"I am The Cheese. I am The Best Character on the show. I am better than both the Salami and Bologna combined!". So now I ask where were you April 1st 2013 at exactly 12:00:00 AM EST time?!?!? If you were a fellow 90s child like my self you had your eyes pressed up against our new age flat screen TVs eagerly awaiting The Lost Episode of Rocko's Modern Life....and what pops on air....a jar of Mayo...with weird Elevator music....and no familiar buzz into the song we could have sung along with. I sat in bewilderment and messaged friends on Facebook and on Twitter asking the question on everyone's mind...WTF?!?!? Moments later I would notice a calendar and notice that the same people that would bring back Rocko's Modern Life are the same twisted individuals who would play Mayo with Elevator Music for 30 mins as the best April Fools joke on the planet. This Fanboy is taking a moment this April Fools day to say....Well played TeenNick and those at 90s Are All That. It was a well played tribute to the Rocko's Modern Life episode "Whacky Deli" as well as a great social buzz, trending world wide for a half hour as fans frantically were hashtagging to figure out what was going on. I'll leave you with these words of wisdom on this April Fools Day..."Delly Scores again....Powerful Warholian Tribute!" For Fanboys Anonymous This has Been The one and only Chris "The Dace Man" Dace...Whacky Deli Yeah! Whacky Deli Yeah! Sandwiches are good.

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