:: This Weeks Theme ::
It's a godly edition of Geek Speak as this weeks theme is Thor! To celebrate the release of the sequel this weekend we review the original film. We also talk about the latest Marvel games and current television shows. Featured this week:
Thor (2011) - The powerful but arrogant god Thor is cast out of Asgard to live amongst humans in Midgard (Earth), where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.
Thor: Tales of Asguard - The young Norse god Thor embarks on a quest with his brother Loki to find and recover a legendary sword.
Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers - Loki's insatiable lust for power, his conflicted sentiments toward Sif, his antipathy toward Balder, and the deep-seated feelings of longing and resentment toward his older brother, Thor, and uncaring father, Odin, take on new meaning.
Catch Geek Speak LIVE!
Every Tuesday at 8pm EST on Mega Powers Radio.
- Follow the Hosts -
Travis Goss - @TravisGoss79
Mike Paden - @MrPaden
Michael Burhan - @MichaelBurhan
Orion Petitclerc
Tony Mango
Travis Goss - @TravisGoss79
Mike Paden - @MrPaden
Michael Burhan - @MichaelBurhan
Orion Petitclerc
Tony Mango