LIVE FROM NEW YORK IT'S THE DACE MAN!! Well not really live...and I'm in New Jersey but I'm back with another Fall season premiere and how it ranked on The Dace Man scale. This week we saw the kick off of the 39th season of
Saturday Night Live . Now what will the season have in store for us sans Jason Sudeikis, Fred Armison, and SNL Legend Bill Hader?!? Lets first take a look at the brand new cast before diving into the new season. Series regulars returning are Kennan Thompson, Seth Myers, Bobby Moynihan, Nasim Pedrad, Jay Pharoh and Taran Killam. This year also saw the promotion of Featured players Aidy Bryant, Kate McKinnon and Cecily Strong to the Not ready for Prime Time Players main eventers. The new string of featured players now reads Beck Bennett, John Milhiser, Kyle Mooney, Mike O'Brien, Noel Wells and Brooks Wheelan. With the cast hammered out lets dive into the episode featuring SNL Alum Tina Fey hosting!

The show kicked off with a the usual C-SPAN title card and then into a skit about Obama and his Obama care. We saw several cast member give complaints about the proposed Obama Care. We saw SNL regular Jay Pharoh playing President Obama, which I for one think he hit spot on. The cast runs through till they get to the end where President Obama introduces a young man from New Mexico who was effective by the terrible medical standards in America......enter Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad played by Aaron Paul.explain the situation with Mr. Walter White..."Don't you wanna know what happened to him?" The cast yells no exit Jesse. The short cameo was very funny has me hooked to hang around for the rest of the episode. So Jay screams live from New York and Away we go!

Tina Fey makes her way to the stage for her monologue where she, like every one else who's ever hosted the show, states she's glad to be here yada yada yada. The joke coming out of that was the fact she no longer has a a show and needs to be on TV to maintain her SubWay status. Nice quip and I'm still with ya. She goes on to poke fun of how she never had a reoccurring character through the nine years she worked there it hit with audience but not so much me because I remember Tim Meadows kicking the show off that way before introducing the reoccurring characters of SNL singing we are the world and he stating that he did not have a reoccurring character even though he had been on the show for X amount of years. Tina would then go on to introduce the six new cast members in a funny song, that did not show her ability to sing, but definitely hit her strong point of comedy. With the monologue in the bag lets break down the rest of the Season 39 premiere Clips Worth Watching and Things We Cant Unsee.
- Girls Promo video that aired after the Monologue it made me smile and I was laughing by the end so well done on this. Tina Fey saved what would have been a trainwreck with out her
- They then rolled into a Skit about boarding airplanes. Being a man that travels for work week in and week out this one hit home and I was cracking up. The whole spot with Kennan Thompson and the oversized bag speaks so many volumes and I hate dealing with that which cause me to laugh when he exclaimed "Oh It'll Fit!"
- New Cast Member or Arcade Fire Member - Kennan made this skit until Lorne Michaels appeared and ended it on a perfect note!
- The E-Meth commercial. Aaron Paul is the man
- Arcade Fire Performance....Big ol' Meh.
- Time for Weekend Update with Seth Myers....and Ceily Strong. Thus beginning the experiment to replace Seth Myers once he leaves for Late Night. Honestly I feel any one will be better than Seth Myers. Im hoping Cecily you do better than him. As for late night...damn it....Just bring back Norm McDonald.
- Another note from Weekend Update.....Drunk Uncle is by far their best thing going and of course Aaron Paul is still the man!!
- Cinema Classics - This skit was a miss to me. I didn't find it funny and I'm usually a big fan of weird quirky humor. At this point I also noticed Tina Fey said Buh Bye weird and Kenan said it the same way at the end of this skit...so It looks like an Inside joke may have been occurring .
- "Cars for Sale" Segment - Another miss for me. I don't know why this didn't land for me personally because the live audience sound into it but I didn't even crack a smile...sorry
- Once again....sigh....Arcade Fire. What the hell is happening on my screen.
- Shoe Commercial Skit. Was actually pretty funny started of slow but they drove it home along with the show.
Overall I'd give the show a thumbs up. It was decent and had several moments where I was cracking up and that's the whole point of the show right? I think the biggest down of this episode is when they announced Miley Cyrus as next weeks guest....blah. Hopefully they turn it around like they do with most train wreck celebrities.
As always, check back regularly to see what Chris "The Dace Man" Dace is looking at (and no not just porn) as well as all other bloggers here at Fanboys Anonymous. So for The Few, The Proud, and of course The Dacetacular, grab a beer, or in this case, just yell LIVE FROM NEW YORK!!, and check out what's going on here in the Dace-Sphere. See ya next time!