Aside from the ones inspired by the rat-like appearance of Nosferatu (hello, The Strain), many of these bloodsuckers are attractive and extremely seductive, making it hard for their victims to not want to trade bodily fluids, mostly blood, with them.
After a year in production, Victor Matellano's Vampyres, a remake of Jose Larraz's 1974 erotic-horror cult classic, is finally done. The story, written by Larraz himself, focuses on a "lesbian vampire couple [who] waylay and abduct various passer-byes, both male and female, to hold them captive at their rural manor in the English countryside in order to kill and feed on them to satisfy their insatiable thirst for blood."
In other words, there is plenty of sex and bloodbaths.
Check out the trailer, which should be noted is definitely not safe for work!
The film stars Marta Flich and Almudena Léon as the vampires and various Eurohorror celebrities such as Conrado San Martín (The Awful Dr. Orloff), May Heatherly (Pieces), Fele Martínez (Tesis), Antonio Mayans (Oasis of the Zombies), Lone Fleming (Tombs of the Blind Dead), and genre veteran Caroline Munro (1980's Maniac, Spy Who Loved Me).
Special effects makeup artist Colin Arthur, responsible not only for the effects in the original film but also for the ones in Conan and The Never Ending Story, was in charge of the bloodbaths and gore.

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