Now that we got that out of the way, let's dive in. We kick off this week's episode with Tyrese's squeeze getting ready for bed, and right where we left off with Patrick in the prison all dead-like and now walking into D Block. Also we see someone feeding rats to the walkers pressing up against the gates. Cut to the awesome theme song that gets us all hyped.
Now we have seen from the season premiere that Rick has assumed the role of a farmer, and we continue to see that it's a role he is content with. So Patrick has made his rounds through the cell block, which I can't get over—NO ONE heard him!! Michonne decides to hit the road again, but just as the C Block crew, our main cast, rises and gets their day started, we hear loud bangs from D Block. Michonne pumps the brakes on the horse and heads back to the prison as Rick, Glenn and Daryl haul ass into the cell block knowing Walkers are in there. Michonne sprains her ankle in a skirmish with two Walkers. With the help of Carl and Maggie, Michonne makes her way back into the Prison and tapes up her leg... we'll revisit Michonne in a few minutes to discuss the latest character development for the stone-cold swordswoman.
We return to Cell Block D, where The Council is meeting to discuss the discovery that Patrick had no bite marks or scratches. They come to a consensus that it is some sort of flu or virus that has infected the young lad, and realize they all could possibly be infected. Meanwhile, Carol is dealing with the death of a father of two girls, and now find herself in charge of two of her own. We see that Carol has become a badass this season and is now reflecting her personality on the children. So I'm very interested to see how the children and Carol will pan out, seeing as the children said some odd things that show conflict between them.
Later, we see Rick and Daryl speaking about leadership and how Rick is content with being a farmer, when Maggie alerts them that the fence is being pushed over. The gang springs into action and tries killing as many Walkers as they can, but to no avail. Rick then makes the tough decision to sacrifice the pigs in order to lure the Walkers away from the fence. We see Rick struggle with the decision, and with his realization that the leadership role is being forced upon him once again. At the same time, we see interaction inside the prison with Michonne and a baby, which sparks a lot of emotion in her and draws out tears... so it's has piqued this viewer's interest about her back story. We wrap up this week's episode with a final scene featuring Tyrese going to visit his squeeze, who has flu-like symptoms and has been quarantined. Tyrese arrives to find a blood trail out into the yard, and there he sees two charred bodies that had been recently set ablaze... including his main girl. End episode.
Overall, I would rank this season's start rather slow, but I believe each season has started off rather slow and that the real "Holy Shit" moment will come when the season goes on break. We've seen it the past two seasons—Daryl and Merill being reunited in a fight to the death, and The Barn scene on Hershel's Farm where Rick reluctantly kills Sophia, the girl they've been looking for. So we start to get somewhat rolling this season with a new concept of a virus, which I feel could get boring quick, but the hope for the season is... The Governor is still out there... So tell me, what were your thoughts on this week's Walking Dead?!?!?
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