Some notable things picked up by Street View cameras before have been folks walking around with blow-up dolls, TP'd homes, street lugers on busy roads, and people making whoopee in just about every location.
The Tamagawa Josui in Musashino, Japan was an Edo era water-supply system, some of which still remains so to this day. However, majority of it has been turned into a scenic trail for citizens to enjoy what both the city and nature has to offer.
However, if you find yourself virtually moseying down it, you may end up with nightmares. Most of the time, you'll see nothing to be alarmed about. Just people, trees, cars, and lots of pavement sidewalk. Then you come across this...
A grouping of people... innocent enough. But wait... those shadows...
Oh dear god...
Source: Reddit User bawsinmymouth
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