Warlords of Draenor will be the players' first chance to venture into the perilous world of Draenor, the origin home of the Draenai and Orcs. There they will battle the Iron Horde, the merciless army of Garrosh Hellscream.
"Players will encounter an epic cast of legendary characters and a huge amount of content to explore in Warlords of Draenor," said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "The countdown to the arrival of one of the greatest threats in Warcraft history has begun. We can't wait to send everyone through the Dark Portal this November."
Blizzard also premiered the first episode of Lords of War, a new animated miniseries that will introduce the players to all of the important characters in the upcoming expansion. The series begins with the twisted tale of Kargath Bladefist, legendary leader of the Shattered Hand orc clan.

Watch the full live-steam event on Battle.net's official blog.
Warlords of Draenor is available for pre-order now at Warlords.com. The Digital Standard Edition is $49.99, while $69.99 will get you the Digital Deluxe Edition allowing you to be able to immediately boost one character to level 90. There will of course also be a retail-exclusive Collectors Edition for $89.99 which will include a full-color hardcover art book, a behind-the-scenes two-disc Blu-ray/DVD set, a CD soundtrack, and a Warlords of Draenor mouse pad.
The biggest question that remains to be answered will be if this will be enough to draw back World of Warcraft's dwindling player base. As a former player from years ago, I can say that I'm only mildly intrigued and it will likely wither away before November. But what do you guys think? Especially you current or former players, sound off in the comments below about today's news and reveals.