Studios have been trying to get a Sandman movie off the ground for years. The property has gone through many hands and many false starts, most recently passing to David Goyer and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who both will at least produce. It's thought that Levitt might direct as well, and potentially take a role in the film.
Given the flurry of comic book adaptations in this era of moviemaking, chances are good this version of Sandman will come together sooner or later. It's true also that books from DC's Vertigo imprint, like Sandman, have been consistently adapted to film over the years—A History of Violence, The Losers, V for Vendetta, and Constantine were all Vertigo publications. David Goyer's central role in bringing DC properties to screen also shows a degree of confidence in this project.
Levitt spoke recently about the status of Sandman and mentioned meeting and working closely with Goyer, screenwriter Jack Thorne, and creator Neil Gaiman himself. It's encouraging to know the filmmakers have Gaiman on their side to develop the story for the screen. Also worth noting is that Jack Thorne has experience adapting Gaiman's stories for film, having worked on a treatment and the script for Gaiman's novel The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Levitt also makes mention of incorporating the Sandman's larger universe into their storytelling, which again sounds like a step in the right direction. The world Gaiman created around Morpheus (or Dream, or the Sandman…) is a rich, vibrant and deep one, and the filmmakers would do themselves a disservice not to use it in some fashion.
This project is also notable for being outside the rest of the DC Comics' films continuity. Gaiman, as a writer, made occasional nods to the more traditional DC publications during his work on Sandman, but the filmmakers may want to keep this universe more closed. I've written about it before, but the power levels involved in the world of the Sandman dwarf any problems that the Justice League might face.
Think Sandman is on the right track? Do you have faith in JGL, or is Goyer gonna sink the ship? Talk about it in the comments; maybe they'll hear you.