Gal Gadot
(Fast & Furious) has been all over the Internet lately, and not just for being hot; she was famously cast as DC's Amazon warrior Wonder Woman. Fans cried foul, or rather "too thin!" to which Gadot calmly responded with a stern "chill out, I'm working out for the role." Her calm reply surprisingly shut everyone up, and now we move forward to the actual production of the films.
Lasso of Truth to my neck? I approve. |
Variety magazine now confirms they know the future of her role as Princess Diana. They say she has she has signed a three-picture deal with Warner Bros. and will "play the role in not only the upcoming 'Batman-Superman' flick, but in a 'Justice League' movie and a 'Wonder Woman' standalone film."
With the "Batman/Superman" movie
recently pushed back to 2016, this shows more and more that DC/WB are taking a bit more time in their planning. Matching Marvel's cinematic success is not an easy goal, and if DC does this right, with a crossover plan involving their already popular TV series such as
Arrow and upcoming
The Flash, they might have a chance of pulling at least
something off.
DC has done an amazing job dominating the animated DVD market with their adult-rated releases (come on, Marvel, what's the problem?); let's hope they assign writers like Paul Dini and Bruce Timm to their cinematic universe.
The likeness is uncanny. |
What are your initial thoughts? Still on the fence with her cast in the first place? Wary as I am with DC/WB's ability to handle this project at all?