV show, which has no ties to anything Warner Bros. is doing with DC's cinematic or television universes. There's no unifying force guiding the DC television properties, like Feige with Marvel Studios—which, so far, actually seems to be to DC's benefit. Smallville had a devoted fanbase while Arrow enjoys good ratings and reviews, so hopefully The Flash can continue the trend.

So, after all of that... how helpful is it to have "specialists" like these guys oversee the process of bringing these stories to screen? At first blush: sure it's helpful. At least, Marvel has proven their formula and everyone else sees the dollar signs, which means Hollywood has started replicating it; if the people making money are doing a thing, then we need to be doing that thing also. After Feige, and then Joss Whedon at Marvel, Mark Millar was installed at Fox, and Kinberg as potential replacement not long after; the announcement of Goyer's first-look deal with WB didn't explicitly state that he's in charge of the DC stories, but c'mon; and Sony's brain trust is the most recent. It's absolutely a trend at this point, and I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the near future WB officially sets Goyer up as their "superhero guy." Keeping everything under one roof is certainly appealing, as it allows for greater control in world-building (more apt, perhaps, is brand-building), the greatest trick Marvel pulled in starting all of this. From a business standpoint, too, it's probably nice to have someone to point a finger at if the movies go south—simply replace him or her with someone more profitable, and start again. It hasn't happened yet, but wait for one of these movies to flop hard and see what happens.

The best part about this, though, which could also be the biggest detriment under the wrong circumstances, is the separation of powers created by the "man-in-charge" position. The position essentially creates another layer between the studio financing a film and the people making it—and ideally, this individual would be cognizant of both the business and creative needs of each film under his or her purview. They can assuage any studio worries while maintaining the creative freedom of the production team. These are people who understand the stories and how they can be made for and marketed to wider audiences. So far, these facts seem to hold true. Marvel had an advantage in that their properties had proven worth when Disney acquired them, so they apparently felt no need to reinvent the wheel. And to Warner Bros' credit, they basically left Goyer and the Nolans alone on their Dark Knight trilogy and on Man of Steel. But as these movies become increasingly common and their budgets grow larger, it's hard to imagine they won't be subject to a greater amount of oversight—and my understanding is that the power of the "man in charge" position is such that true creative differences could result if, say, Kevin Feige thinks it's a bad idea for Oliver Stone to portray Captain America committing war crimes in a third-world country.

HD Watchmen screen shot Comedian Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Which it is, but come to think of it, we've actually kinda seen that already. 
The cautionary tale to remember is Iron Man 2. The movie suffered from a few ills, but perhaps the biggest was the perceived hit Tony Stark's story took to accommodate some necessary world-building leading up to The Avengers. Movies that pay greater service to the collective franchise story are likely to leave solo stories in the lurch. Again, on the whole the single-hero franchises have stood on their own pretty well, but as these cinematic universes grow—as they must to survive and to keep bringing in money—it's going to be important for the grand schemers uniting these stories to remember that the characters make the team, not the other way around. Avengers should be exciting because we care about the heroes involved. The team-up is cooler when we know the players and can call the game. (Pay attention, Justice League.)

The long and short of it is, the superhero film genre is developing and innovating in fascinating ways. They're shaking things up and taking a few risks, and getting bolder every few films. And thanks to the people in charge, the managers of these cinematic universes, there is potential for real artistic merit accompanying the financial lures of these properties. These are business people who know that story matters, or artists that know they're also in business. It's a crucial and enviable position. It'll be interesting to see if or how the role evolves in the future, but right now this is what we have. What do you think might be next? Can you improve on this model? Think it's working? Comments. Make 'em. We'll read 'em.

Sly Cooper, Bentley Turtle and Murray Hippo make their big screen Debut.Hey, Hey, Hey Dacetacular Nation! It is I, Chris "The Dace Man" Dace bringing you hot-off-the-press news! Announced by Rainmaker Entertainment with independent production company Blockade Entertainment, Sony's favorite raccoon Sly Cooper will be hitting the big screen in early 2016, joined by his gaming companions Bentley Turtle and Murray Hippo.

Although we only have a teaser and announcement, David Wohl, vice president of development and a producer on Sly Cooper, had this to offer about the upcoming video game to motion picture: "The film will stay true to the franchise, though it will not be a complete origin story. In the film, Sly and his buddies are already together, though they are far from being great at what they do."

Spoilers and News for the Sly Cooper Movie
Most notably the gang will make a transition from the world of 2D to the world of 3D. The producers of the franchise are working very closely with the original studios to stay true to the story. Going forward, the studio is taking the approach of trying to mix both original voice actors and outside actors to help freshen up the series. Although this will not serve as an origin story for Sly, it will show the gang in their early stages, far from the experts they are in the game. Below you can find the teaser trailer that was released today!

As always, check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking at (and no, not just porn), as well as all of the other bloggers here at Fanboys Anonymous. Until then, for the few, the proud, and of course the Dacetacular, grab a beer—and in this case your your thieving gear—and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. See ya next time!

*** Updated at request of Paramount ***

It has been a long year of speculations and expectations regarding the upcoming  live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Fanboys and girls seemingly got over (quite quickly) the casting of "actor" Megan Fox as popular reporter April O'Neil as concerns turned to the design of the foursome themselves.

Images TMNT movie Michael Bay
You were expecting more from Michael Bay?
Last week, a Halloween costume version of Michelangelo had fans fainting onto their keyboards. The design resembled something your aunt might draw if she had never heard of the comic book or movies and you asked her to "draw your version of a Turtle-Man."

TMNT Kids Costume 2014
"I'm here to kick ass...but I don't know how...."
In retrospect, it could have been worse…

Halloween Ninja Turtles costume

Here for your viewing pleasure are the actual designs released online for our eyeballs to bug out to:

< Images Removed at request of Paramount >

These images certainly inspire a lot more confidence when compared with the children's costume. Nostalgia may have us stuck to the perfectly rounded heads of the comics, cartoons, and previous films; this new design, however, goes slightly more realistic. I'm not a huge fan, according to my knee-jerk reaction, but I think this could not only look good to me in a month but also justify some rough-and-gritty action scenes in the story.

The Shredder design is sure to also create some conversations. This is a design poster and not a final product, so things may be scaled down slightly, but if this were a comic book, then he looks pretty bad-ass to me. However, if the new goal is function over form, then this design is a little overkill.

< Images Removed at request of Paramount >

I can't wait to hear what you all think of these images. Do we like our turtles smooth and round like the cartoons or rough and gritty like this upcoming movie appears to offer?

I Got Gameplay Ep 59 - Silent Hill Franchise Retrospective

Posted by Unknown - Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Episode 59 of the I Got Gameplay radio show is now live! In this episodehosts Michael Burhan, Travis Goss, Xander Skullion, Zack Latour, Kyla Dipietro, and Miguel Leon talk Silent Hill! From the game's immersive gameplay to its epic story, the gang discusses their own personal experience with the franchise and its future.

radio show podcast horror video game franchises

You can check out the episode by clicking on the following links:

Libsyn: http://smarkoutmoment.libsyn.com/rss

 iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/igotgameplay/id570120518

Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/nerdgenious/igotgameplay?amp;refid=stpr

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More Entertainment Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with The RetroUnlim Network on BlogTalkRadio

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Retro Video Game T-Shirts on Sale for I Got Gameplay
The t-shirt comes in eight different colors and six different sizes, including Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL, and 3XL. Shirts are £16.50 UK and $19.90 US. Grab yours today!

Video game show I Got Gameplay podcast wallpaper

It seems that we can't get enough of AMC's Breaking Bad lately, even though the show has been over since the end of September 2013. It seemed unlikely in the beginning that a spinoff show would happen. After all, how many shows do you know that get spinoffs, and how many of them work out?

Okay, so there are a shitload of spinoffs, and many of them have been very successful. This is even better news for the makers of Better Call Saul, which is already greatly anticipated by fans of the late Walter White and his supporting characters.

Breaking Bad Saul Goodman Better Call Saul calling card design

Speaking of supporting characters, Better Call Saul has just picked up Jonathan Banks, aka fixer Mike Ehrmantraut, whom Walt murdered in season five. How did they do this?

Jonathan Banks returns to Breaking Bad spin off Better Call Saul as Mike Ehrmentraut
"Easy, I melted my own face [and ears] onto somebody else's body!"

Well for those not yet in the mix, Better Call Saul is billed as a prequel to Breaking Bad, for which the one-hour pilot airs on AMC this coming November. So does that mean we might even meet Walt all over again in later seasons? You never can tell, although it was nice of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul to express their interest in returning.

Breaking Bad Saul Goodman heading Vince Gilligan spin-off series Better Call Saul
And of course, we'll be needing Bob Odenkirk
Back to our Banksy, who was part of the show since Season 2. It really did take a special kind of character to pull off Ehrmantraut, and the veteran actor, although not greatly known by name or appearance, has been making an impression since the mid-1970s. You just have to look at him a while and think, "where the hell do I know him from?"

Oh dear, Jonathan, better call an ambulance… and then Saul, if you don't die!

In fact, Banks made a name for himself in the 1980s after appearing in the classic Leslie Nielsen comedy Airplane! and the Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder riot Stir Crazy. He also appeared in other many family friendly films and shows such as GremlinsWalker Texas Ranger, and… err… Linda's Film On Menstruation. Yes, there is a reason he now looks ancient!

Sound off, Fanboys! Are we excited? Take your time with that; you have until next winter, which we don't want to rush into before a few months of warm sunshine. By all means, stay posted, and we'll keep you up to date. Comments below and thanks for reading!

According to Metro, Steven Moffat—the writer of the British television series Doctor Who—announced on Radio Times that Matt Smith would be the thirteenth and final Doctor. "We’ll find out [in the Christmas special] that Matt Smith is actually the 13th Doctor. Although everyone knows that the Doctor can only regenerate 12 times," he said.

Based on news from Digital Spy, after the final Christmas special episode, Matt Smith said his farewell to Doctor Who fans via Twitter: "To the Whoniverse, thanks a million. You're the best. I'll miss you. And I'll miss the madness."

All of the doctors from the television series Doctor Who

Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor in Doctor WhoNow Moffat has changed the folklore of the Doctor Who series, and the series will continue with a fourteenth Doctor played by actor Peter Capaldi. In what will be the eighth season of the series, Peter Capaldi will play the quirky, lonely, yet people-loving Doctor Who.

In order to understand what's in store for Whovians, we need to learn more about Capaldi. Each Doctor has won our hearts with their unique characteristics; does Capaldi have what it takes to win our hearts as well?

Some may know Capaldi from his previous work in Dangerous Liaisons, with John Malkovich, Michelle Pfieffer, and Glenn Close, in which he played a side role as Azolan. In 2009 Capaldi played the "aggressive communications chief" Malcolm Tucker in the political comedy In the Loop, which received a 7.5 out of 10 from IMDB. Capaldi also played the same role (Malcolm Tucker) in the television series The Thick of It, which lasted for four seasons.

Finally, in 2013 Capaldi took roles in the zombie movie World War Z with Brad Pitt and The Fifth State. In World War Z, Capaldi had a small part as one of the World Health Organization doctors. In The Fifth Estate, the movie about Wikileaks with Benedict Cumberbatch as Julian Assange, Capaldi played the character Alan Rusbridger.

Aside from his roles in movies, Capaldi has had more roles in television series. According to the mini biography from IMDB, Capaldi's trade mark features are his "gravelly voice with a thick Scottish accent, thin frame" and "intense angry stare."

Along with these traits it seems that Capaldi will be a quite different doctor compared with the rest. Come to think of it, each of the actors who have played the Doctor so far have brought their unique characteristics and quirks to the role. It seems that it will be the same this time.

How do you think Capaldi will do as the new Doctor? Tell us what you think below.

You may also check out more about Capaldi's costume for the 12th doctor by reading Jeff Penner's article:

Peter Capaldi as the 12th doctor in Doctor Who

Mötley Crüe annouces they are breaking up.That's right, boys and girls, Chris "The Dace Man" Dace bringing you some more breaking news!! The legendary rock band Mötley Crüe is calling it quits. After thirty-odd years, Girls, Girls, Girls, and Dr. Feelgood, the band is hitting the road for one last tour consisting of seventy shows! Currently Alice Cooper is slated as the opening act for the Crüe. They are scheduled to appear on tonight's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live to give the world more deets on why they're calling it quits. So stay tuned for more details and check back here on Fanboys Anonymous to learn more about the parting ways of one of the most successful bands in heavy metal history. Check out the tour dates below to catch Mötley Crüe one last time!!

Tour Dates:

Mötley Crüe Farewell Tour Dates

2 Grand Rapids, Mich., Van Andel Arena
4 Milwaukee, Summerfest
5 Noblesville, Ind., Klipsch Music Center
6 Cincinnati, Riverbend Music Center
8 Columbus, Ohio, Schottenstein Center
9 Maryland Heights, Mo., Verizon Wireless Amphitheater
11 Des Moines, Wells Fargo Arena
12 Wichita, INTRUST Bank Arena
13 Tulsa, BOK Center
15 Cedar Park, Texas, Cedar Park Center
16 Dallas, Gexa Energy Pavilion
18 Albuquerque, Isleta Amphitheater
19 Phoenix, Ak-Chin Pavilion
21 Los Angeles, Hollywood Bowl
22 Irvine, Calif., Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
23 Mountain View, Calif., Shoreline Amphitheatre
25 Reno, Reno Events Center
26 Ridgefield, Wash., Sleep County Amphitheater
27 Auburn, Wash., White River Amphitheatre
29 Wheatland, Calif., Sleep Train Amphitheatre
30 Chula Vista, Calif., Sleep Train Amphitheatre

1 Salt Lake City, USANA Amphitheatre
2 Denver, Pepsi Center
3 Kansas City, Mo., Sprint Center
5 Sturgis, S.D., Sturgis Buffalo Chip
6 Sioux City, Iowa, Tyson Events Center
8 Tinley Park, Ill., First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre
9 Clarkston, Mich., DTE Energy Music Theatre
10 Toronto, Molson Canadian Amphitheatre
12 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Blossom Music Center
13 Burgettstown, Pa., First Niagara Pavilion
15 Pelham, Ala., Oak Mountain Amphitheatre
16 Atlanta, Aaron's Amphitheatre at Lakewood
17 Tampa, MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre
19 Charlotte, PNC Music Pavilion
20 Virginia Beach, Farm Bureau Live at Virginia Beach
22 Bristow, Va., Jiffy Lube Live
23 Camden, N.J., Susquehanna Bank Center
24 Mansfield, Mass., Comcast Center
26 Saratoga Springs, N.Y., Saratoga Performing Arts Center
27 Allentown, Pa., Great Allentown Fair
29 Wantagh, N.Y., Nikon at Jones Beach Theater
30 Holmdel, N.J., PNC Bank Arts Center
31 Darien Center, N.Y., Darien Lake Performing Arts Center

10 Oklahoma City, Chesapeake Energy Arena
11 The Woodlands, Texas, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
12 Bossier City, La., CenturyLink Center
14 Louisville, KFC Yum! Center
15 Nashville, Bridgestone Arena
17 Hollywood, Fla., Seminole Hard Rock
19 Jacksonville, Veterans Memorial Arena
21 Greenville, S.C. Bon Secours Wellness Arena
22 Greensboro, N.C., Greensboro Coliseum
25 Atlantic City, Borgata Events Center
26 Montville, Conn., Mohegan Sun Arena
29 Syracuse, N.Y., The OnCenter

5 Biloxi, Miss., Mississippi Coast Coliseum
6 Southaven, Miss., Landers Center
9 Moline, Ill., iWireless Center
11 Green Bay, Resch Center
12 Madison, Wis., Alliant Energy Center
13 Omaha, CenturyLink Center
15 St. Paul, Xcel Energy Center
16 Fargo, FargoDome
18 Edmonton, Alberta, Rexall Place
19 Calgary, Alberta, Scotiabank Saddledome
21 Vancouver, British Columbia, Rogers Arena

As always, check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking at (and no, not just porn), as well as all of the other bloggers here at Fanboys Anonymous. Until then, for the few, the proud, and of course the Dacetacular, grab a beer—and in this case Don't Go Away Mad, (Just Go Away)—and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. See ya next time!