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#BB15 - Big Brother 15 |
- THREE houseguests will be nominated this season instead of two. This is a huge change to the game and could really affect how it's played more than anything else.
- Viewers can vote on a "Big Brother MVP" that will be given special powers throughout the game
- All but two people are single. Hm...
Let's take a look at the people. Keep in mind that my first impressions are based on virtually nothing and they usually change throughout the season. Many times, the way these people come off in their interviews and on the first few episodes is nothing like the person they are for the remainder of the game, so don't hold me to these generalizations! For all I know, the people I run down could be the nicest and the ones I praise could be total assholes.
NAME: Aaryn Gries
OCCUPATION: Psychology College Student
MY THOUGHTS: She claims she won't compromise her morals and that people tend to judge her negatively from the start, thinking that she's stuck up. Could she be this season's crier? She's cute and she'll get hit on by the guys, but I don't think she'll be the woman this season that flirts her ass off in an attempt to get attention and votes. Aaryn will find a good friend in one of the girls in the house and one of the guys, but probably be closer to the guys in general, which will cause her to be an outcast to the women in some ways. I'll like her, but I won't care too much if she goes.
PREDICTION: Aaryn's game depends a lot on her physical ability. She should be fine in terms of a social game, particularly if she's smart enough to keep it cool and not try to act like the psychology student in her means she's overqualified. If she becomes too confident, she'll also second-guess herself and cause problems that she'll regret later on.
NAME: Amanda Zuckerman
OCCUPATION: Real Estate Agent
MY THOUGHTS: She's a charmer and a flirt. She knows that she's attractive and she's going to flaunt it. She claims that she's going to lie and say that she's not single. Why? Whenever people do this, it causes problems. Amanda has the potential to be full of herself, as evidenced by her flirtatious confidence and how she said "in real estate, you don't sell a house, you sell yourself". Amanda will be argumentative and have enemies.
PREDICTION: There is a very, very good chance that Amanda pisses enough people off that she lasts a long time in the house as everyone will say that "everyone will target her", leaving her for other fish to fry.
NAME: Andy Herren
MY THOUGHTS: Andy seems funny and likable, but he could also rub someone the wrong way and then possibly snap and cause a lot of problems. A cool head and maybe a sympathetic side that he brings out instead of an angry one are the strengths he could play to, but he also runs the risk of having too many friends and being a target because of that. Andy will be a swing vote for a lot of the game, and those are SO important, but he'll probably also become united with someone that he wants to take to the finals.
PREDICTION: Andy is a major, major threat to win the game. He's one of my top 5 finalists.
NAME: Candice Stewart
OCCUPATION: Pediatric Speech Therapist
MY THOUGHTS: Physical threat, for sure. Socially...hm. Candice will scheme, but not be the biggest backstabber of the bunch. Instead, she'll be the type of person that talks votes with all the alliance members on a regular basis and tries to get to know where the big votes go so she can follow the lead and not stir the pot.
PREDICTION: Mid-season release when her opposing alliance just needs to knock someone else out.
NAME: David Girton
MY THOUGHTS: David is a mimbo (a male bimbo according to Seinfeld). He'll flirt with the girls, which will save him to an extent, as well as his physical prowess, but that will make him a target as well, and the superficial connection that he'll create with the women won't save him. David's biggest problem is going to puzzles and his biggest contribution to the show (other than being eye-candy for the female viewers) will be how people can make fun of him.
PREDICTION: David can last a long time if he's SO bad at the trivia and comes off ridiculously dumb, as they can keep him to hope that they can always outsmart him. This is risky. If David develops this reputation, he's golden to last until the jury time.
NAME: Elissa Slater (Rachel Riley's sister)
OCCUPATION: Nutritionist
MY THOUGHTS: No! NOOO! Why is Rachel still having a presence on this show?!?! I'll try not to hate her as much as I hate Rachel, since they're not the same person, but she has that DNA. Good God, please don't let her be anything like Rachel. I can see her being a big female physical threat.
PREDICTION: This depends. If she tells everyone that she's Rachel's sister, she'll paint a target on her back that will kill her. If she doesn't, she stands the chance to go a long way, particularly if she's a floater. Then again, Rachel tried to compete, so it's tough to say until we start seeing more from her.
NAME: GinaMarie Zimmerman
OCCUPATION: Pageant Coordinator
MY THOUGHTS: She is going to be a major part of this season and have a ton of time in the Diary Room as well as being a strong focal point of physical competitions (particularly races). She's not going to be the lovable one, but she's not going to be a total bitch, either. If any of the women tries to band all of the others together, it will be GinaMarie.
PREDICTION: She wants to lay low, but she'll only do that for a little bit of time before she unknowingly steps her game up and stops that from happening. Mid-season elimination. Also, let's be honest about her looks. GinaMarie's win for this show is going to be to promote herself more in the process. This is what most people are going to be looking for, shots of GinaMarie Zimmerman in a bathing suit, screen caps of of her sunbathing, in the shower, etc. You know it's true.
NAME: Helen Kim
OCCUPATION: Political Consultant
MY THOUGHTS: If Helen doesn't get her buttons pushed and she keeps a cool head, she is going to be a MASSIVE threat. She seems likable, smart, and not much of a physical threat (which is beneficial in lasting long enough to develop the proper relationships to forge alliances).
PREDICTION: Top 5, if not the winner.
NAME: Howard Overby
OCCUPATION: Youth Counselor
MY THOUGHTS: Howard is going to get into a fight with someone that he feels wronged someone else. Maybe he stands up for Jessie? Maybe he just fights with someone that voted the wrong way from the alliance? He's a physical threat and I don't think he'll have much of a social game.
PREDICTION: No chance. Howard goes in the first few weeks.
NAME: Jeremy McGuire
OCCUPATION: Boat Shop Associate
MY THOUGHTS: Jeremy doesn't seem to have a whole ton of personality in comparison to the more zany characters. Is he going to be boring the whole time or just in the Diary Room? He does say he's a sucker for ladies, so this is the guy to watch out for in terms of a showmance.
PREDICTION: Physical target #1 perhaps.
NAME: Jessie Kowalski
OCCUPATION: Unemployed
MY THOUGHTS: She's cute, emotional, and seems like a gullible pushover a bit. Jessie is going to latch onto an alliance and not make any big moves on her own. Because of this, Jessie won't make any big splashes unless someone upsets her by yelling or something like that.
PREDICTION: Jessie will be a floater, for sure.
NAME: Judd Daughtery
OCCUPATION: Property Appraiser
MY THOUGHTS: Judd is a dud. He has a rather monotone voice and doesn't come off as abrasive or interesting. He'll be a physical threat and he'll probably feud with a guy who is also a physical threat - unless he starts the game off wanting to shack up with the guys and steamroll through the game (but we all know this never works).
PREDICTION: Judd will be a stronghold of an alliance (possibly the same one that Jessie is on) but they'll sack him when they get a chance and turn on him if there aren't many options left. He'll be a jury member.
NAME: Kaitlin Barnaby
MY THOUGHTS: They always have a bartender, don't they? Or, excuse me, a "mixologist" (*eye roll*). Kaitlin looks cute and she's got a bit of a tomboy in her. She's going to stand up for herself and get into arguments, but that could make her a fan favorite if she does it in the right way. Who is going to be her archenemy? Amanda. No showmance for her. She could be a good strategist who is willing to stab in the back and she'll also be one of the biggest physical threats out of the women.
PREDICTION: Kaitlin has a chance to win the game, but she'll probably make a move that will hurt her far too much to recover before she gets a chance to be in the finals. Mid-season elimination when she just can't pull out that veto win that she desperately needs.
NAME: McCrae Olson
OCCUPATION: Pizza Delivery Guy
MY THOUGHTS: (there's no interview for this guy)
PREDICTION: (there's no interview for this guy)
NAME: Nick Uhas
OCCUPATION: Entrepreneur
MY THOUGHTS: He has a lot of energy, seems to have an ego on him, is good looking and wants to flirt. There's a good chance that he'll be my favorite on the show, but there's also a good chance that I could hate his guts. It depends on if he ends up on the side of "annoying douchebag" or "lovable prick".
PREDICTION: Nick is the main person to watch this season. He could be voted off the first week for trying too hard, he could stay a few weeks and develop a reputation for being a threat that is targeted, or he could last until the end and possibly win the whole thing. Honestly, I don't think he's winning it. I think Nick will be gone by week 4.
NAME: Spencer Clawson
OCCUPATION: Railroad Conductor
MY THOUGHTS: The big ol' country boy. You would think that he's going to be a physical threat, but he's not going to do well with anything that deals with balance or speed. He says he doesn't like doing dishes and such, so I can see him causing problems from laziness that makes the rest of them look at him as a scapegoat.
PREDICTION: He gets picked off as a sacrificial lamb on a week where they need to knock someone out, but they can't decide on what to do. I could see Spencer turning out to be a bit of a sad sack and the guy who sticks around because he's NOT a big physical threat (and instead, is a bit of a bumbling fool), but this isn't going to win him the game by any means. Week 7, perhaps.
For me, this season of Big Brother is already starting off with a handicap, but that's for a person reason. This was a show that my father and I used to watch together as one of the main things that we could bond over, talking about which people we liked and disliked, following the events and such. He recently passed away, so this will be the first season that I won't have that person that I always shared this experience with.
Still, I should have my regular group of people that I watch the live feeds with, that I've been talking it up with for years. Sitting up late at night, spying on these contestants and talking about what's transpired is a huge joy for me and I can't wait to start getting distracted from all my work with it.
This season has potential to go both ways. The cast could be really bland and boring or they could just be hiding a lot of the excitement to come.
At a quick glance to begin with, I would say the people that are going to make this season worth watching in terms of having most of the episodes revolve around them (good or bad) will be Amanda, Nick, Kaitlin, Andy and possibly Elissa and David as the two people to pick on.
My top 5 guesses for who could win are: Aaryn, Andy, Helen, Nick and possibly this McCrae guy because I don't know anything about him.
My guesses for who will be the 5 people that I'll personally be rooting for are: Amanda or Jessie (50/50 on that though), Andy, Helen, Kaitlin and Nick - but then again, in past seasons I thought I would hate Evel Dick and love April, so who knows!
What are your first impressions of this group? Who would you like to see win? Tell us in the comments below!
And if you're a fan of #BB15 and you'd like to chat it up with me during the season, send me a tweet @toekneemango.