Hello Symbi-dopes and Dead-heads! Welcome to the review of the second issue of
Deadpool Vs. Carnage. Let's not waste too much time and get right to it, yes?
Okay, I lied: we have to waste just a little bit of time before we can get to it. Don't fret, though! I'll make this as quick as possible. First off, I just wanted to let you all know about a couple of Carnage-related news bits: Cletus Kasady and his symbiotic alter ego will be making
his first film-themed debut in The Amazing Spider-Man 2's video game and has been
teased to be the main villain for the spin-off Venom film. Looks like 2014 may be a bigger year for our psychotic symbiote than anyone anticipated!
let's recap issue #1. Our tale began with Carnage beginning a brand new murder spree hot out of jail and Deadpool happening upon a news station covering the story. By providence, Deadpool went on a hilarious journey to track down and kill Carnage once and for all, quickly drawing first blood and startling the heck out of Kasady. The issue ended with the first guest star of the limited series making her deadly entrance and literally melting Deadpool's face off: Carnage's old gore gal, Shriek.
The government probably spent millions
in developing anti-symbiote weaponry. |
Issue #2 picks right back up with Shriek and her boo having their fun with Deadpool's blasted and battered body, giving
Cullen Bunn—our writer—a golden opportunity for exchanging witty snipes between the main men. As it would be expected from the Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool really knows how to pick at Kasady's scabs and exploits every opportunity to do so, if not simply just for the fun of it. Bunn really plays up Deadpool's playfully planned improvisation to school Carnage on the whole chaos business he's so desperately trying to preach and live by and show the reader the fun in
organized chaos.
Apparently not Deadpool's biggest fan. |
We also get some great moments in which Deadpool interacts with the normal crowd, although that's really stretching it for the voluptuous Doverton character he stumbles into. (Okay, enough with the bad puns.) Doverton apparently plays a key part in Deadpool's hunt for Carnage because he's on the same crazy wavelength as the two loonies, but whether he will be making any more appearances in later issues is questionable.
I bet editor Jordan D. White had to change "fridging" to
"frigding" to avoid backlash. Oh well. |
The issue ends with a highway chase scene, Shriek ending up in a questionably critical condition after having her head driven through a car windshield, and Carnage and Deadpool preparing for round two. Once again, Bunn delivers a frightfully frenetic, hilarious, and reference-filled issue in which he allows both characters to really let loose and be who they were meant to be: Deadpool and Carnage. Salvador Espin and Glenn Fabry once again delight with their colorful and highly animated art, shining its brightest with Deadpool's characterizations—most notably under the mask, which is perhaps the biggest challenge many artists face with the particularly emotionless prop.
Some Cullen Bunn Easter eggs. Right: "The Storage Bunn-galo" in Deadpool Vs. Carnage #2. Left: "Bunn's Truck Stop"
in Deadpool Vs. Carnage #1. |
Deadpool Vs. Carnage #2 receives, again, 5 stars out of 5 for both art and writing, making it another must-read issue. No, really; pick the
first and
second issues up already if you haven't and let the creators know how much you love them. Then tell me what you thought of issue #2 and my review in the comments section below. Oh, and don't forget to continue following me here on Fanboys Anonymous for the next issue's review
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The Venom Site for all of your symbiote news, reviews, and points of views!