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"I see you have a gun too." |
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Some zombies have delusions of NBA superstardom. |
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"I see you have a gun too." |
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Some zombies have delusions of NBA superstardom. |
Hey there comic nerds, no its not Kevin Smith, but it is the some what thinner and most definitely poorer Chris "The Dace Man" Dace. Today I want to bring you on the fourth-wall breaking experience, presented by Daniel Way, known as Deadpool! Yes every true comic book's favorite village idiot. I personally eagerly await the delivery of Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, because what I find great about Deadpool gets real mofos. Today's journey though will take us to Volume one of Daniel Way's Deadpool, so sit back grab some chimichangas and stare directly into the camera and address the audience as we break us down some Deadpool.
Deadpool Volume 1: Secret Invasion covers Deadpool Issues 1-5 and includes Deadpool's adventures during Marvel's Crossover Event Secret Invasion, also a very good read. For those of you not familiar with Deadpool you are in for a spectacular treat. It is best to know when reading a Deadpool comic he can have up three speech bubbles going on at one time and they are all a form of Deadpool and ultimately lead to hilarity. The penciling in this Volume is done by Paco Medina and Carlo Barberi. Medina will stick around for volume 2 and then split and Barberi wont be back to volume 4. All overall great presentation throughout volume 1 and great story as well.
Now issues 1-3 cover Deadpool's interaction with Skrull Empire and how he's on a mission to bring them down. A note to point out for those in the Philadelphia area there's a hat tip to the Phillie Phanatic in issue 1. Our favorite, and presumably only, Merc with a Mouth decides to wear a mascot that is very similar to the beloved Philly icon, of course the Philly Icon doesn't pack heat...right? So the annoying little Skrulls interrupt a Braves v.s. Phillies game...that's what I'm calling it deal with it...Deadpool reveals himself and takes down the ship hovering above Citizens Bank park, like I said deal with it, I'm from Philly and I enjoy seeing Philly references. By the end of Issue 1 we see the Mouthy Wilson jump ship to the Skrulls and ultimately joins them on their ship to help create a whole group of Wade Wilson Skrulls...good idea right. It is later revealed that there was an ulterior motive for Deadpool's defection and only you can find out why by going out and picking up this comic. Yeah I'm that guy that leads you into a point where now you have to go buy it or google the result.
On to issues 4 and 5! So after that awesome ending to Issues 1 through 3, still not gonna tell you what happened, go buy it, we find our awesome assassin looking for work. Of course the Merc finds work with an old Pal...Zeke...sounds like were getting ready to play inFamous. Check out I Got Gameplay, that's my only shameless plug I promise. Any ways back to the task at hand, Deadpool gets a job to go rescue this smoking hot babe for a dude, there's zombies, death and some kind of syrum not to mention a big explosion! Most importantly more Deadpool singing, ladies and gentlemen he's the next American Idol. This volume ends with a shot of Deadpool in water and Tiger shark approaching. GASP! Guess you'll have to check out my Volume 2 review when I write it [Insert Some happy looking emoticon]
A nice little feature at the end of this volume is a separate read at the end called The DeadPool Saga and as in all volumes sketch cards and variant covers. So to me this is a series I truly love and really the first one I ever invested in and followed through to the end. Deadpool hooked me into the Marvel Universe and I haven't been able to leave since, which you will see by my heavy reviews revolving around the Marvel Universe. As always check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking
at, and no not just porn, as well as all other bloggers here at Fanboys Anonymous. So for The Few, The Proud, and of course The
Dacetacular, grab a beer and check out what's going on here in the
Dace-Sphere. See ya next time.
Hi-diddly-Ho there, and if you got that reference you my friends have come to the right place. This deep dark corner of Fan-boys anonymous is known as the Dace-Sphere where each week I will break down; movies, music, comics, games and must-see-cities that my cohorts have not already done grammatically better than I. For the inaugural article, I have decided to review the oh so popular Walking Dead series. No not the TV series but the Comic book series, yes it was a comic first. If you honestly want a review of AMC's The Walking Dead, not available on Dish Network so suck it Dish Network Customers(AMC's words not mine), there are play by play's of each episode every Sunday night on your Facebook feed, 9 pm Eastern time, your friends are jerks that spoil everything.
Over the past week I decided to do the Un-American thing, fittingly in Canada, and read the comic the series was based upon. Going into the comic with little knowledge of what to expect but "The Show strays from the Book", the read is absolutely fantastic. Kirkman my good man, you have done a great thing. If you enjoy watching the show and reading the comics you'll see that it unfolds as a new story on both platforms. Yes there are similarities but still a different adventure none the less. For those of you who have read and watched the series, the character Shane is a prime example. Now I have the awesome pleasure to read issues 1 through 96, and eagerly await the release of Volume 17 containing issues 97 to 102. Now through all sixteen volumes you are taken on this emotional roller-coaster of hope and sadness as well as awesome action sequences on the way. Now with out giving too much away about the series expect a darker look at the events that our favorite post-apocalyptic group faces. From what I saw that went down on the little black and white boxes of imagination, there is no way AMC will allow certain events to go into such detail on air. That being said you could only imagine what would go down after society collapses and there are no rules and consequences.
That being said and you enjoy, or like me vicariously live through, the zombie infested adventures of Rick Grimes, this is a must read for 'hardcore' Walking Dead fans. If you are some one who isn't all about pictures with words because it confuses you I wouldn't suggest picking it up and allow Andrew Lincoln to continue acting it out for you. However if you are the slight bit interested to see where the phenomenon AMC is cashing in on began due Robert Kirkman a solid and give him a little bit of money and atleast pick up Volume 1 and 2 of the Walking Dead. If you aren't hooked by the end of Volume 2 its probably not for you. Personal experience once i rolled into Volume 3 i just couldn't put it down and now I'm jonesing for more. So this has been the first-ever-brand-spanking-new-number-one-ultimate-edition of the Dace-Sphere. Check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking at, and no not just porn. So for The Few, The Proud, and of course The Dacetacular, grab a beer and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere.
It's Halloween. Time to watch some scary movies! Tired of watching the same old (but not bad) movie marathons on TV? Here's a list of must watch films from yours truly. <3
Most of these movies can be found on Netflix. I'm going to just assume that the majority of people reading this have a Netflix account. If you don't, seriously... what are you doing with your life? Get on it!
Tucker & Dale vs Evil
This isn't exactly a scary movies, but it is gory as hell! Tucker and Dale are two (kind of) normal hillbilly redneck guys who buy a fix-r-up vacation home. They plan on having a nice time working on the house in peace, but when a group of teens suspect them of being murderous psychopaths, things take a turn for the worst. To be honest, this movie can be considered a comedy with tons of blood and guts. If you're a fan of Shaun of the Dead, you will absolutely love this movie.
The Thing
One of my most favorite movies and the reason I fell in love with special effects makeup/puppeteering. It's something that is rare in cinema these days, in a world full of computer generated special effects. Scientists stationed on Antarctica encounter a shape-shifting alien being that unknowingly infects and takes over the bodies of the group. When anyone can be the monster, who can you trust? The movie inspired many horror movie and sci-fi film makers and has even inspired an episode of the X-files ("Ice" season 1 episode 8).
Session 9
Fans of psychological horror, you have probably already seen this. For the rest of you, this movie will give you chills to the bone. A team of asbestos removers take a job cleaning an old abandoned psychiatric hospital. Some of the team start to uncover things about one of the patients who was treated at the hospital. But there's something more going on when members of the team start going missing. Watch this movie in the dark.
The Innkeepers
The two remaining employees of a century old hotel are tasked with working the last weekend before the old hotel closes. The hotel is nearly empty, harboring only two guest. The employees are believers in the old stories of the hotel being haunted and decide to try their hand at ghost hunting in the nearly vacant building. This movie will make you think twice before taking a bath in a hotel bathroom.
Apartment 143
After the death of his wife, a father of two moves to a new apartment to escape being haunted by his estranged wife. But when the haunting continues after moving, he hires a team of paranormal investigators to spend a few nights in his house to video tape and study the activity and do what they can to make it stop. Truths of the relationship between the mother and the rest of her family are uncovered. Fans of Paranormal Activity will fall in love with this movie.
Lovely Molly
Molly just got married. Her mother left the newlyweds her childhood home after she died. Molly's memories of her dead, abusive father start to come back to haunt her in more ways than one. She steadily starts to lose grip on her sanity and begins acting quite peculiar to say the least. Don't watch this movie if you life in a wooded area... or if you like horses.
The Ward
From horror legend John Carpenter, who brought us Halloween, comes this tail of a young woman who is sent away to a mental hospital. Upon arrival, she's haunted by something dark. Soon her fellow patients begin to disappear mysteriously. There's just something about cute crazy girls in hospital gowns...
The Caller
When Mary breaks up with her abusive boyfriend and gets her own apartment, she begins receiving strange phone calls from an old woman who claims to be the resident of the same apartment she lived in. And also claims that she still lives in the apartment... in the past. When Mary confronts the woman caller and tells her to prove it, things in the apartment start to change, old drawings on the wall start showing up. The woman just wanted to be friends, but Mary wanted to be left alone. So, The woman will make Mary pay.
Do you love "found footage" style movies? Don't mind reading subtitles? Great, because you're going to dig this movie. A family goes on vacation to their old vacation home, deep in the woods, and equipped with a labyrinth in the back yard. The oldest son decides to do a school project on the old ghost stories about the labyrinth using video cameras and help from his little sister. One night the family dog goes missing. The children search the labyrinth for him the next day and... well, if you love dogs, you may just cry. But what really happened? Watch as the children uncover what kind of force is really behind the activity in the labyrinth.
Dread isn't a scary movie, but it is pretty damn good. College students set out to do a study on fear for a school project. But the one who has the idea to start up the study has a secret about his past, a fear, that he keeps secret. When he dumps his meds down the drain, he starts losing his mind. Eventually he starts bringing the fears of some of his interviewees to life.
Again, not a scary movies, but fun for Halloween. This is a zombie movie that is set in the point of view of the zombies. To them, nothing has changed except for the fact that everyone is moving in high speed and seem afraid of them. And to everyone else, they're brain dead flesh eating zombies. If you're in the mood for a funny zombie movies, watch it. Maybe it's just me, but when you see the zombies from the human point of view, you'll die laughing.
Henry: A Portrait of a Serial Kill
Based on actual events, Michael Rooker portrays the mass serial murderer named Henry Lee Lucas. This is a man who has killed over 300 people. Henry seems to be a normal guys just trying to make a living and get his life back together, but there is something far more sinister behind those cold dark eyes. Known as one of the most disturbing films of all time, this should definitely be on your list of movies to watch on this Halloween night.
Lake Mungo
This is a documentary style film following the investigation of the death of a teenage girl in an Australian suburb. How did she die? Why did she die? And why is there so much mystery surrounding her death? I won't lie, this movie creeped me out quite a bit. Watch this movie and find out what the young dead girl found before her demise.
"There aint no rest for the wicked." This is definitely true when you're talking about the team at Gearbox. Not only did they make one excellent game with a bunch of awesome downloadable content, they made a better game and already released their first out of four DLC package. There's more guns, more loot, more shields, and more mods, not to mention more epic bosses who drop some pretty incredible rare items. Oh, and more Easter eggs and references.
We find ourselves in a new area of the violent, barren wasteland that is the planet Pandora, only there's something different. WTF, is that a treasure chest...? Yep, that's definitely a treasure chest. Oh, holy crap it's spewing out thousands of dollars! I'M RICH, BITCH! And the gun mounted vehicles have been replaced with hover boats?! Weird.
This DLC has a Borderlands style pirate theme. As most people know, pirates are in it for that booty. That sweet, thick booty. Mmmm...booty. Where was I? Oh, right. We're done looking for vaults. Now we're on a mission to find us some hidden buried treasure. But we're not doing it alone! We're getting our missions from a very lovely, slightly twisted pirate named Captain Scarlet who has a mechanical peg leg and hook for a hand. She promises to split the treasure with us when we find it. And for some reason, I have the strange feeling that she aims to stab us in the back and try to keep the treasure for herself. Hmm...I wonder why.
So you made level cap at level 50. What challenges could Gearbox possibly give you to make the game any more fun? Well, unless you've stopped playing the game, you've noticed by now that they have added a new game mode called "True Vault Hunter Mode" which makes all of the enemies' levels higher and more suited to your particular level, making them harder to kill. So, not only does this make replaying the game to get all of the goodies you may have missed more exciting, it makes the DLC challenging without having to raise the level cap. Oh, right, I didn't mention that did I? It's not a bad thing though. They plan on raising the level cap in the next DLC, which is due out in two weeks. That means the next DLC is going to be more difficult. With higher difficultly comes better equipment.
Borderlands 2 is a game that is most fun playing with friends, but it isn't a must. If you haven't picked the game up, you should most definitely do that. Don't feel like it's too late. People will be playing this game for a while. Although Halo 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops II is right around the corner, I honestly believe that people will revisit this game. I know I certainly will, especially with the DLC that is due to come out soon. Borderlands 2 is sure to be some of the most fun you've ever had playing a first-person shooter and a total must buy in my opinion.
Happy vault hunting, friends!
Disney has bought out Lucasfilm for roughly $4 billion and has announced that they'll be targeting a 2015 release for STAR WARS: EPISODE VII.
George Lucas has said he's going to pass Star Wars onto "the next generation of filmmakers".
My first thought was insane joy. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and the idea of seeing more movies is awesome.
My second thought was pure dread. The films are over with. The storyline is something he's said he has no interest in making, and it doesn't seem like he'll be involved much in it, too. Now, while that might be a good thing when it comes to some of the mistakes he's made in the past, one must not forget the good things he's responsible for as well. If this ends up becoming something like the Clone Wars TV show, then this could be atrocious.
How can they continue this story when all these characters are dead? Are we really going to get Luke Skywalker as the old mentor of a new group of Jedi with Han Solo, Leia, Chewbacca, R2D2, C-3PO and Lando all taking leadership roles of some sort? What will the enemy be if the Sith are eradicated?
I'm personally afraid they're going to screw this up royally - and I'm someone that actually defends the prequel trilogy (even though I think there are some massive problems with it, like Anakin's age and Jar Jar Binks). If they can pull it off, then I'd love to see more movies, but if they can't do the series justice then I'd rather them just let it stay dormant and work on that offshoot television show they've spun rumors about for years.
I'm not interested in watching something that claims to be a sequel but doesn't focus on the main characters. I've never been a fan of the Expanded Universe throwing a bunch of random elements out there that are lazy. I don't want some Palpatine clone, nor do I want it to be about the Yuuzhan Vong. I'm perfectly ok with a Ben Skywalker being at the forefront of things but I'd want the real Ben (Obi-Wan Kenobi) to have a presence in the sequel trilogy. I also will be really disappointed if we don't get Anakin Skywalker as a mentor of sorts. Why not have Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan as ghostly mentors that act as elders to the new Jedi Council? Ok, now I'm stealing elements from my own fan fiction that I wrote several years ago [titled Episode VII: The Neglected Plague, Episode VIII: Prayer to the Force, and Episode IX: Renaissance of the Republic].
Here are some plot points that I'd like to see: Leia as a liaison between the Senate and the Jedi Council (led by Luke and the ghosts of Anakin, Yoda, and Kenobi). Han Solo as the commander of the military. Lando as a senator. I'd like Luke to have a son named Ben and possibly Han and Leia to have a daughter - both of whom are young (20-something) Jedi Knights. Maybe the villains are a divergent sect of Dark Jedi that run as a different kind of Jedi Order as opposed to Sith. If that's the case, it would make sense if the leader of it is someone that was one of Luke's primary advisers when originally trying to restart the Jedi Order, but he defected (fallen angel type of storyline). I hope they keep a lot of the little things that make Star Wars what it is, like "I have a bad feeling about this" and a Skywalker getting his hand cut off in the middle film.
Episode 3 of the I Got Gameplay podcast is now online. On this episode, Mike Burhan, Nick Abrams, Sean Mitchell and Chris Dace continue talking about Suda 51 - this time focusing on Shadows of the Damned and Lollipop Chainsaw.
You can check out this episode and the previous two by using the following links:
Lybsin: http://smarkoutmoment.libsyn.com/rss
Stitcher: http://stitcher.com/s/player.php?fid=28912&refid=stpr
If you'd like to join the discussion, like us on Facebook and comment on our page here: https://www.facebook.com/igotgameplay
You can also subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/igotgameplay
Ever since Ghostbusters II, people have been yearning for another sequel to round out the series in typical trilogy fashion. Over 20 years have passed and the rumors have been flying around more than ever that Ghostbusters III is finally coming our way. But with rumors that they've struggled to figure out a script beyond the concept of "passing the torch" and that multiple cast members might not be interested in returning, what could they possibly do to make this a success? In the spirit of fan fiction, this is my theory on what I would do if given the reigns of control.
SOCIAL LINKS: Facebook | Twitter
Sean Hamilton loves superhero comics. Having spent the last decade in the banking industry and completing a Masters in History, he wanted to spark a more creative outlet and turned to his childhood passion for comics. He lives in Auckland, New Zealand with his family. Besides comics, Sean is a Transformers enthusiast who is now passing this onto his young son. Sean follows most sports and enjoys refereeing Rugby.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Transformers the Movie (1984), Jurassic Park, The Avengers, The Prince of Egypt, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Kingdom of Heaven, Star Wars (Original Trilogy), Shaun of the Dead, Blood Diamond, Taken, Robin Hood Men in Tights
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
Adventure Time, Whose Line is it Anyway?, Agents of Shield, Amazing Race, Comic Book Men, The Walking Dead
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Diablo (whole series), Pokémon, Age of Empires Series, Final Fantasy 7
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
Amazing X-Men, All New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Saga, Y: The Last Man, Scalped, Cyclops, Storm, Magneto, Transformers Regeneration, East of West, Satellite Sam, The Manhattan Projects
SOCIAL LINKS: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn
OTHER LINKS: Website | deviantArt
Born and raised in a city in the Amazon, Brazil, Caroline Z. Oliveira ignited her passion for horror movies at the ripe age of five. Since then she has not been able to stop writing horror tales and conceptualizing all sorts of ghastly creatures, which have been materialized in films and photo shoots.
In May 2012, Caroline graduated from Tisch School of the Arts with a B.F.A in Film and Television Production and continues to do her best in creating nightmares, along with wounds, deformities, and occasionally human organs. She has also recently graduated from Makeup Designory's Film and Television program.
Aside from gore, she enjoys drawing, which are constantly posted on her DeviantArt account, writing horror movies, and spending time with her beloved Boston Terrier, Bonnie.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist, Candyman 1 and 2, The Serpent and the Rainbow, The Conjuring, Pink Floyd The Wall, Audition, Julia's Eyes, Battle Royale, The Labyrinth, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Interview with the Vampire...
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
The X-Files, The Twilight Zone, House of Cards, Sons of Anarchy, Homeland, Life and Times of Tim, Summer Heights High, Flight of the Conchords, Monk, Law and Order SVU, Dexter
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Pokemon (Yellow, Blue, Silver), Resident Evil 5, Mortal Kombat, Hotel Dusk, Batman Arkham Asylum, Mario Kart for Super Nintendo (yeah...I know)
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
Sandman! Hellboy, Horns, N0S4A2, Heart-Shaped Box, Queen of the Damned, The Hannibal Series, real-crime books/ serial killer books (there are so many I can't really list them all), Phantoms, Hell House, The Shinning, Doctor Sleep, It...Just like my favorite movies I'm sure I'll remember at least five more I forgot in these lists!
SOCIAL LINKS: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
OTHER LINKS: Super Sox Shop | Storenvy
Gina D'Angelo is a lifelong costume enthusiast. Her preference for spandex and antennas instead of designer jeans eventually lead her to a career in fashion. The fashion world was still not the right fit, and she currently sews and sells her superhero creations at Super Sox Shop. Gina can be found either chained to a sewing machine or selling superhero inspired X-Mas sox, plushies, costumes and hoodies at comic cons up and down the east coast.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Run Lola Run, A Clockwork Orange, Fight Club, The Crow
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
The Simpsons, Adventure Time, Futurama, The Venture Brothers, Seinfeld, Game of Thrones
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Katamari Damacy
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
COMICS: Sandman, Ennis's run of Hellblazer, Batman: The Long Halloween, Batgirl: Year One, current favorite Chew.
BOOKS: Lolita, Choke, Red Dragon
OTHER LINKS: Press Start on YouTube
Straight out of the womb, Tam has always had a passion for video games. This passion led to the creation of "Press Start", a media platform devoted to all things gaming. With a background in communications media and journalism, Tam looks to make this dream into a reality.
Tam is the creator and producer of "Press Start", a collaborative media platform where anything gaming-related has an opportunity to shine in the spotlight. "Press Start" features reviews, news, let's plays, commentary, discussions, and more.
When he's not playing games, Tam can be found watching anime, reading manga, or drawing in his spare time.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
The Star Wars trilogy (NOT the prequels), John Woo's Red Cliff, Rush Hours 1 & 2, MOST superhero films
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
Futurama, Archer, South Park, Adventure Time, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex & 2nd GIG, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Shingeki no Kyojin, Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Panic!, Dragon Ball Z
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, Devil May Cry 3 & 4, Final Fantasy IV & X, Monster Hunter (any of them), Pokemon Gold/Silver, Guild Wars 2, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Link Between Worlds, Twilight Princess, Xenosaga trilogy, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Dynasty Warriors franchise
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
Cable and Deadpool, Marvel Civil War, Shingeki No Kyojin, Deathnote, Avengers Arena, Lord of the Rings trilogy, JLA/Avengers
SOCIAL LINKS: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook (Ultimate Writing) | SynergEbooks
Will Molinar received a B.A. in English way back in the 20th Century (1999) at Indiana University in the state in which he was spawned. Spending time growing up as a Navy brat enabled him to travel the country before settling down for grade school. After college, Will decided to move to the Land of Fruits and Nuts (Los Angeles) to pursue a writing career. After great success he married and decided to move to New York City just for the hell of it.
Will has been a serious writer for many years, publishing his first novel in 2006. Called a “blood spattered testosterone fest,” Shadows in the Dust was followed by two sequels in the same series and four more Gothic Fantasy novels, all published online with SynergEbooks.com. After conquering this genre, Will transcended space and time and wrote four more novels in the Fantasy/Crime world called the Murder Haven series and is currently in talks to get them published.
Living with his wife and young son in New York City, Will is busy writing professionally and working as an elite personal trainer. He spends his time watching movies, lots of TV and playing with his son and two cats. His wife puts up with his deep love of the macabre only because she loves the supernatural as much as he does. They spend their time practicing witch craft and watching scary movies.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Princess Bride, Ghostbusters, The Terminator, Back to the Future, This is Spinal Tap, Star Wars, Big Trouble in Little China, Fright Night and The Fifth Element. I also adore the old Universal Monster series and any old school noir/mystery films.
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
24, Futurama, anything animated from the 80s like The Transformers and He-Man, Arrested Development, all the 90s comic book series like X-Men, Batman, Spider-Man, MacGyver, Star Trek: TOS, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Doctor Who, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (with Jeremy Brett), Sherlock (with Benedict Cumberbatch), Agatha Christie’s Poirot.
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Anything Castlevania, including my favorite of all time, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy VII, Breath of Fire III, Metal Gear Solid, Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, Fable, Grand Theft Auto, Rome: Total War, Planescape: Torment, Baldur’s Gate, and Icewind Dale
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
Favorite books? Where should I start? The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings changed my life when I was 12 and I’ve read well over 1000 fantasy novels since then. I also read sci-fi, horror and techno-thrillers like anything from Michael Chrichton. Comics? Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, did I mention Spider-Man? Also the X-Men and some Batman graphic novels like The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: The Killing Joke. I also like old school horror comics like Tales from the Crypt and I love Watchmen.
SOCIAL LINKS: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn
Bethany has spent most of her life in the Lake Tahoe region of Northern Nevada, with the exception of 3 years in Atlanta during high school, and 3 years at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. There she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre (emphasis in directing and stage management).
She currently lives in Reno, and is getting ready to marry her fiancé next April. She is hard at work getting her freelance editing business up and running, and is eventually hoping to start her own theatre company in her hometown of Minden, NV. She and her fiancé plan to participate in a travel nursing program after he graduates from nursing school.
Bethany's hobbies include ballet, reading, boating, spending time with family and friends, movies, holistic wellness and food, and aerial silks.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Benny and Joon, Star Wars, The Fall, The Fountain, Titan A.E., Inception, The Princess Bride, Howl's Moving Castle, 10 Things I Hate About You
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
Friends, Frasier, InuYasha, Gilmore Girls, M.A.S.H., Veronica Mars, Yu Yu Hakusho
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
Harry Potter, anything by Madeleine L'Engle, The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices (Cassandra Clare), the Ender's Game series (Orson Scott Card), Sunshine and Spindle's End (Robin McKinley), Howl's Moving Castle (Diana Wynne Jones), anything by Charles de Lint, the Abhorsen series (Garth Nix), the Mercy Thompson series (Patricia Briggs), The Golden Compass (Philip Pullman), the Abarat series (Clive Barker)
Whilst growing up in '80s England, Graham's elementary school teachers said it was most likely that he was going to be either a crazy scientist or inventor. Unfortunately, his IQ is not high enough to have achieved those accolades, but he is keen on re-purposing all manner of items so that they do things that they weren't supposed to when they left the factory.
Notable projects still to be completed include:
Building a children's playhouse out of unwanted shipping pallets (it withstood a recent storm and has remained dry through the winter but is yet to be used as intended),
Turning a mobility scooter into a ride on car for his daughter,
Placing a computer and monitor into a 1950s console television cabinet and using it as a media server.
When not working on such projects Graham is likely to be thinking of new ones or watching some science fiction series or other.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
The Warriors, Star Trek [laserdisc unmolested edition], The Explorers, The Goonies, Toy Soldiers, Full Metal Jacket.
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
The A Team, The Land of the Giants, Lost in Space, Star Trek: deep Space 9, The Sopranos, Sons of Anarchy, Game of Thrones, The X-Files, Thundercats both the 80s and 2011 reboot and most documentaries relating to disasters, murder, destruction/construction.
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
The Grand Theft Auto series, Goldeneye (N64), Interstate series, Max Payne series.
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
An English teacher by trade, Graham would like to consider himself reasonably well read. He isn't into comics but loves anime. When not reading essays he loves detective fiction from Sherlock Homes to The Hanging Shed and other crime novels written by Gordon Ferris. His guilty secret is that he has read (and enjoyed) the complete Miss Marple series by Agatha Christie.
Jack Wallace has always been an Ohioan. After getting a business degree from Ohio University, he found himself inexplicable working in Finance working with a non-profit doing small business lending. He is married and spends an unhealthy amount of time in front of the television and reading.
Jack grew up on comics, mainly Marvel. A lot of time was spent reading the Avengers, X-Men, and his favorite, The Incredible Hulk. He moved away from the mainstream and more in to the independent realm. Jack started writing comics a couple years ago and will soon have his first book out.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Groundhog Day, V for Vendetta, Key Largo, The Shining, I Saw The Devil, Let the Right One In, Shaun of the Dead, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Blazing Saddles, Anchorman, Inception, It's a Wonderful LIfe
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
Breaking Bad, Lost, The Sopranos, VEEP, Sherlock, The Venture Brothers, Game of Thrones, Firefly, Battlestar Galatica, Deadwood, The Wire, The Killing, The Walking Dead, Chappelle's Show, It's Always Sunny, Arrested Development, Louie
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Portal 2, Civilization, Metal Gear Solid (Playstation 1), Final Fantasy VII, Need for Speed. GTA's, Red Dead Redemption.
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
Comics: The Sandman by Neil Gaiman, Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis, Sin City by Frank Miller, Preacher by Garth Ennis, Swamp Thing by Alan Moore
Books: Orwell's "1984", Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath", Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms", "Death of Ivan Illyich" by Tolstoy, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" by Hunter S. Thompson,
SOCIAL LINKS: Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Ethereal Underground Facebook
OTHER LINKS: Books with Bree | Ethereal Underground
Briana Gaitan is a southern native and self proclaimed geek. Along with her desk job, she moonlights as an author. She has written over six published novels including the Ethereal Underground and Hollywood Timelines series. Along with her work at Fanboys, Briana runs a book blog and is a marketing intern at a publishing company. She enjoys reading, meeting interesting people, video games, and has spent countless hours dreaming of a life in space.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
All the Star Wars, X-Men, and Star Trek movies. All the Marvel Comic's movies. The Harry Potter movies. I also adore any movie that has Paul Rudd, Seth Rogan, or Jason Segal in it.
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
All the Syfy channel TV shows: including Eureka, Haven, Being Human, Defiance, Warehouse 13 and Helix. Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Once Upon a Time, The Vampire Diaries, Game Of Thrones, Doctor Who, FireFly, Buffy, Angel, Dexter. There are too many to list!!
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
I'm pretty old school. Zelda, Mario Brothers, Street Fighter, or Mortal Kombat. Lately, I have been into the Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare. I did enjoy Defiance ( Please don't hate me!!!).
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
I really couldn't list them all! The Harry Potter books are classics thought. I do enjoy the creativity that comes from Indie Authors such as Tara Brown, Colleen Hoover, and Lizzy Ford.
SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter | LinkedIn
OTHER LINKS: GameDev/Writing Blog
Kym Pressley hails from New York but now resides in Georgia. By day, he is a programmer for a consulting firm, but by night, he abandons his stuffy work clothes, dons his pajama pants and hoodie and becomes a game designer/programmer and novice pastry chef. He developed a love for gaming and technology very young starting with the Super Nintendo. Though he played them initially just to pass time, he eventually became curious as to how they worked. Coupled with his interest in technology, Kym spent his younger years trying varieties of games and getting in trouble for taking apart household items to see how they worked.
One of his favorite things to do is to play games and think about what he likes and dislikes or what features could be added or cut out. This helps him greatly in his own game design and development. His other favorite thing to do is eat sweets. Buying them gets expensive which is why he has started to learn to make them himself. His favorite creation so far is a matcha cake roll with matcha whipped cream.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Wanted, Bridesmaids, most things by Tim Burton, Ip Man, Kung-Fu Hustle, My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
Scandal, Game of Thrones, Revenge, The Boondocks, Batman Beyond, Animated X Men series
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
The Sims series, Star Ocean, Suikoden, Fire Emblem: Awakening, The Elder Scrolls Series, Age of Empires, Ninja Gaiden, Mass Effect
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
Frankenstein, Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, Eragon series, Dorian Gray, Journey to the West
SOCIAL LINKS: Facebook (Sebastian Cain) | Facebook (Photography)
OTHER LINKS: Bandcamp | Portfoliobox
Jon grew up in Manchester, England in the 70s and 80s, which he feels meant he had the greatest childhood ever due to the great eras for computer/console games, films, comics and toys. He still has all of his Star Wars figures and collectibles as well as his Commodore 64 (with 80+ tapes of games) and Sega Master System.
Jon is still an avid fan of Doctor Who (Jon Pertwee being his first Doctor) and all 80s science fiction TV and cartoons. He started playing piano and keyboards at 13 and had his first record deal at age 18. Since then, he has been in bands his whole life, playing onstage and traveling extensively all over the UK and Europe. He now writes film score music under the pseudonym Sebastian Cain (links above). His love of music means he has an eclectic taste spanning all genres and decades. He has also been a live venue sound engineer working with a lot of big name artists and most recently, a projectionist for ten years at one of the UK's leading cinema multiplex chains.
As well as writing music, he enjoys photography and digital art/photo manipulation (also under Sebastian Cain) which he is looking forward to continuing for a long time.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
The Empire Strikes Back, Bladerunner, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien, Night of the Living Dead, A Clockwork Orange, An American Werewolf in London, Singing in the Rain, Donnie Darko, Amelie, American Beauty, 12 Monkeys, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, La vie en rose, Hammer horror pictures, Ringu trilogy, 1984, Trollhunter
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
Doctor Who, Blakes 7, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad, Battlestar Galactica, The Big Bang Theory, Bates Motel, Hannibal, Battle for the Planets, Babylon 5, American Horror Story, Ulysses 31
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Street Fighter 2, R-Type, Wonderboy 3, Ghouls n Ghosts, Double Dragon, Splatterhouse, Final Fantasy series, Unreal, Alien vs Predator (PC), Soul Calibur 2, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Fallout 3
SOCIAL LINKS: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | parsicham (Snapchat)
Upon graduating magna cum laude from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Justin Hedvat took his penchant for superheroics and social commentary and put it to work writing for Fanboys Anonymous. Justin was raised on comic books and Saturday morning cartoons were his bread and butter growing up. To this day, his crowning achievement was meeting (ok, randomly bumping into) Kevin Conroy on a New York City subway. In the rare moments of clarity between the malaise of whiskey, Justin writes about the ever-increasing rivalry between the DC and Marvel cinematic universes, and the race to adapt our beloved superhero characters to the silver screen.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Fight Club, Batman Begins, Memento, Pulp Fiction, Austin Powers, V For Vendetta, Hitch, Batman Forever, Crazy Stupid Love, The Nightmare Before Christmas, 500 Days of Summer, and just about every Marvel Studios film made to date. Can you do no wrong, Kevin Feige?!
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
Archer, Bar Rescue, Louie, How I Met Your Mother, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Young Justice, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and anything and everything on the Food Network - I love that ish.
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Super Smash Brothers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, X-Men (the classic 90s arcade version), Starfox 64
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
Blink, The Tipping Point, A Clockwork Orange, The Merchant of Venice
SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter | LinkedIn
For years, Sarrah October has written extensively about comics for a variety of publications including Toronto-based music and entertainment magazine Exclaim!. While running a well-known comic book store, she appeared weekly on Space channel with other TV personalities to review comics, action figures, and talk about pop culture. She also knows who would win in a fight between Superman and Thor and lists Mr. Fixit as one of her favourite comic characters. 'Nuff said.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
I love car chases, explosions, aliens, and sci-fi and especially love a movie can have all those elements combined. My top five movies are Predator, Aliens, Blade Runner, The Thing, and Ghost in the Shell.
What are you watching on TV right now?
(hangs head) I don't watch TV. I watch entire series on Netflix when I have the chance.
What books or comics are you reading right now?
I usually read two or more books at a time. Right now I'm reading 'Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior' by Leonard Mlodinow; 'Ravenor: The Omnibus' by Dan Abnett (one of my favourite authors btw); and 'Hyperbole and a Half' by Allie Brosh.
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
This is tough. My all-time top video game is Resident Evil 4: I found that game to be absolutely perfect in terms of playability. Others that I will never trade in are GTA5, Alan Wake, and the one fighting ame that I will play over and over again, Injustice.