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OTHER LINKS: SpoodBeest on YouTube
CONTACT: Email | SpoodBeest (Skype)
Braeden Mayhew is one of very few Canadians that contributes to Fanboys Anonymous. Started gaming at the toddler age of three and a lifelong fandom for Nintendo began. He began his run a YouTube video maker at the ripe age of twelve. Initially creating the SpoodBeest channel as joke he began to slowly release a series of videos hyping the then upcoming Wii game "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" . The videos ended up catching on and he continued which over the course of six years has spiraled into a moderately successful gaming related channel. The main content provided is done through a video blogging format.
On the side he writes scripts, does various podcasts, and various other projects which include also writing a philosophical journal. He plans to attend college for Broadcasting - Radio to pursue a career in using his clear voice to sell whatever needs to be sold.
Spare time includes wasting and or procrastinating by playing video games, or even more likely just uselessly burning up time over the interwebs.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Ghostbusters, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Many superhero movies, too many classic Disney flicks to name, Anything done by Pixar excluding Cars.
What are you watching on TV right now?
Watch wrestling when it's on usually. I like my fair share of animated comedies such as South Park, Archer, The Simpsons, etc. The Walking Dead is always a hoot.
What books or comics are you reading right now?
Nothing in particular
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Crash Bandicoot: Warped, Kingdom Hearts, Super Smash Bros, Heavy Rain, Probably way too many others to name.