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Eric was born and raised on the outskirts of New York City, attended high school in Manhattan, and graduated from City University of New York—College of Staten Island in 1996 with a bachelor's degree in English. In addition to spending 15 years working as a web designer, he's worked as a freelance writer and proofreader in the tabletop game design industry since 2004, starting with the Mongoose Publishing re-release of the satirical post-apocalyptic game Paranoia, then moving on to White Wolf Publishing's epic fantasy game Exalted.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Aside from a few classics like The Maltese Falcon and The Lion in Winter, I usually favor sci-fi/fantasy films—especially the funny ones. I still have a soft spot for the movies I loved in the '80s, such as Big Trouble in Little China, Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. More recent favorites include The Avengers, Bender's Big Score, Dark City, The Incredibles, Iron Man, Kill Bill: Vol. 1, Kung Fu Hustle, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Tropic Thunder, Up, and X2: X-Men United.
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
Adventure Time, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Babylon 5, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Community, Doctor Who, Firefly, Futurama, Leverage, and The Venture Bros.
Man, there's a lot of cartoons on that list.
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
Other than an Atari 2600—on which I played Adventure somewhat more than was healthy—I didn't grow up with consoles. I loved playing Archon and M.U.L.E. on the neighbors' Commodore 64, while I sank way too many quarters into arcade games—early stuff like Gorf and Q*Bert, a summer camp's worth of Rolling Thunder, R-Type at the pizza parlor next to my high school, the original Street Fighter in college, and always, always Gauntlet. But I spent most of my gaming time at home on the family PC, largely on turn-based games like The Seven Cities of Gold, the Ultima series, Pool of Radiance, and pretty much anything by Infocom.
It wasn't until long after I'd graduated from college that I picked up a Nintendo 64 and played Ocarina of Time, which is still one of my favorite video games of all time. In general, I've found console games to be a bit disappointing—too much flash and not enough substance—but there are a few I keep coming back to, such as Bully. In the last couple of years I've mostly played iPad and iPhone games such as Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer, the Baldur's Gate re-release, Bastion, Infinity Blade II, Puzzle & Dragons, and the sadly defunct Assassin's Creed: Recollection.
What are some of your favorite books and comics of all time?
For books, The Black Company (Glen Cook), Bridge of Birds (Barry Hughart), Mort (Terry Pratchett), Night's Master (Tanith Lee), Nine Princes in Amber (Roger Zelazny), The Player of Games (Iain M. Banks), Rhialto the Marvelous (Jack Vance). The Traveler in Black (John Brunner), and Tuf Voyaging (George R. R. Martin).
Yeah, it's all fantasy and sci-fi. I'm a fanboy.
For comics, Avengers Academy, Rogers' Blue Beetle, Hellboy, House of Mystery, Gillen's Journey into Mystery, Planetary, The Sandman, The Unwritten, and Heinberg's Young Avengers.
It wasn't until long after I'd graduated from college that I picked up a Nintendo 64 and played Ocarina of Time, which is still one of my favorite video games of all time. In general, I've found console games to be a bit disappointing—too much flash and not enough substance—but there are a few I keep coming back to, such as Bully. In the last couple of years I've mostly played iPad and iPhone games such as Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer, the Baldur's Gate re-release, Bastion, Enscripted, Infinity Blade II, Puzzle & Dragons, and the sadly defunct Assassin's Creed: Recollection.