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Someone took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. |
I'd say, without question, these are the preeminent sci-fi franchises in the world today. You can argue Terminator or Alien, but as good as those stories can be, they just don't match the cultural pervasiveness and influence of the Big Two. Obviously, this is due in part to seniority—Star Trek debuted in 1966, Star Wars eleven years later, in 1977. Getting there first counts for a lot, but the manner in which their stories were told, their characters introduced, and worlds built influenced everything that would come later. Yes, they were themselves influenced by the heroic myth or by numerous talented sci-fi writers, but that's all on the page. Guided to the screen by people with vision, the stars aligned over these two properties, and decades later, they're still going strong: Star Trek released a new installment last year, Into Darkness, and everyone and their protocol droid knows that Star Wars: Episode VII is on its way, slated to drop in December 2015.
Here's what's gonna happen: I'm going to round up everything we know about Episode VII and Star Trek 3. We'll take a look at what's on the horizon for both, examine their relationship, and see if we can't make some guesses of our own as to what their futures hold.
It's been roughly a year and a half since Disney announced the impossible: George Lucas had made a deal to sell Lucasfilm, and the rights to Star Wars (as well as Indiana Jones, for those keeping score), to the Mouse House. It came hand-in-hand with the news that, yes, there would be more Star Wars. If you're anything like me, perhaps you took the news with a dash of incredulity, a generous helping of excitement, and a pinch of foreboding. For some fans, I'm sure the grief of the prequel trilogy is still too near; yet Lucas, the brainchild of the whole shebang who many (this writer included) felt had overindulged himself on said prequels, would be relegated to "creative consultant" on these new films without much direct involvement. Instead, the herculean task of getting Star Wars back out there would fall to new Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy and whoever Disney would tap to direct the damn thing. As it turns out, the task would be appointed to Star Trek director J.J. Abrams.
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Mind. Blown. *bwoooooosh* (More on this later.) |
There is no clear indication of the direction the story will take. Numerous times, Lucas has talked about the different stories he had planned within the Star Wars saga, and gone back on those statements just as frequently. He had said there would be four trilogies; he had said there were really only ever three; he had said that Return of the Jedi is the end of the series, because it closes out the Vader story. Various statements by Lucas and others in-the-know suggest that the story could focus on rebuilding the Republic dismantled by the Emperor. Lucas' biographer Dale Pollock said that he read twelve outlines for Star Wars films, encompassing the original and prequel trilogies, as well as two sequel trilogies. He stated that the outlines for episodes seven, eight, and nine—the ones we're about to get—had a lot to offer in terms of action and character, and were stories he'd love to see as films. Reportedly, these twelve outlines were part of the package deal Disney bought, so any film they produce will still have roots deep in Lucas' lore. Also, like many franchises, Star Wars has no shortage of "Expanded Universe" material from which to draw, notably the "Thrawn trilogy" novels by author Timothy Zahn. Zahn, who met with Lucas to discuss his story, noted that Lucas' "original idea" was to center the sequel trilogy on Luke's progeny, and likely Han and Leia's, as well. This echoes what others have said about the new films, and while that is material that the Expanded Universe has dealt with heavily, the filmmakers aren't drawing on any of it, opting instead for a new story.
With that in mind—a fresh batch of Skywalkers and Solos to take the reins—almost every young actor in Hollywood has tested for a role in Episode VII. Names like Saoirse Ronan, Michael B. Jordan, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, and Jesse Plemons have been thrown around with most debunked as rumors and none yet confirmed. Ronan, at least, confirmed she did not get the part she auditioned for, but no less a source than Abrams himself mentioned Plemons as having read for a part while the actor denied it. (Hmm.) This leaves us with returning characters, of which we have several. The trinity of the original film—Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, and Harrison Ford—have all been more or less confirmed as reprising their iconic roles in Episode VII. Unofficial rumor claims that Abrams is reworking Arndt's draft to feature these characters more, leaving the other two films in the trilogy to focus more on the newer characters, potentially a reason for Arndt's departure.
Given that, Chewbacca is likely to make a return, and casting calls for actors of seven-foot-plus stature lend credence to this likelihood. It's also a foregone conclusion that C-3PO and R2-D2 will make a return, given that they appeared in the prequel trilogy and are essentially immortal characters. Given, too, that some Jedi have attained a form of ethereal immortality, it's possible we'll even see actors from the prequel trilogy show up. Ewan McGregor has stated that he'd love to come back, so we may see some of him channeling ectoplasmic Alec Guinness; and since this is still Hollywood, which likes to bleed franchises for every fan-pleasing dollar, it's theoretically possible we'll see Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine to some degree. Both James Earl Jones and Ian McDiarmid are still alive and kicking. (I understand Jones is only Vader's voice, but that's the important part.) So what if their characters are dead? Flashbacks! Force ghosts!
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See? Everything's fixed now! |
Unfortunately, there hasn't been much buzz about the development of the next Trek. The few things we know: Paramount is angling for a 2016 release, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. To reach that point, writers J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, who recently adapted the graphic novel Boilerplate for Abrams' Bad Robot production company, join Roberto Orci's efforts to bring the next Trek to screen. Orci, along with writer Alex Kurtzman, penned the first two films of the series, but Kurtzman is out on Spider-Man duty. Damon Lindelof, who produced and also had a hand in writing those same two films, is also busy with other projects; and of course, with Abrams out of the director's chair (though he'll stay on as producer), the hunt is on for who will helm the next voyage of the Enterprise.
Initial reports were that Joe Cornish, of Attack the Block fame, was being courted, but those talks ultimately went nowhere. Brad Bird, Bryan Singer, Jon M. Chu, and Rupert Wyatt have also all been mentioned, with varying degrees of probability. The studio reportedly likes Chu, who pulled their G.I. Joe franchise out of the fire. Abrams personally endorsed Wyatt, no doubt in part to his success in helping to revitalize the Planet of the Apes series. Worth noting is that Bryan Singer approached Paramount several years back with a proposal for a new Star Trek TV series, bringing the story back to the medium in which it was born. The Trek camp has been quiet for some time now, which may mean developments are forthcoming, but things are so up in the air right now, the director's chair could go to anyone.
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Settle down, J.J. You had your turn. |
So really, compared to the bevy of info we've been steadily fed on the development of Episode VII, we know next to nothing about the next Trek movie. Add this to the fact that Abrams jumped ship and headed to Lucasfilm to helm the next Star Wars, suddenly Kirk and co. seem left in the lurch.
Full disclosure, now: I love both Trek and Wars. Trek got its hooks into me first, but there's just no denying the scope and fun of Star Wars. It's ingrained into pop culture that we geeks will forever war over which is superior, the basic notion of which I find silly. Both use different means to work toward different ends. They tell totally different kinds of stories. Star Trek is humanist, often philosophical science fiction: a vision of humanity's future, extrapolated from the times in which we live. Star Wars is epic science fantasy with elements of magic and mysticism seen in the Jedi and the Force. It takes place a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, giving it a unique setting free from real-world rules and using recognizable analogues for the sake of storytelling. There's no Earth in Star Wars, of course; humans, sure—but from Coruscant, and the Correllian system, etc. (and Alderaan…once).
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Too soon? |
Perhaps inevitably, each has influenced the other to some degree. Lucas freely admitted that Star Trek was in his mind as he began creating the original Star Wars, and Roddenberry had much praise for his "rival" franchise before his death. It's widely held that Abrams brought a heavy dose of Star Wars sensibility to his work on the Star Trek films. Of course, this isn't to say zero competition exists—look anywhere for box-office data and a clear winner emerges. Star Wars has made three times as much money with half as many films, and the licensing and merchandise for Star Wars is legendary. Culturally, it's tough to tell which has been more pervasive. Star Trek is widely cited as an inspiration for gadgets like cell phones and medical equipment. "Beam me up, Scotty," and "Live long and prosper" are about as ubiquitous as "May the Force be with you," but perhaps not as well-known as "No, Luke…I am your father." Here's the thing, though: that old rivalry, whatever it may have been, is basically dead.
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You know the line. |
You know, I've gone on long enough already; I'll just cut to it. Having Abrams on both sets of the sci-fi franchises is a bad idea. This isn't a comment on his abilities; it's about a distinctive style that I'm afraid will reduce both franchises to the same basic kinds of movies. The whole reason the two could coexist in the first place is because they were different. Roddenberry pitched his initial vision for Star Trek as "Wagon Train to the stars," or "Horatio Hornblower in space." He wanted to tell adventure stories about humanity exploring the next frontier, what we encounter out there and what it can do to us. It was this very spirit that rendered Abrams mostly uninterested in the series. He called it "too philosophical" for him, which basically means there weren't enough explosions for his taste. Subsequently, that's what we got in the rebooted series, melded with some recognizable Trek of old. This isn't to say he's totally screwed up the new films; I think there's plenty to like about them. I recognize, too, that movies have different demands than an ongoing TV show, and vice versa. For example, Leonard Nimoy had eighty episodes to forge Spock before the character appeared in a movie. His character arc had time and room to grow, time that Zachary Quinto didn't have. Thus, Quinto's is a more passionate Spock: his emotions are closer to the surface and are easier to rouse because the filmmakers want to get the point across quickly in a two-hour movie with seven main characters. Plus, y'know, alternate timeline and everything.
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And space magic! |
We're now coming to a point where Star Trek and Star Wars are going to compete more directly than ever before, and for at least one film each they're going to do it while sharing one major creative force. Even though Abrams is only producing Trek 3, and it's likely that his involvement will be minimal, his fingerprints will still be all over the next film in the pre-production work that's already been done and in the influence of the prior two films. It isn't good for either franchise, or for Abrams, to be involved with both. Whatever he produces with Episode VII will inevitably be compared to his work on Star Trek and Into Darkness, and, similarly, Star Trek 3 will be compared to Episode VII. These two franchises thrive because of their differences, and I'm afraid one or the other (let's be real, probably Star Trek) will suffer unduly for the potential similarities. The best way to ensure the quality, and existence, of both franchises is to make sure they don't become carbon copies of one another. We know what Star Wars feels like, and it's building on familiar, beloved territory. Hand in glove; we know what to expect. Conversely, the exciting thing about Trek now is that it's fresher. Nothing is set in stone. This is a chance for the new Trek filmmakers to explore strange new worlds, because the new series was made different from it's predecessor by design. It's still developing, still growing, and can still become just about anything it wants to.
So sound off, Fanboys and Fangirls—got thoughts on Episode VII or the next Trek? Love or hate how both series are developing? Annoyed that I failed to mention Stargate or Farscape until the very end? Leave it all below.