Kicking off the winter holiday season with something that's guaranteed to warm the cockles of Marvel fans everywhere
, young patients of the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles got the surprise of their lives when
Thor star Jaimie Alexander (everybody's favourite amazingly beautiful viking warrior girlie, Lady Sif) dropped in to visit...
"Pfft, I could remove your appendix right now if you like?!" | full Asgardian battle costume!
"Bring me the head of hospital catering... and some turkey wings..." |
Alexander, who has become a fan favorite since her appearance alongside Thor and the Warriors Three, spent the day with children—many of whom will not be lucky enough to celebrate Christmas at home this year—and clearly succeeded in raising spirits and putting huge smiles on their faces.
What I'd give to be that dead guy right now... |
Sure, it isn't the first time that a comic movie actor has graced a hospital's wards (for instance, former Batman Christian Bale visited victims of the Aurora shootings last year), but completely forgetting that I have a soft spot for Jaimie/Sif which may make me totally biased, I think I know what I would rather get out of my sick bed for...
Thor 3: The Jungle of Pantslessness. |
What say ye, Fanboys? Who'd put Jaimie Alexander on their wish list?