Join Gibby as he does what ever the hell he wants!
- Gibby likes NFL so this is what Gibby do!
- Auburn winning bowl and Killing over auburn game
- Steelers coach his penalty
- Mistake on NFL refs during redskins game
- It's my segment bitches!!!! The Best Segment ever cause you know I'm Gibby and I'm awesome!!
- Screw this guy he's not here so I'm totally cancelling this stupid ass segment.
- God I hate Hollywood....I really don't give a shit about this stuff.
- Paul Walker died. #TooFastTooFurious
- Rapper "The Game" raising money for 7yr old boys funeral. Shot to death in LA
- Drake signed a shoe deal with Michael Jordan
- Mayor Tom Tate of Australia said to Beiber come clean up your graffiti or come sing for my Christmas event...I hate this douche.
Step in the damn birds nest with Gibby "The God Damn" Gibby this week on The GIBBY Show… cue the Chicken Noodle Soup Dance!!!
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