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Kym Pressley hails from New York but now resides in Georgia. By day, he is a programmer for a consulting firm, but by night, he abandons his stuffy work clothes, dons his pajama pants and hoodie and becomes a game designer/programmer and novice pastry chef. He developed a love for gaming and technology very young starting with the Super Nintendo. Though he played them initially just to pass time, he eventually became curious as to how they worked. Coupled with his interest in technology, Kym spent his younger years trying varieties of games and getting in trouble for taking apart household items to see how they worked.
One of his favorite things to do is to play games and think about what he likes and dislikes or what features could be added or cut out. This helps him greatly in his own game design and development. His other favorite thing to do is eat sweets. Buying them gets expensive which is why he has started to learn to make them himself. His favorite creation so far is a matcha cake roll with matcha whipped cream.
What are some of your favorite movies of all time?
Wanted, Bridesmaids, most things by Tim Burton, Ip Man, Kung-Fu Hustle, My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?
Scandal, Game of Thrones, Revenge, The Boondocks, Batman Beyond, Animated X Men series
What are some of your favorite video games of all time?
The Sims series, Star Ocean, Suikoden, Fire Emblem: Awakening, The Elder Scrolls Series, Age of Empires, Ninja Gaiden, Mass Effect
What are some of your favorite books or comics of all time?
Frankenstein, Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, Eragon series, Dorian Gray, Journey to the West