It's debatable if you can label Magneto a 'quite one', but his approach to retribution isn't about throwing large metal objects around anymore. It can't be as his powers are lacking of late.
Despite this, the gravitas of action is brought to the fore in clever ways that feel more impressive for the lack of overt macho-come smash-em-ness. It is this clear point of difference that brings the appeal of a series focused on Magneto straight to the front. Cullen Bunn plays on this well and has done so since issue #1. However, with Magneto #8, we start to see this develop in ways I hadn't expected.
There is some great transitional art on display here that really draws out the story and character of Magneto, both past and present. Having just re-read all of this series, it is very apparent just what a character driven series Magneto is.
While this may seem obvious, on the flip side, the action is toned down to allow for this. It is the subtlety that is developed by the use of narration by Magneto's thoughts that help drives this process. Don't get me wrong, an issue of Magneto without a revenge murder would seem a little fanciful at this point, but it wouldn't go so far as to say the style is in your face.

The art by Javier Fernandex, though not as jarring as Garbiel Walta, has a complementary style in this Magneto #8. The gritty darkness that envelopes this series is wonderfully captured by both artists. The tone is driven home by darker shades and palette of colorist Dan Brown.
Another nice touch is the consistent use of white on black for the narration lettering. Cory Petit adds weight with this approach to the feel of the series, and contrasts the spoken word bubbles which remain black on white. In all, the art is cohesive to ensure it is bringing out the best aspects of the story and not stopping the readers flow.

For me the end of Magneto #8 is particularly satisfying. The build up to AXIS has begun for Magneto. Will we see a return to former glory? There is still much more for Bunn to explore. Briar Raleigh's role still remains unclear, the use of The Marauders and what Magneto's role in AXIS are just some of the bigger facets still to be teased out.
What did you think of this months issue of Magneto? How will this play into the March to AXIS next month? Leave you thoughts and comments below.