I, like most, always find myself in the mood for horror come autumn time. Thanks, Halloween. Good horror can be hard to find. Thankfully, I have the perfect solution!
Creeped out yet? |
Yamishibai is a (mostly) well done, very atmospheric collection of horror shorts. As a play on Japanese
Kamishibai, the show has a look all it's own. The show features a different horror short each episode, and never exceeds the five minute mark. The majority of shorts played so far have been exceedingly creepy, but like every show not every episode is a hit. I would love to give a synopsis of one of the shorts, but they're better experienced via the medium they're given.
And thanks to the folks at Crunchyroll, you can
check it out for free! Episode five is one of the stronger episodes in the show thus far, so definitely check that out and make up your own mind. It's only five minutes! You've got nothing to lose! Do it! Peer pressure!