May 2014 | Fanboys Anonymous

X-Men Fan Makes Magneto Shoes and Walks on Ceiling

Posted by Jonathan Jackson - Saturday, May 31, 2014

Do it Yourself X-Men colinfurze Magneto YouTubeAn enthusiastic X-Men fan has made his own magnetic shoes to walk on the ceiling.

This is one of the funniest and spectacular feats (pun intended) I have ever seen. I will be keeping an eye out for this guy to see what he comes up with next.

If you could make a superhero power a reality, whose/what would it be? Leave a comment below!

Thriller fans: Recently I had the privilege of reading a book by Jae Erwin, an author with a knack for unique storytelling. Although I must admit I didn't immediately get into it, the book really begins to take hold of you later on. Being generally less appreciative of lifelike storytelling, I usually steer clear and immerse myself in worlds of fantasy and science fiction. True or nearly true to life stories just never clicked with me. Religious fantasy, or at least a light religious fantasy aspect, is where she sucked me in.

Author Jae Erwin Free Chapter Stillness Dancing
It struck me when I was reading this book how little I knew about the Islamic religion, even having read from the Koran myself. What's crazy is that Erwin was able to take aspects of life that are true to religion—or at least I suspect so—and breathe an odd, light, true-life fantasy into them that really begins to take over the deeper you get into this story. Stillness Dancing begins with some women who are not so different from the female family members we love so much. One has a little more experience with the Bedouin culture. All of them are unprepared for the road ahead.

This book introduces you to a culture that finds little issue with drug peddling. For some, it's just a way of making money for the village. Also, all Middle Eastern laws concerning women tend to apply, with exceptions for Western women in some parts. If you are a Western woman, absolutely do not venture off without your male chaperone. Chaperone or not, the female leads In this story find themselves captive to a psychotic narcissist interested in hurting others and furthering his own end.

A plus and minus of this story is the level of deprivation of these captors. The leader is a terrorist for an organization opposed to the Western way of life. Like all Middle Eastern terrorists, he twists his own religion to mold it into one that allows him to do his evil. His evil…is terrible, inhumane, and some of the worst ongoing physical and sexual assault you can imagine in a book. In fact, it carries on and their situation gets worse. It felt so real sometimes that I found myself stopping to allow my brain time to remind my heart that these women weren't actually real and nothing was happening to them. I had to stop and take breaks, because every time one of them experienced the terror of this brute, the book would give clues to the amount of time they were spending in captivity in between. This story will break your heart. I can't tell you how sad it made me to read the words, two weeks later, or several days later. From my experience with Stillness Dancing, I've learned that well-written books can truly suck you in. Erwin knows how to create characters and conversation, and she most definitely knows how to create a villain.

A great thing about Erwin is that she is an author from within a collective of authors that makes up Firedance books, a non-for-profit editing and publishing company for and by the authors. It most definitely seems to have its advantages. An interesting, if not amazing, fact about Jae Erwin is that she seems to love to invent words, which is something I'm also a fan of. In the publishing and editing world, there is a cut and slash attitude toward inventive wording and, considering Shakespeare himself is credited with inventing somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,700 words, it completely boggles my mind. The crush of the corporate publishing industry is less felt in the pages of Stillness Dancing. I would read this 5 out of 5 star work again, and I think you should as well. Listen to Chapter 1 and tell me what you think downstairs!

Josh Brolin Cast as Thanos in "Guardians of the Galaxy"

Posted by Justin Hedvat - Friday, May 30, 2014

In news that was first reported by Latino Review and subsequently confirmed by Variety, Josh Brolin has been cast as the nefarious big bad Thanos in Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy.

Josh Brolin Thanos Guardians of the Galaxy Avengers Marvel
Josh Brolin cast as Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel and director James Gunn have been coy for the past few months about Thanos, teasing that the villain would indeed make an appearance but stopping short of revealing casting details.

Brolin will first voice Thanos in Guardians, followed by more significant roles in Avengers: Age of Ultron and Avengers 3. Originally played by Damon Porter, Thanos made his first onscreen appearance during a brief mid-credits cut scene of The Avengers, during which it was revealed that he had orchestrated the alien invasion of Earth.

Thanos is the key antagonist in the Infinity Gauntlet storyline, which—as alluded to in the post-credits scene of Thor: The Dark World—seems to be the route the Marvel Cinematic Universe is taking. Composed of the Infinity Gems, the Infinity Gauntlet grants its wearer the power to control time and space, alter reality, and become omnipotent. It is the ultimate weapon in Thanos's arsenal against the Avengers.

Thanos Jim Starling Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy James Gunn Josh Brolin
Thanos brandishes the Infinity Gautlet

Guardians will not be the first superhero movie to feature Brolin. The actor headlined DC Comics' 2010 flop Jonah Hex, and was even considered for the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne in Zack Snyder's horribly titled Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which was awarded to Ben Affleck, much to the dismay of hardcore fans. Had Brolin already signed on with Marvel Studios prior to his talks with DC? We may never know.

Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters on August 1.

Are you satisfied with Josh Brolin's casting? How will the appearance of Thanos affect the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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Addicted to Anime is a monthly radio show celebrating anime, manga, and all forms of Japanese culture. Join the power couple of Stephen and Johnna Wago as they pick a new series every month to review and riff.

:: This Month's Series ::
Tenjho Tenge

The Addicted to Anime radio show returns to the airwaves to discuss the manga and anime series Tenjho Tenge. Join the Wagos and friends as they review the series and debate wether it's worth getting addicted to. We also recap our Top 5 Fighters in Anime.
"Seven schools are constantly "at war" with each other, and the students have become skilled fighters and constantly battle with rival schools. Their lives and fates are guided by strange jewels that contain the spirits and destinies of warriors from the Sangokushi period. One girl, Sonsaku Hakufu, has recently moved to Japan and is apparently destined to unite the schools as her counterpart united seven countries long ago. But, like all heroes, there is a darker side to her fate, and as always there is a constant struggle by those around her to break the chains of their own destinies and make their own lives." - IMDB

Watch Tenjho Tenge Full Series HD Stream      Tenjho Tenge Movie Full Stream Download

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Week in Geek: May 28th, 2014

Posted by Jeff Penner - Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Want to know what happened the past few days in nerd culture? WEEK IN GEEK is your quick fix to catch up with the rest of the Fanboys out there.

Nerdy current events in geek culture for this week


Edgar Wright Leaves Ant-Man.

My take: What the heck?? He's been working on this movie since 2006(?) and knew exactly what he wanted to do. I guess that was the problem. Marvel was very patient as to when this project could launch, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe wasn't necessarily what it is today. The issue here seems to be that Wright's vision isn't going to mesh with the current MCU. If it was his choice, I say good for him to walk away. If it was Marvel's doing, I say they're on a slippery slope.

X-Men: Days of Future Past.

My take: Yay, I finally got to see a movie on its opening weekend! Take that, fatherhood! I found this to be probably the most engaging of the entire series, if not the most confusing. I appreciated that decisions were made according to the characters' personal desires and inner turmoil rather than just what the plot needed. This always adds the unexpected element, rather than knowing full well what they're going to do. I know the movie will end with things relatively wrapped up, but I don't know who Magneto is going to screw over in the process. Those are the ingredients this series has that it either uses sparingly or seems unaware it has them at all. In any case, I was entertained for 2 hours and I can't say much more without spoiling things.


Drew Goddard Leaves Daredevil.

My take: What the heck?? The guy's a DD super fan! This one seems to be falling under the category of contract disputes, as Goddard is tied to Sony for the surely awful Sinister Six movie(s). Either way, it was bad timing, and Marvel's shining reputation in the TV and film industry finally has some dings bigger than "Terrence Howard-Gate."

Charlie Cox Cast as Daredevil.

My take: I need to see this guy's range a lot more than I've seen on TV. Say what you want about Affleck's portrayal, but Matt Murdock is a tortured soul who can kick your ass, and I don't know if Cox screams that or not.

John Wesley Shipp is The Flash's Dad Now.

My take: How fitting, I suppose? I watched Shipp in the original series and, for what they had available at the time, it was an amazing show. They had zero budget and still had cool effects, plus the suit itself cost a cool million to create. Shipp returns to the same character's world as his father, Dr. Henry Allen. I appreciate nods like this in TV and movies, and his casting is actually one of the reasons I'll be tuning in. Also, I love Tom Cavanagh.

Quentin Tarantino May Release 4-Hour Django Unchained.

My take: I really did enjoy the movie, and now Tarantino may release his piles of unseen footage as a VOD mini-series. Usually, I think of pure history when it comes to racism-centric stories, and this mixed that with entertainment. Although I hope the movie's brutality was a wake up call for many people, I don't know if it lends itself to a 4-hour mini. However, it would be great to see more performances out of all the leads because I think they all did amazing jobs.


The Flash #31 Released.

My take: I have no issue with the controversial return and re-racing of Wally West. What I take issue with is DC's constant reliance on time traveling and alternate worlds for stories. From a character whose origin used to be exactly the same as Barry Allen's, Wally's origin now can't be explained to anyone but an avid comic book reader. "The Flash? Oh, he got hit by lightning and chemicals. Kid Flash? Same." See? Things used to be so easy.

Amazing Spider-Man #1 Released.

My take: I'm one of "those people," the ones that were actually enjoying The Superior Spider-Man. I knew all along it was temporary (which is partly why I could let go and enjoy the ride), but the last few months have felt very forced. The story ended with a whimper, and now Peter is back, which I'm happy about, but it was a contractual obligation to match with the release of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. I'm also not happy that the first storyline is going back to Peter's first days as Spidey. Enough ret-conning! We already have Original Sins about to change everyone's past as it is.

Star Lord's Cancerverse Escape Details.

My take: I'm a huge fan of the Abnett & Lanning era of the Marvel Universe. It was cancelled abruptly and they did a great job of leaving a cliffhanger: the apparent death of Peter Quill and Richard Rider (Nova). In Guardians of the Galaxy #18 this fall, I'll finally know how he escaped the Cancerverse! The revelation comes during Original Sin so it might be bad news, and Richard Rider is nowhere to be seen.

David S. Goyer Boosts She-Hulk Sales.

My take: I guess the one good thing about DC's film spearhead calling She-Hulk a porn star is that Shulky's sales have gone up. The series that launched in February is getting rave reviews. People reading about the scandal ask "Uh, who's She-Hulk?" then check the book out and love it. There is no better way for Marvel characters to earn respect than having some a-hole at DC insulting them.


LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham in 2014.

My take: I have the sequel with all the DC heroes in it, and I still haven't finished it. Sometimes I get LEGO'd out, but I do own at least four LEGO video games (sadly, this includes the Indiana Jones version). Part of my issue with these games is my age, the simplicity of the plot lines, and the repetition of gameplay. Yet I still play Call of Duty. Go figure.

Watch out for this segment each and every Wednesday. We'll see you next week!

Did we miss something? What are your thoughts on these topics? Leave us a comment below!

Photographer Greg De Stefano has taken the Playboy Bunny concept and applied it to the Batman mythos in a new cosplay set dubbed "Gotham Bunnies / Arkham Bunnies." It features the cosplayer team Skirts and Swords as a loungewear Batman surrounded by female versions of various male and female Batman villains, including Two-Face, Harley Quinn, the Riddler, Scarecrow, and even the Penguin. This was inspired by the art of Milkydayy (Oskar Vega), with a special thanks to Erin Nakashima and MUA for some of the makeup work. Check out some of the pictures below and support this interesting team of talented fangirls and fanboys!

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sexy cosplay babe skirts swords jenny batman sirens playboy bunniessexy cosplay babe skirts swords Chloe batman sirens playboy bunniessexy cosplay babe skirts swords Mandie batman sirens playboy bunnies

sexy cosplay babe skirts swords Sarah batman sirens playboy bunniessexy cosplay babe skirts swords Ruby batman sirens playboy bunniessexy cosplay babe skirts swords Chrissa batman sirens playboy bunnies

sexy cosplay babe skirts swords Michelle batman sirens playboy bunniessexy cosplay babe skirts swords Selina batman sirens playboy bunniessexy cosplay babe skirts swords Yume batman sirens playboy bunnies

cosplay skirts swords Greg De Stefano batman hugh hefner sirens playboy bunnies


Top 5 Reasons Why the Xbox One Sucks Ass

Posted by Unknown - Tuesday, May 27, 2014

As an owner of the Xbox One since Christmas Day, I have really nothing positive to say about the console except for good graphics. Besides that, the Xbox One has sucked major ass since the release last fall. Here are some of the reasons why this console does not cut the cheese in more than one way.

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5. The All-In-One Entertainment System That's Not So Entertaining

You know how one of the biggest selling points of the Xbox One was that you could connect your cable box and use the Kinect to control it?! Yeah, they screwed this one up. The idea of split-screening cable and your games was intriguing, but there were tons of issues with lag and Kinect voice commands not working (which will reappear in a bit). A waste of an innovative idea.

4. Bad Servers

I had to get a new router because apparently the one I had for the Xbox 360 was not good enough, and even now with my new one I still have issues accessing certain things because my Internet—which was never an issue before the Xbone—is now the problem. This is an issue I believe Microsoft will fix in time, but for now it's a nuisance.

3. The Kinect

Kinect records girl changing and posts onto the internet
Remember when Microsoft said that the Kinect would come with the Xbox One and that it had to be plugged into the console? The Kinect was a stinker on the 360, and it still is now on the One. The Kinect camera is still slow on reactions and sometimes still doesn't recognize me or my hands. Voice commands are terrible and often either won't be picked up or will not be what you actually said.

2. The Games

I know the Xbone has only been out for a few months now, but you would think when you are launching a new console that you would launch it with some premiere titles that would make people want to get the console. Most games that have come out for the Xbone also came out with the Xbox 360 or with Sony's respective consoles. I know over time games will come out, but by then I will have either switched to PC gaming or just not be playing video games anymore.

1. Nothing Groundbreaking

To me this will be what kills the Xbox One if it comes to it: There is nothing that is really innovative about the next-gen consoles. Hell, there was more innovation back when Microsoft was trying say DMR was the future last year when they announced the console. I have talked to numerous people about whether they were going to get the new consoles being released, and most told me they weren't because they weren't offering anything that made them want to get the new console. To me this was upsetting, because some of these people were the ones I wasted my teenage years playing video games with and now I won't be able to do that anymore. Which is part of the reason I don't like the new consoles—there is no one to play with.

So ladies and germs, is the Xbox One really as bad as I think it is, or am I just an annoying man on the Internet who can't see greatness even if it slaps me in the face? Share your opinions in the comments area below! With that, let's end this piece with a celebratory piece of meme.

Xbox One for only $99

Marvel's Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. Opens in New York

Posted by Unknown - Monday, May 26, 2014

Avengers assemble in New York again. Don't worry, the city won't be leveled this time! Discovery Times Square teamed up with Marvel Entertainment to bring the first interactive exhibit that takes you deep into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as you explore the history and scientific origins of Marvel's mightiest heroes. Step into S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and enlist as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent this summer! (We'll just pretend S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't disbanded, if you haven't seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier).

Marvel and Discover Times Square combines STEM-based education with an interactive super exhibit.

Marvel's Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. (Scientific Training and Tactical Intelligence Operative Network) Exhibition is a fully immersive exhibit that matches real props from the films with cutting-edge interactive technology, Marvel announced.

The high-tech $7.5 million exhibit spans over 10,000 square feet in New York's Discovery Times Square and is designed to be a full-sized replica of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base complete with holograms and activity stations.

Collaborating with NASA and the National Academy of Sciences, the exhibit merges STEM-based educational lessons with superhero fun, allowing visitors to map out the stars to find Asgard, witness the neurological effects as Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk, and even control Iron Man's suit using eye movements (blinking makes the repulsor beams fire!)

Marvel exhibit opens May 30 in New York CityVisitors of all ages are recruited as agents and given an official ID card that grants them access through airlocks into rooms that hold authentic props from the films including Thor's Mjolnir, Captain America's shield, Loki's scepter, the Tesseract, and more.

"You're literally standing in front of a nine-foot tall Hulk and he punches the wall, and the whole building shakes," Nicholas Cooper, the creative director of Victory Hill Exhibitions the company behind the exhibit told NY Daily News. Implementing an exhilarating learning experience to the exhibit, Hulk's fierce punch is calculated in newtons, and that is just one of the many STEM discoveries.

With America's major decline in students' interest in math and science, the Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. might just be what is needed to cultivate a nationwide growing interest in STEM education and careers.

The super-exhibit opens to the public May 30 and will run through Jan. 5, 2015. Tickets cost $27 for adults and $11 for kids. For more information, click here.

Are you planning a trip to New York this summer to experience what it would be like as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent (and then get shawarma after)? Let us know in the comment section below!

The Dace Man Plays Spyro The Dragon

Posted by The Dace Man

Hey, hey, hey Dacetacular nation! Dace Man here with the third installment of The Dace Man Plays!! Going forward, yours truly will play a game here and there for about 10 minutes because, frankly, anything longer and you all would lose interest. Hear my commentary as I take on some of the classics and some of the new-age stuff I don't quite understand!

Let's Play Episode 3 - Spyro the Dragon
In the third episode of The Dace Man Plays, I take on the PlayStation classic Spyro The Dragon. Let's see how the Dace man fares against the classic from the original PlayStation. Enjoy the commentary and the brief "let's play" of Spyro The Dragon!

As always, check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking at (and no, not just porn), as well as all of the other bloggers here at Fanboys Anonymous. Remember, keyboard warriors: leave your feedback! Until the next time, for the few, the proud, and, of course, the Dacetacular, grab a beer—and in this case a sling shot—and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. See ya next time!

Listen live to The Dace Man Show every Wednesday at 8 p.m. EST on Mega Powers Radio.

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The Dace Man Show Ep 48 - Frank Takeover II: Attack of the Franks

Posted by The Dace Man - Saturday, May 24, 2014

Check out episode 48 of The Dace Man Show and Episode 2 of Frank's World Domination!

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Join Frank as he takes over The Dace Man Show and does whatever the hell he wants!

  • Sports with Frank!!!
  • Its not Gibby…YAY!!!!
  • Isn't the entire show his corner?
  • What happened this week in Hollywood?

Watch Godzilla free Online X-Men Days of Future Past Free Online News and Spoilers 

Listen live to The Dace Man Show every Wednesday at 8 p.m. EST on Mega Powers Radio.

Follow on Facebook: Mega Powers Radio | Fanboys Anonymous | The Dace Man Show | Nerd Court | Sports Talk Weekly | Addicted to Anime

Watch X-Men: Days of Future Past Movie Download Torrent OnlineOn episode 1 of the Fanboys Anonymous Reviewpoint podcast, the panel has a roundtable discussion about X-Men: Days of Future Past and breaks down not only what worked in the film (Hit) as well as what didn't (Miss).

Hosted by Tony Mango along with Sam Lascio.

You can watch the podcast below. Make sure to subscribe!

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Sand & Snow is a Game of Thrones podcast covering all the weekly happenings in the world of Westeros and beyond! Hyle Snow is a film major who exclusively enjoys Game of Thrones through the HBO television series. Jade Sand is a science major who has also read all of the books in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. Together they gather to discuss and review the latest episode while also comparing it with the books, with their own brand of insight and speculation.

Beware! This podcast is dark and full of spoilers! This show covers all the content up to and including the titled episode of Game of Thrones. It also discusses the details of the book series A Song of Ice and Fire up to the current part of the story that the show has reached. However, there will be no spoiling of anything in the future of the TV series or story within the books.

:: Season 4, Episode 7 ::

This week: Tyrion seeks his champion; Daenarys does Meereen; and a falcon-fish flies. We also welcome a special guest-host, Amory Waters!

Game of Thrones Mockingbird Full Episode Torrent Download      Littlefinger shoves Lysa Arryn through the moon door

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Nintendo Announces GameCube-Inspired Wii U Controller

Posted by Unknown - Friday, May 23, 2014

Nintendo has gone through many design changes when it comes to its controllers, from the simple rectangle of the NES to N64's odd shape and GameCube's heaping mess of buttons. By the time the company released the Wii and the Wii U, their simplistic remote made it easy for anyone to pick up—and just as fun as all of its predecessors. Although the new innovative advances have always been the forefront of Nintendo, the gaming company has recently partnered with Performance Designed Products (PDP) to release a GameCube-inspired controller for the Wii U.

New Wii U controller will be released with Super Smash Bros.

The leading manufacturer of video game accessories, PDP announced that the new remote—called the Wired Fight Pad—will come just in time for Super Smash Bros. on the Wii U this holiday season. Officially licensed by Nintendo and inspired by GameCube's controller, it's safe to say that it will bring that nostalgic feel of 2001.

Compatible with the Wii and Wii U, the Wired Fight Pad will plug into a Wii Remote the same way the Nunchuk does and will feature classic fan-favorite characters such as Mario, Yoshi, and Princess Peach.

GameCube-inspired controller will bring back nostalgia with new Super Smash Bros.

GameCube's controller has been the preferred choice when it comes to Super Smash Bros.—although nothing is like actually punching Princess Peach in the face (at least simulated with the Wii, close enough)—but GameCube's button scheme made gameplay that much better.

No official design has been released by either company, but PDP said the Wired Fight Pad will be available later this year for $25, launching alongside Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Game Informer reported.

Are you excited to brawl on this new controller? Let us know in the comment section below!

Peter Dinklage, perhaps better known as Tyrion Lannister on HBO’s Game of Thrones, was asked by MTV News to explain the show in less than a minute. Dinklage, being the master of words that he is, nails it!

Have a favorite show? Try explaining it in one minute or less in the comments below!

Peter Dinklage Interview Sound Bytes

"Marvel and Edgar Wright jointly announced today that the studio and director have parted ways on ANT-MAN due to differences in their vision of the film. The decision to move on is amicable and does not impact the release date on July 17, 2015. A new director will be announced shortly."
Wow. This comes as a shock, considering how Edgar Wright has been working on the film for so many years and it appeared to be a project that meant a lot to him. What creative differences must there have been that were so big to cause his exit?

I'm sure many fans are distraught about this news, but I'm frankly not one of them. From the very start, I felt as though Ant-Man was a character that would not translate well on screen. The rumors that eventually turned out to be true about it focusing on Scott Lang and messing around with a '60s timeline irked me. I wanted to see Hank Pym and Wasp together, and it felt like I was going to get something worse instead.

Edgar Wright has an audience that supports him, and that's perfectly fine. He's talented at what he does. However, his style is not my thing, and I was disappointed in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Hot Fuzz to the point where I haven't bothered watching Shaun of the Dead or The World's End because I just have to assume that everyone who praises them to me as being genius just doesn't have the same tastes. Ant-Man was already a ridiculous enough concept, and when you combine that with the choice of going with a period piece that focuses on the backup version of the character along with a director that has a style I'm not fond of, it spells disaster. Marvel's films have teetered on the edge of being too ridiculous with comedy for a while, and the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy seems hokey enough to worry me, but Edgar Wright's track record meant that I had no faith in this film.

Now—even though it's an unpopular opinion—I have more reason to believe that it won't be as bad. Whenever there is a series with an established tone and a director comes along that wants to try something different and do his own thing, it has the potential to spell disaster for the fans of what came before that. Look at Quantum of Solace for an example. Maybe the new director will be able to fit the mold better.

That brings up another question: who should replace Edgar Wright? Off the top of my head, I cannot think of anyone who is too big to jump on at this point. The trouble with being this far along into the production process is that the higher-profile the director is, the better their projects tend to be when they are allowed to work on them from the start. Fans might be wanting Jon Favreau to return or for someone like Guillermo Del Toro to try their hand at a Marvel film, but this is not the one for them. (By the way, Del Toro for Doctor Strange, anyone?) I would suggest going for a director who is more experienced when it comes to television. Why? Such a person would be used to working on a tighter schedule and having less input than a Hollywood blockbuster director. Could you really see Peter Jackson or Christopher Nolan doing exactly what Joss Whedon or Kevin Feige told him to do? For that matter, a high-profile director would cost a lot more than what he or she would be worth, as the whole point in paying for people that well respected is to pick their brains as much as possible.

This calls for someone who can come cheap and will listen. I would suggest going with one of the directors that has worked on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. because they are not only in the family already, but they are familiar with the tone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

What do you think of Edgar Wright leaving Ant-Man? Who should replace him as the director? Is the movie doomed or has it been saved?

Whether you agree or disagree, leave your comments below!

Marvel's Ant-Man font film logo poster wallpaper

For about a little over a decade, as the Red Hot Chili Peppers reemerged in the early 2000s and as Will Ferrell established himself as a comedian in Saturday Night Live and movies like Old School, something sinisterly creepy brought itself to light: Chad Smith and Will Ferrell are shockingly similar in appearance!

Jimmy Fallon Drum Off Chad Smith vs Will Ferrell

At one point, RHCP drummer Chad Smith admitted in an interview he got praised by a fan at a fast food joint for his performance in Saturday Night Live sketches, which was the first sign of some sort of official acknowledgment on the subject some 10-odd years ago.

Recently, the doppelgangers engaged in a feud on Reddit, trading sarcastic remarks, while Will Ferrell stepped up to the plate and claimed himself to be, in fact, both Will Ferrell and Chad Smith. A "Will Smith" of sorts. Wait…

Anyhow, Chad Smith challenged Will Ferrell to a drum off, which, after so much positive reaction, gained a new perspective. They would do so only after raising $300,000 for children's cancer charity and would appear on Jimmy Fallon. The result? You can view the long-awaited match-up, interview, and performance below, with a victory from… I'll leave you to it. Do you agree with the result? Comment for more cowbell.

Signed by Starfleet Academy Captain Hikari Sulu, Commandant, and Captain Richard Hahn, Superintendent, you too can now proudly and "nerdly" display what can only be described as the ultimate in sci-fi education with your name on it: the Starfleet Academy Certificate of Completion!

Although hardly a new concept, this is an updated design of the diploma, and extra-official as it has been reported on the the site itself. If you haven't had your chance to denominate yourself as ensign, here's the chance! is the printer, and frames them as well for a measly $35. Who says you can't buy good education for cheap? Comment!

Star Trek Starfleet Academy diploma Sulu Hahn

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Hello fellow readers, and welcome to my review of Wolfenstein: The New Order. Sorry for not writing in a while, but nothing has been released that has grabbed my attention. I don't know much of the story for this game yet as I'm only into chapter 4 or 5, so I will only review it up to there. Please forgive me (such a noob).

Without further ado, lets get to it!

Story Thus Far

The year is 1960, and the Nazis have won the Second World War. Our hero, B.J. Bazkowicz (Blazko to his friends), must launch an impossible counteroffensive plot against the monstrous Nazi regime that has conquered the globe.


This game isn't for the faint of heart on the Uber difficulty setting (which, BTW, I'm playing on), so prepare to die a lot—and I mean a lot. There aren't enough health packs laying around to save you, which is fantastic to see, in my opinion. It's been a while since there was a good old fashioned health meter instead of my screen going red while I go hide for cover and wait for everything to be all right. If collectibles are your thing, there are a lot in this game, ranging from health meter boosts to Nazi stolen gold and to some concept art everybody loves concept art am I right leave me a comment below on your thoughts about concept art.


Regarding the Xbox One graphics, I must say that, apart from some texture popping, the game looks and runs well. I did run into an issue with a floating gun that bounced like a yo-yo, but otherwise the game looks smooth considering its post-WWII setting.


In this part I would normally write about the characters, but honestly there are only two that are worth a damn—B.J Blazkowicz and the love interest of the story, Anya. If you want know more about the other characters then pick up this awesome game.

wolfenstein 3d the video game

B.J. Blazkowicz is the main protagonist of the game. He spent 14 years in a vegetative state, and after coming to he began to lead a small resistance group in Berlin with his old friend Caroline (who is stuck in a wheelchair for some apparent reason; this has yet to be explained [or if it was, I kinda drifted off]) with the hope that together they can liberate the world from the Nazis

Anya and Blazkowicz Sex Scene Wolfenstein: The New Order

Anya is a doctor who studied in London but had to become a nurse because there are no women's rights in the Nazi world. She looked after Blazko during his vegetative state. She witnessed the Nazis killing all of the mentally and physically disabled patients in the hospital and was taken prisoner. Blazko, being the hero he is, came out of his vegetative state and rescued her, and they fell in love. [Basically it's like Mario and Princess Peach.]

This game has been my surprise of the year, and I give it a solid 4 out of 5. The only reason for the mark down is that there is no multiplayer option. I would have loved see an old type of FPS multiplayer version where you find guns, armor, and health packs lying around. For me, that's what's missing from this title.

So this has been my review of Wolfenstein: The New Order. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoying playing the game!

Brian K. Vaughan's hit sci-fi space opera Saga finally continued this week after a lengthy 3-month break that was meant to give new readers a chance to catch up on the infamous Image Comics series through collected trade paperback editions. Saga has done this after every six issues thus far, although issue 19 feels more like a sequel than a continuation.

Image Comics' Saga returns from hiatus with issue nineteen

The volume kicks off in the signature shock and sexual Saga style with an up-close look at the birth of Prince Robot IV's son. The very first image is an entire splash page of the baby robot's head emerging from its mother's reproductive organs to remind you just what it means to sit and read an issue of Saga. Following the birth, we get to see a little of the robot's home planet and caste system while learning that Prince Robot IV is still missing after his collision with the protagonists in issue 18.

We then move to the planet Gardenia where Marko, in disguise as a battered soldier, watches Hazel play in a park. During their afternoon out, Marko meets a blue woman whose name we never learn. She flirts with him and then invites Hazel to come to her dance studio. While Marko lets Hazel play, we jump to the Open Circuit, a sci-fi combination of vaudeville and soap opera, where Alana has gotten a job as an actress. Following an altercation with a heckler, Alana nearly loses her job but convinces the director, Trix, who is clearly an homage to Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, to let her stay so she can provide for her daughter.

At this point we've seen every lead character minus The Will and Gwendolyn, but we haven't really established any driving action for this arc of the series. The dialogue is fun, and it's clear that pieces are being laid for future use, but this issue establishes more than it adds and ultimately feels like filler until the very end.

Alana returns to the Tree Ship after work to bring everyone together. Not much happens until Hazel's narration reminds you how Brian K. Vaughan keeps you coming back to the series. Hazel narrates the final page, depicting her parents sandwiching her between their bodies in a hug, with the words "This is the story of how my parents split up." It's a huge twist that is a clear departure from the Romeo and Juliet influence of lovers from opposite sides of a dispute, and it foreshadows serious changes to come.

It seems as though 60 percent of the comics on the shelves these days spend their page time reestablishing the status quo for a future adventure. Although Saga has certainly earned the time, it was a bit of a disappointment to come off the hiatus with groundwork instead of a bang. However, the conclusion certainly promises eventful things to come.

What did you think of Saga 19? Was it worth the wait? Let us know in the comments section below!

X-Men: Days of Future Past - Directed by Bryan Singer. Written by Simon Kinberg, Jane Goldman, and Matthew Vaughn. Starring Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), James McAvoy (Charles Xavier), Michael Fassbender (Magneto), Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique), Nicholas Hoult (Beast), Peter Dinklage (Bolivar Trask), Halle Berry (Storm), Ellen Page (Shadowcat), Shawn Ashmore (Iceman), Evan Peters (Quicksilver), Ian McKellen (Future Magneto) and Patrick Stewart (Future Professor Xavier).

Picture of Logo X-Men: Days of Future Past Film title screen shot

X-Men: Days of Future Past is a rare instance where the film is not only a prequel, but it is a sequel to a prequel, as well as a sequel to the sequels to that prequel which simultaneously gives you a look at its OWN sequel. Now that your brain has exploded, we can continue by merely referring to it the way it has been advertised—an "inbetweenquel".

This is a film that deals with time travel in a way that doesn't just service as a foundation for the film—it also erases the events that happened in the atrocious X-Men: The Last Stand as well as X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Yes, those movies were so terrible that another movie was made almost entirely to tell the audience "we're sorry".

So how did this film turn out? Was it as disappointing as those movies or did it follow the trend with The Wolverine in healing the franchise?

It's time for another REVIEWPOINT as we break down the film's hits and misses.


As always, let's start with the bad news first.



Even though I had seen pictures and clips ahead of time and knew full well what I was getting into with this movie, I was still a little disappointed in the Sentinels. Don't get me wrong—they're not bad. In fact, they're almost good. But there are some things that just bother me about them in a way that I can't see placing them in the Hit column.

For one thing, they're not big enough. I wouldn't want them to be painted just like the ones from the comics and look ridiculous, but I would like them to have the same size. It would have been cool to see at least one huge Sentinel in the future, at the very least. Instead, they're just ripoffs of the Destroyer in Thor, right down to the shifting metal faces that shoot out orange energy.


This is going to come out in a way that is much more demeaning than it is supposed to be, but it should be said: Peter Dinklage's height was a problem. I actually have no problem at all with them casting Dinklage and I think he did a perfectly fine job in the role as far as getting down the character and being a believable entity in the movie. However, there were multiple times when he was shown on screen where I was hearing laughter from the audience. They were merely laughing at the fact that he's a little person and not at anything inherently funny going on in the movie. Sure, they laughed at the jokes that were in front of them as well, but they also laughed at a scene where Trask was just walking. The character isn't a funny one that is played up for laughs, and this casting decision ended up taking some people out of the movie for a moment just because of the way he looked, which is a shame. Credit goes out to Dinklage for pulling the role off and in a way where I'd love to see him return for the next film, but I still think this is a bit of a Miss. I didn't feel as though Dinklage brought so much extra to the role that his casting was imperative and the filmmakers could have avoided some snickering viewers by putting someone else in that spot instead. I would assume there was an implication of the idea that his dwarfism is a mutation in everyday life, which would help inspire the character, but that point was never addressed to cater to the lesser folk in the audience.


The guy just looked like such a douche.


The idea that Magneto was responsible for killing JFK was cool enough in my mind and I was ecstatic when I heard that. Changing it up to be the opposite, with Magneto trying to save him because he was a mutant, but then that is it—no further details. Come on, man! (Note: This is not a negative in the sense that I think it hurts the film. This is just me suffering exactly as they intended for me to suffer, because they wanted me to want to know more and that's exactly what is happening.)



This is a big one, if not THE biggest Hit in the movie. Following X2: X-Men United, the series took a dark turn and became incredibly disappointing—and that's being nice. We sat through such garbage as Deadpool with his mouth sewn shut, countless murders of characters due to scheduling conflicts, weak casting decisions (I'm looking at you, Taylor Kitsch as Gambit) and some pseudo-Emma Frost character who was somehow related to Silverfox. This has all been wiped clean from existence due to this movie and we can move on. Hopefully, as we forget that those two films ever existed, the filmmakers will not forget the lessons that they learned through making them.


It wasn't until afterward, when discussing the film with my fellow Fanboy Sam, that I noticed there was not one instance of the word "groovy". The time period was spoken of and shown through the set design, costumes, and technology, but it was not beaten into our brains. Nothing was over-the-top about it. People weren't doing stupid disco dancing in the streets for a cheap laugh or anything of the sort.


I've always loved the main theme from X-Men: The Animated Series and when they basically came as close as possible to replicated that for X2: X-Men United, it made me very happy. To see that abandoned in The Last Stand was disappointing. With this film, they brought it back, which made me very happy once more. I still would like to see them go full blast and just do the actual animated series theme, but I'll settle for the knockoff.


Too many comic book movies think that the number of laughs translates to how good the movie is and how much money will be made. Often, that leads down the disastrous route of being too funny for its own sake—particularly if the humor is stupid and lazy. For this film, if I'm remembering correctly, I laughed every time I was supposed to and not at anything that was unintentionally funny (such as Bolivar Trask, as mentioned above). In particular, a joke that I was very fond of was Wolverine's surprise that he did not set off the metal detector. Everyone in the audience cracked up at that one and I could hear one woman asking the person next to her to explain why she didn't get the joke. Quicksilver's shining moment was a funny scene that everyone seemed to enjoy as well.


If you have read my reviews in the past, you know that I'm a big fan of cameos in superhero flicks. This movie was chock full of them to the point where I felt very, very satisfied. Little ones like the reference to Quicksilver's biological connection to Magneto were cool and much appreciated, but that final scene...THAT FINAL SCENE! That was fantastic, seeing all of those characters back and in a way that felt like the happiest ending imaginable. I'll admit that I came closer to choking up during that scene than anything that was supposed to be sad in any of the previous films.

It wouldn't have felt as powerful of a resolution without the likes of the core team. Also, the allusion that Kitty and Colossus are dating rather than her being with Bobby? Awesome. Rogue having her powers back? Awesome. But the key to the whole thing was the interaction with Jean Grey and Cyclops. Even though they've always fought in the past over her, I've always liked seeing Scott and Logan still have respect for each other. So good!

I'm still waiting on Avalanche to appear at some point in one of these movies, along with the use of Mr. Sinister and Henry Peter Gyrich as villains, but the way that this film handled the use of characters makes me confident that they will come in time.


Absolutely. This obviously is going to be a movie that you will enjoy significantly more if you have been a fan of the X-Men comic book characters and the previous films. That being said, I would expect casual moviegoers to enjoy it as well. It was a fun ride and entertaining all throughout. Similar to Captain America: The Winter Soldier and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, I got the feeling that I was watching a live action adaptation of a graphic novel come to life because that is exactly what they set out to do.

If you want to check out some more comic book film Reviewpoint articles:

What were your thoughts on the movie? What should the next Reviewpoint be?


Grab your blue-and-red glasses and your favorite log. It's time for some damn fine (and hot) coffee and a whole lot of cherry pie. Might want to brew up a second pot o' joe while you're at it. Just make sure there isn't a fish in the percolator!

That's right, Twin Peaks fans, the much desired and demanded "lost scenes" are coming, along with a Blu-ray set that will make you start talking backwards. Entertainment Weekly has reported that the set will be released on July 29, 2014 and will truly be "filled with secrets":

"[E]very episode from the complete television series; both the U.S. and international versions of the series' Pilot; the North American Blu-ray debut of David Lynch's follow-up feature Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me; and nearly 90 minutes of deleted and extended scenes from the film. The set also features newly transferred Log Lady introductions for each episode; picture upgrades to many shots in the TV series; a new featurette with series creator Lynch and the actors who portrayed the Palmer family which includes a mesmerizing return to the lives of their characters today; and hours of never-before-released material." (from

Missing pieces from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me are included in this new Blu-Ray set. Check in with Laura Palmer, Agent Cooper, and the Log Lady to find out what Bob's been up to!

Are your arms bending back yet? No? Well then, check out this "Missing Pieces" teaser for the set and see if you don't suddenly feel the urge to dance strangely and moan:

Fans have been clamoring for these scenes for years, and there's even a Facebook petition that was created in 2011. This new collection should make those crazy kids feel pretty Horne-y! (See what I did there?)

There's a lot more where that came from too, fellow Peak-ers. Tumblr account andthemissingpieces is dropping crumbs along the way, including pictures from the missing scenes. If you're really missing Twin Peaks and wish it had gone on for more than two seasons, head over to Twitter, where fan-created site @EnterTheLodge is putting on a third season of the show through tweets from the characters (view their website here to catch up on the story so far).

Enter the Lodge continues the story of Twin Peaks through tweets from the characters. Created by fans

Were you a Peaks fan back in the day, spending your days wondering who killed Laura Palmer and debating possible killers with your friends? Have you made all of your romantic partners watch the series with you so that you could share the weirdness together? Did you have a copy of The Diary of Laura Palmer, The Autobiography of Special Agent Dale Cooper and his cassette of tapes to Diane, and the Welcome to Twin Peaks tour guide? (Yes, I have all of these and more…what can I say? I loved the show). Let us know what you're looking forward to in the Blu-ray set or share your favorite Twin Peaks memories and quotes below!