Have you ever looked at a super hero and though, "Oh man. I would pay bottom dollar for a lot of questionably reputable plastic surgery to look just like that person."? Well, meet Herbert Chavez.
The difference is nothing if not staggering. |
And for 300,000 pesos (as well as a trip to the Philippines) you, too, can look like an Asian ladyboy Clark Kent. That's right. It only takes just under 7,000 USD and 16 years worth of bad decisions. Although, perhaps finding a surgeon unscrupulous enough to take on the project would be difficult. The surgery is quite far from finished, though. Maintaining the chiseled looks of Clark Kent requires regular maintenance, which Chavez says his surgeon does for free in exchange for promotion.
In an
interview, Chavez claims, "If you talk about super heroes, the expectation of people is that they are flawless, they do not get hurt, they do not die. But as human beings, we can only copy their looks."
If Superman were a real person this would be illegal. |
... What about their values?
Fueled by the poor decisions of years gone by. |
The whole point of super heroes are the fact that these are characters that ceaselessly stand up for what they believe to be right, and just. They're an example of overcoming things like circumstance, and tragedy. Rather than averting tragedy, Herbert is just content turning himself into one. Reading various interviews, it's clear that Chavez is a man made happier by his decision. Hopefully, as the years see him fade from Clark Kent to Bizarro he will remain complacent with the decisions he has made.
Am I being too critical, or is there something wrong with this level of fandom? Sound of in the comments and either agree with me or put me in my place.