"I know a lot of fans want to see the original characters back. They’re iconic. But I respect those actors too much to shoehorn them into this story for my own sentimental reasons. Jurassic Park isn’t about the bad luck of three people who keep getting thrown into the same situation. The only reason they’d go back to that island is if the screenwriters contrived a reason for them to go. But there is a character from the first film who makes sense in our world. This hasn’t been announced yet, but BD Wong will be returning as Dr. Henry Wu. He had a much larger role in the original novel, he was the engineer of this breakthrough in de-extinction. He spent two decades living in Hammond’s shadow, underappreciated. We think there’s more to his story."So it looks like Law and Order:Special Victims Unit's B.D. Wong has been tapped to reprise his role of Dr. Henry Wu and give more back story to a character who relatively went unnoticed in the original. Sorry boys and girls, I know you had your fingers crossed for Dr. Ian Malcom to return…I'm still holding out for it.
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