We start off in the lighthouse home of the recently deceased D. Oswald Heist, which is rapidly going up in flames following the shootout between heist and Prince Robot the IV and the intrusion of Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn leaves Lying Cat with Klara and searches the lighthouse for Marko. Although pinned by the blue beast, Klara manages to stick Lying Cat in the eye, giving Izabel an opening to fend the beast off with by appealing to its sense of honor. Lying Cat knows Gwendolyn had no reason to kill heist, and its admission of guilt gives the infamous cat a chance at some character development while its master is out of commission.

On the roof, things with Gwendolyn come to a head, and she fires The Will's deadly lance on Alana and Hazel. Marko manages to push them of the roof and out of immediate harm's way just before the land can blow, taking the lance to his shoulder instead. Fortunately, Alana is capable of flight, despite her proclamations; she flies back up to the roof, gun drawn, and forces Gwendolyn to surrender.

Overall this issue was a fast read but served as a solid ending to the arc while still managing to plant several seeds for the issues to come. Wrap-up issues such as this are often just a series of violence and payoffs, but Saga 18 made space for some great character moments, particularly between Alana and Marko, whose romance manages to stay an endearing component of the story, despite the books' over-the-top science fiction story elements. Sadly, the letter page confirms this will be the last new issue of Saga until May, but the events of issue eighteen have left plenty to be speculated in the weeks to come.
What did you think of the issue? Let us know if the comments section below!