News about Jurassic World, the long-awaited sequel to the 1993's Jurassic Park franchise, will start pouring onto your computer screens this year, leading up to its release on June 12th, 2015. The lovable Chris Pratt has signed on to star and "Theme Park Connection" in Orlando, FL, has made a surprise offering to celebrate the upcoming film.
An amazing ebay listing with impeccable marketing timing has got fans all aflutter. The listing is for the original Velociraptor crate from early in the film. Trying to recall the exact scene? The ebay listing itself describes it in detail:
This is the full size animal transport cage crate featured in the terrifying opening scene of the classic blockbuster movie!
This is the crate that housed the Velociraptor that attacked and killed the ill-fated "Gate Keeper" as Jurassic Park's Game Warden and workers attempted to move the Raptor into its permanent pen. Jurassic Park's opening sequence is without a doubt one of the most memorable scenes in the movie, and anyone who has seen Jurassic Park (and who hasn't?!) will instantly remember this incredible piece. In addition, the crate includes a full size Velociraptor prop!
You heard correctly, there is literally a life-size prop included. The nerd in me, however, has to point out that the movie got the size of the Velociraptor all wrong, and in reality the creature was less than half the size of the movie versions. In any case, the prop serves a staging purpose for the filmmaker but is not much use to the buyer. It comes plain white (check out the images here) so you can paint it any color you wish.
"He's gonna eat the goat?" |
Personally, I would snap this up in a heartbeat; what a great conversation starter at parties. Clearly by that I mean I would convert the crate into a dining table or kitchen island, making it the center of my perpetually-Jurassic-Park-themed house parties.
So? Are there any takers out there up for this opportunity, considering I'm willing to put in $79 if you cover the remaining balance?