"With the Klingons secretly backing a renegade gorilla general in a coup for control of Ape City, Captain Kirk finds himself in the uncomfortable position of having to help out Dr. Zaius' orangutans."
IDW will publish the crossover, which will mark the first time BOOM! Studios has partnered with another publisher on a series. Together they will bring Star Trek, licensed by CBS Consumer Products, and 20th Century Fox’s Planet of the Apes together in a way that is sure to delight existing fans and make new ones.
"Planet of the Apes and Star Trek are groundbreaking science-fiction properties and both deal with many of the same social issues and themes," says Greg Goldstein, IDW President & Chief Operating Officer. "A crossover between the two is a natural and long overdue."

The creative team will be a mix of proven experience and new blood, with scripts by beloved Star Trek scribes Scott and David Tipton (Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation 2) and interior art and covers by the British newcomer Rachael Stott.
I will definitely be keeping a close eye on this, as these are two of my favorite films/TV series as a kid growing up.
If you could have a crossover of your two favorite TV series made into a comic, what would they be? Why not let us know in the comments below.