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OTHER LINKS: Personal Website | SoundCloud
Eddie Siqueira is a versatile individual, raised in the gentle hills of Azeroth. When he was ten, a mysterious energy ripped the fabric of space-time apart, spewing out horrid creatures who are known only as 'The Horde'. Just as he ran back into the barn to hide from the oncoming slaughter, Eddie realizes that a maelstrom of dragon-fire is soon to rain upon his village. Then Eddie's alarm clock goes off he and remembers that he is in fact brazilian/italian, former rocker, current music multi-instrumentalist and audio pro who enjoys writing and studying cultures in general.
Some of his works include stints in bands (most notably In Arkadia), soundtracks, game audio FX and foley, mixing, and the sorts.
Eddie joined Fanboys Anonymous in December of 2013.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
I suppose I should get the trilogies out of the way: Back To the Future 1-3, Star Wars (originals, where Han shot first), Indiana Jones (minus the Crystal Skull).
I have taken a lot of interest in foreign films recently. Movies like Irreversibles, Or, and City of God show different harsh, everyday realities but still manage to 'tell a tale', in the entertaining sense of the term. Asian cinema, in particular, has caught my attention. Maybe because I'm studying Japanese...
Otherwise, many existential films caught my attention: Contact, Sphere, Fountain, and The Matrix just to name a few.
What are you watching on TV right now?
Nothing! I don't own a TV, but as far as series and shows go, I'm watching South Park, Lillyhammer, Californication and How I Met Your Mother. I'm revisiting Star Trek: Voyager as well.
What books or comics are you reading right now?
Nothing at the moment, but I finished Sphere by Michael Crichton recently. I am about to start reading 'The Petting Zoo', the posthumous novel by Jim Carroll.
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Chrono Trigger, Skyrim, Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat 2, Doom 2, Warcraft 2, Championship Manager 00/01, Fifa and Pro Evolution Soccer series, Assassin's Creed 2, Tomb Raider (2013) and Civilization series (since the first release).