Hey there faithful Dacitonians, Chris The Dace Man Dace back bringing you what's going on in Pop culture news! And hot off the presses is Lady Gaga's new single that was posted on YouTube today. The eccentric Mother Monster release, what one can only speculate as, the continuation of the
Telephone story. Now with this latest release critics are alreay slamming the beautiful Gaga saying it's her worst song yet. Come one guys not every song can be the worst song yet....remember your reaction to
Born This Way...not every song is going to be Poker Face... This song begins slow with her referencing the end scene of
Telephone and stating she offed her bff Beyonce with subtle hints, then proceeds to explain she will be living life under a Burqa. In my opinion the song is good...not lighting the world on fire but still good. The concept that draws me to Lady Gaga is she is a story teller and with her music and video she gets her vision out there....some times it's a disturbed vision that would give Tim Burton a run for his money when it comes to Whoa.

Gaga is the true definition of an artist a woman who expresses herself on her medium of Music and Film. For those of you who don't know Lady Gaga is going to take a stab at acting in the film
Machete Kills. Yours truly will be going to see it and have a review on it in coming months. I digress though, The point of this article is to share with you my Fanboys and Dacitonians, Mother Monster's latest work of art. One thing I dislike about the new song is the distortion of her voice. Hopefully this is only the rough cut and it will be cleaned up prior to release cause she has a beautiful voice and I don't want to hear a robotic Lady Gaga. I for one will be buying the ArtPop Album when it hits the shelves because I have been itching for some new Gaga. So check out the song bellow and sound off bellow.
As always check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is
looking at, and no not just porn, as well as all other bloggers here at
Fanboys Anonymous. So for The Few, The Proud, and of course The
Dacetacular, grab a beer, or in this case a Burqa, and
check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. See ya next time!