Introducing Grayson Hopper. A beta fish belonging to a student of the University of Chicago. This fish is currently playing Pokémon Red and is live-streaming it for everyone to see! Sections of the tank have been designated as button inputs allowing Grayson to control his on screen character.
While you think this may be a completely fruitless effort, the owner states that in the 160+ hours played, he's managed to capture his first pokémon! A charmander named AAAABBK. Together they managed to defeat their rival's squirtle!
You can watch the steam running live at So far over 1.5 million people have tuned in with about 20,000 viewing at the time of this writing. The chat room ends up being just as entertaining as the fish.
Breaking news: He just saved the game! Glad I was present for this update.
Say good-bye to the rest of the day you had scheduled. How long will you be watching Grayson? Tell us in the comments below.