iPhone 6 isn't simply bigger -- it's better in every way. Larger, yet dramatically thinner. More powerful, but remarkably power efficient. With a smooth metal surface that seamlessly meets the new Retina HD display. It's one continuous form where hardware and software function in perfect unison, creating a new generation of iPhone that's better by any measure. (Apple.com)
Bigger is better, and with iPhone 6's 5.44 inches and iPhone 6 Plus's 6.22 inches compared to the previous iPhone 5S size of just four inches, these new phones not only boast a larger screen (up to 5.5 inches on the iPhone Plus), they're thinner than ever with 6.9 mm for the iPhone 6 and 7.1 mm for the iPhone 6 Plus. The Retina HD display allows for 1334 x 750 resolution (iPhone 6) and 1920 x 1080 resolution (iPhone 6 Plus).

While Apple has always attempted to innovate the next bigger and lighter piece of hand-held technology, these new phones are slightly heavier than last gen's 3.95 ounces. The larger iPhone 6 Plus weighs 6.07 ounces and its smaller counterpart weighs 4.55 ounces. It's not a significant weight difference (the iPhone 5s weighed only 3.95 ounces), but for a company that seems to boast its light-as-air products and puts all its efforts into making new products lighter than before, it makes all the difference.
A new 8-megapixel camera with true tone flash might not be the boost consumers want, but Apple is praising its "Focus Pixel" technology that allows the lens to move in and out to determine autofocus points. It's video capabilities will be able to shoot in 1080p HD at 30 to 60fps, and offers an improved slo-mo option.
Apple also introduced the phone's new payment feature: Apple Pay. Built into both new phones, it uses a new chip called the Secure Element, storing encrypted payment information that allows you to pay for items through your iPhone by using the Touch ID. Payments will be charged to the user's credit or debit card linked to their iTunes Store account. This may be the breakthrough for a future of card-less payment, and Apple reassures there's no need to worry about identity theft.
After unveiling the new phones, Apple launched its Apple Watch: the highly anticipated new wearable device coming early next year. "Our goal has always been to make powerful technology more accessible, more relevant, and ultimately more personal," Apple wrote on its page dedicated to the Apple Watch. "Apple Watch represents a new chapter in the relationship people have with technology. It's the most personal product we've ever made, because it's the first one designed to be worn."
With a wide range of watch faces—Apple states there's "over two million ways to see time"—this tiny gadget is not only marketed as a fitness companion, it adds a new way to communicate, offering easy access to mail, messages, and calls. The three editions of the watch, Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sport, and Apple Watch Edition, also mimics a smartphone, enabling users to use a variety of apps and take full advantage of Siri. Pricing starts at $350 and requires an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus.
Apple seems to be following market trends instead of creating them, cashing in on the new smart-watch trend and larger phones that almost match up to the market's smallest tablets (aka "Phablets).
Anticipation of the announcement fueled both excitement and disappointment, causing Apple shares to spike reaching 102.69 by 2 p.m., but it eventually fell 0.38 percent to 98.00. Last year, the stock fell 2.3 percent the day iPhone 5S was introduced, according to USA Today.
The new iPhones, available in Apple's usual silver, gold, and space grey variants, start at $199 for the iPhone 6 and $299 for the iPhone 6 Plus with a two year contract. Configurations include 16GB, 32GB and 128GB. Preorders start Sept. 12 and will be available on Sept. 19.
Will you be among the thousands lining up to grab the new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus? Let us know in the comments below.