Age of Ultron #4
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art By Bryan Hitch

"Nothing that we do matters". Think of a world where no matter how much you risk, how far you go and how much you attempt to make things right, you can't seem to make a difference. Well in Age of Ultron #4, the situation becomes more and more desperate as She Hulk and Luke Cage attempt to find Ultron's hideout by offering She Hulk as a sacrifice. The issue treads lightly on Cage's past, talking about the death of his wife and child and how Ultron is organizing these forces without even making an appearance. By the end of this issue, you won't just be shocked, you'll be clamoring for the next issue as the story becomes more and more suspenseful giving the reader a cliffhanger ending like no other.
My Rating: 8 out of 10
Age of Ultron #5
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art By Bryan Hitch
Now that they know where Ultron is, can the Marvel heroes stop him? That's the theme of this issue as Luke Cage spills the beans on what happened to him and She Hulk as they attempt to fight their way out of Ultron's stronghold. This issue picks up nicely from where #4 left off, giving an insight into how Ultron was able to do so much damage in so little time. The majority of this issue is planning and the heroes struggling to come to terms with the life that they are living. As it progresses, we see Wolverine and Susan Storm talk about their lost lives in order to come to conclusions that makes the reader shudder.
My Rating: 6 out of 10
Age of Ultron #6
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art By Bryan Hitch
Wolverine and Susan Storm enact their plan to go to the past to kill Ultron's creator. But will they be successful? Bendis paints a vivid picture of heroes who are desperate. We've seen Wolverine as a killer - he was trained as one - but can he kill someone in cold blood? A man who was innocent? This issue is a must read and greatly changes the shape of things to come.
My Rating: 8 out of 10
Age of Ultron #7
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art By Bryan Hitch
Wolverine and Susan Storm return to the present day to find how everything has changed. The world that they once knew is not the same as the Avengers are no more and the Fearless Defenders rule with an iron fist. Before they can make sense of their surroundings, the Defenders find them and attack, thinking that the Skrulls have invaded.
This issue stands as more of a filler before we find out what will happen next to the Marvel Universe. It's weird as it just feels forced as though Bendis is attempting to create his reboot but misses the point entirely. If you stay clear of this issue you'd probably still be able to keep up.
My Rating: 6 out of 10
That's it for now guys. Stay tuned to Fanboys Anonymous for more Comics Rundown, see you next time for an update on the Green Lantern series.