As always, check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking at (and no not just porn) as well as all other bloggers here at Fanboys Anonymous. So for The Few, The Proud, and of course The Dacetacular, grab a beer—or a new LP, and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. See ya next time!
What up F.A.N.!!! The Dace Man here with the new single from the White boy from Detroit Eminem. Release on iTunes on August 27th Eminem has hit the airwaves again with his first single off the highly anticipated Marshall Manthers LP 2 album set to hit stores in the upcoming future. The rapper taps in to old school hip/hop rap by sampling The Beastie Boys' Fight for Your Right and going old school rock by sampling Billy Squier's 1981 hit The Stroke . Taking jabs at some of the top tabloid icons these days and paying respect to the history of Hip/Hop and Rap. This new single is fresh on the market and I can tell you this FanBoy has listened to the song at least a hundred times from the Tuesday release to the writing of this article. In fact....I'm listening to it right now. So here's Eminem's newest single, sound off on what you think. In the year of returning stars does Marshall Mathers still have it and will the other tracks on the album live up to this first release?

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