Set in the world of Microsoft's Arkham video game series, this movie focuses heavily on Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Killer Frost, Black Spider, King Shark and Captain Boomerang. They are Task Force X, or The Suicide Squad, teased at the end of Arkham Origins. Check out the trailer here, which will also be included in the Blu-Ray/DVD of Son of Batman.
The plot centers around the Joker holding Gotham City under the threat of a dirty bomb. The race to find him is between this team of villains and Batman himself.
DC has been trying to push Suicide Squad for years in the comic books, video games, live action and animated features. They have recently been on CW's Arrow and this might be another showcase for them to pitch a live-action film. I was a big fan of DC's Secret Six series, featuring Catman, Deadshot, Bane, and others, and would be on board for something in that genre.
What are your thoughts? Is this a campaign for the next Arkham game or a pitch for the Suicide Squad film?