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Meet the cast of Big Brother: Over the Top - #BBOTT 2016 |
Keep in mind that I'm usually terrible about this, as it revolves around the most basic information out there, and the show revolves around twists that can change the game up at any time. Even when it comes to my favorites and those who I dislike, I tend to change my mind at different points when they prove me wrong one way or the other. Definitely don't place any bets in Las Vegas on what is down below—even when it comes to who I think the jerks and the people I'd be rooting for will end up being!
Alex Willett
Age: 25
Hometown: Grandbury, TX
Current City: Grandbury, TX
Occupation: Animation designer
Three adjectives that describe you: Determined, creative, and perceptive.
Favorite activities: Playing The Settlers Of Catan and lifting heavy at the gym. I'm goal oriented and being fit is big to me. And playing piano; I took lessons for eight years.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
100-percent not having access to a "mental escape," having no books, phones, articles, or games as a means to relax. Also, no communication with family will be tough.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Connect with people on different "layers":
Layer 3 ("The crazies") - People I don't like (aka my main targets).
Layer 2 (4-5 people I vibe with) - Manipulate them to make moves for me.
Layer 1 (1-2 people I 90-percent deeply trust) - Who I talk crazy strategy with.
Once layers are set up, I can be a strategic power player.
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
Dan Gheesling! Season 10, Dan was so likeable and smart. He elevated the game with his strategy and his funeral was jaw dropping. Like, everyone bow down to Dan please. Least is James Huling from Season 18. I can't stand how he and everyone else this season wants to make a decision as a house vote. PLAY THE GAME! Not just get to jury.
What would you take into the house, and why?
The entire Harry Potter book series, a treadmill for endorphins because I'll need them if people piss me off, and a hairstylist, in case my extensions get ratchet.
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I can do flips! Was a competitive gymnast with Nastia Lukin back in the day.
2. I ate McDonald's for every meal to get all the Pokémon toys once.
3. I've competed in races like Tough Mudder and beat all the boys.
4. I've been to Europe five times and visited over 13 countries.
5. I have to drink energy drinks before movies because I don't have the attention span.
Danielle Lickey
Age: 23
Hometown: Visalia, CA
Current City: Visalia, CA
Occupation: Preschool teacher
Three adjectives that describe you: Competitive, sarcastic, and a leader.
Favorite activities: Playing flag-football, cooking, and photography.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
Being away from my son. I've never been away from him for more than five days. He's my best friend, my right-hand man, and my motivation.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
I plan on being a good player in competitions and making myself someone worth aligning with. I plan on finding one or two people I am 100-percent loyal to. I hope to have a good social game and not be afraid to make BIG moves.
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
I'd liked Derrick Levasseur's gameplay from Season 16. He played a smart, loyal game and was always three steps ahead.
I liked Zakiyah Everette from Season 18 the least. She should have used the position more with the guys and played them to get ahead.
What would you take into the house, and why?
Picture of my son because I'll miss him, camera because I would want memories to bring home with me, and someone to thread my eyebrows.
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I am very obsessed with Harry Potter.
2. I have seen EVERY episode of Friends, like, 20 times.
3. I play flag football.
4. I go to Disneyland at least once a month.
5. I am the definition of expect the unexpected!
Justin Duncan
Age: 27
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Current City: New Orleans, LA
Occupation: Seafood restaurant owner
Three adjectives that describe you: Rambunctious, down to earth, and vocal.
Favorite activities: Fishing, sculpting, and writing.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
Being away from my family and the city of New Orleans because I've never been away that long.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Win America. Become friends with everyone. Win the challenges. Do whatever I have to in order to win Big Brother.
What would you take into the house, and why?
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I sing everything.
2. I like to get my groove on.
3. I'm very random.
4. Can have fun at any time. I'm an instant party.
5. I'm ready for whatever!
Kryssie Ridolfi
Age: 31
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Current City: Schaumburg, IL
Occupation: Waitress
Three adjectives that describe you: Sassy, loudmouth, and charming.
Favorite activities: Making music, lifting weights, and cooking.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
Walking away from my band Evil Engine at such a crucial point. Our guitarist just abruptly quit after a huge soap-opera quality lie came to light, and we're rebuilding from the ground up while keeping momentum.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
I'm hilarious and manipulative, just the right blend of both. I plan to use both of those traits seamlessly to gain trust and scoot circumstances around to my favor every week.
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
Casey Turner from Season 11 is by far my favorite. He didn't get enough of a chance to charm the world. ROBBED. Jessie Goddarz from Season 11 bothered me a lot. I work out at a hardcore bodybuilding/power-lifting gym and I feel like he fit the stereotype of the self-absorbed meathead. They aren't all like that.
What would you take into the house, and why?
I need a notebook to write lyrics and strategize, a couple dumbbells to maintain my sanity, and a dead-lift platform and squat rack!
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I belch loudly and robustly.
2. I became a singer by accident.
3. I have an enormous collection of horror movie memorabilia.
4. My Simpsons trivia knowledge is scarily thorough.
Michael "Cornbread" Ligon
Age: 41
Hometown: Augusta, GA
Current City: Augusta, GA
Occupation: Foreman of a tree removal company
Three adjectives that describe you: Outgoing, funny, and loving.
Favorite activities: Canoeing, camping, and ATV-ing.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
Being away from family for so long and not being able to see what's going on in the outside world through social media or television.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Go with the flow, make plenty of friends, be strong in competitions.
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
Donny Thompson from Season 16. He's just a good ole boy. He's funny and outgoing and he's real. Least favorite is Devin Shepherd because he was deceitful. He changed like the wind and lied a lot. Basically, I don't like people who are arrogant.
What would you take into the house, and why?
I don't really have an answer for this question. I don't really need anything but myself.
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I'm a three-time Redneck Olympic champ.
2. I'm a very good problem-solver. When something's broke, I can fix it with whatever's laying around.
3. I have over 3,000 friends on Facebook and I use it as a way to get laughs.
4. I am the president of a canoe club.
5. I have little videos I make called "Cornbread's Redneck Mobile News" on YouTube.
Monte Massongill
Age: 25
Hometown: Olive Branch, MS
Current City: Olive Branch, MS
Occupation: Engineer associate
Three adjectives that describe you: Leader, strong, and stubborn.
Favorite activities: Sports, being outdoors, and working out.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
The unknowns. Who can I trust? Who is a threat? Who is gonna do whatever it takes? Constant evaluation of the situation.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
I always have a plan. I can play dumb to some people. I am also very smart and capable of deep-thinking. I believe I could relate to everyone in some way.
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
Season 12, I seemed to like Hayden Moss at first. Good guy who seemed to have a quiet confidence. I did not like Enzo Palumbo. I suppose my Southern influence made me not like a Jersey guy.
What would you take into the house, and why?
Weights, healthy food, and TV.
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I was born in Nashville and moved seven times.
2. I've been to Montana twice.
3. I had a serious injury at FedEx and I'm lucky to have my hand.
4. I put a guy in a seizure by a fart.
5. I play drums and I golf left-handed, but write and throw right-handed
Morgan Willett
Age: 22
Hometown: Granbury, TX
Current City: Austin, TX
Occupation: Publicist
Three adjectives that describe you: Sassy, honest, and talkative.
Favorite activities: Online sale shopping, painting, binge-watching TV.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
Focusing on my game and myself. I feel like it will be so easy to get wrapped up in everyone's drama, but I want to remember I'm here to win. Plus, not having a phone will suck.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Charm 'em then cut 'em. I plan on using my Southern cheerleader charm to win people over and get them to love me, but when it comes to being cutthroat, I'm not scared. I'm putting myself first, I ain't afraid to tell it like it is, either.
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
The most, Frankie Grande and Nicole Franzel from Season 16. Frankie because he brought so much energy to the house—I love energetic people!—and I loved Nicole because she represented for all the small-town sisters and she reminded me a lot of myself.
The least is Victoria Rafaeli from Season 16. Girl didn't do a dang thing! She viewed herself as a princess and just got used and carried to the end. Gag me! I'm a fighter and hate hiding behind others and being viewed as just a pretty face.
What would you take into the house, and why?
A teasing comb because I hate flat hair, a two-month supply of Red Bull because I'm addicted to caffeine… literally, and legit running shoes because I plan on winning all the challenges.
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I've had abs since I was little and they won't go away.
2. I can paint portraits really well.
3. I can rap all of Lil Wayne's "Right Above It" like a PRO.
4. I interviewed Jennifer Garner at a movie premiere.
5. At a football game, I met Matthew McConaughey and his kids.
Neeley Jackson
Age: 33
Hometown: Fort Worth, TX
Current City: Fort Worth, TX
Occupation: Sales associate
Three adjectives that describe you: Outgoing, outspoken, and fun.
Favorite activities: Working out, shopping, and going to movies.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
The biggest thing will probably be that I am located away from the outside world. No Instagram or Facebook, and I have to deal with the same crazies everyday.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
My strategy is to play down my intellect, and to be the fun and sexy one. I am not going to show my athleticism.
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
Most: Janelle Pierzina from Seasons 6, 7, and 15 because she was strong, outspoken, and willing to do whatever to win.
Least: Ian Terry from Season 14 because he was too whiny and, basically, a big baby the entire season.
What would you take into the house, and why?
1. My wigs: I can be extremely jazzy.
2. My music: I live through music.
3. My dog: He is my life.
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I got a full scholarship to college.
2. I won 2nd in my high-school class.
3. I have won awards for hula hooping.
Scott Dennis
Age: 24
Hometown: Bangor, ME
Current City: Bangor, ME
Occupation: Debt collector
Three adjectives that describe you: Honest, persistent, and strategic.
Favorite activities: Tennis, chess, and poker.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
People overreacting to things I said or did. Legitimate strategy is always cruel and necessary to win the prize and I am not taking half measures.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
I am positive. You will see me forming three-person alliances. I feel three is the most stable alliance size. If I can merge two three-person alliances to make a five-person alliance, then my win condition is met.
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
To avoid a top five answer, I gotta go with Danielle Reyes from Seasons 3 and 7. She had strategy, heart, and a lot of personality.
I didn't like Josh Welch from Season 9. He was horrible to so many women that season. He had a terrible smug attitude when he was at his best.
What would you take into the house, and why?
Deck of cards for games and photos of my family.
Fun facts about yourself:
1. My two lifelong dreams are to raise a family and play Big Brother.
2. My high-school chess team came in 1st and 2nd all four years.
3. I am a virgin and have only had three girlfriends.
4. I sweat a lot.
Shane Chapman
Age: 24
Hometown: Brevard, NC
Current City: Pisgah Forest, NC
Occupation: Roofer
Three adjectives that describe you: Strong, kind, and ambitious.
Favorite activities: Golf, video games, and working out.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
Figuring out who I can trust and be friends with.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Be friends with everyone, find a person I can trust, and try slowly to take people out.
What would you take into the house, and why?
Chewing tobacco and Xbox live. I have dip in my mouth all day. When I came home, I play Xbox with my best friend in Florida two hours a night.
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I am 24 and still can't stop picking my nose.
2. My eyes suck and I can't see six feet away without contacts.
3. I have sleepwalked outside onto our deck.
4. I was almost a golf pro, but decided not to become one.
5. I hiked 600 miles to break up with my girlfriend at the time.
Shelby Stockton
Age: 24
Hometown: Fountain Hills, AZ
Current City: Simi Valley, CA
Occupation: Recent law-school graduate
Three adjectives that describe you: Goofy, stubborn, and obnoxious.
Favorite activities: Classical piano, eating, I forgot what hobbies I have because I spent 14+ hours a day in the library this summer.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
Having to eat slop. I am not sure I can stomach it.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Fly under the radar and avoid alliances for the first few weeks, pretend I work as a waitress, and generally, pretend to be dumb.
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
Most: I like Hayden Moss from Season 12 because he is hot and went to ASU.
Least: I don't like Britney Haynes and Monet Stunson from Season 12 because they just sit around talking smack all day.
What would you take into the house, and why?
Makeup, a Harry Potter book because I will always love Harry Potter, and a secret stash of junk food because I don't want to share.
Fun facts about yourself:
I have hyperhidrosis (aka really sweaty hands and feet).
I won a spelling bee in 7th grade.
I used to have a creepy laugh in middle school and it earned me the name "the Ghost."
I am obsessed with barbecue sauce.
I've never seen Star Wars, The Godfather, or Scarface.
Whitney Hogg
Age: 21
Hometown: Whiteburgs, KY
Current City: Whiteburgs, KY
Occupation: Medical assistant
Three adjectives that describe you: Southern, bubbly, and passionate.
Favorite activities: Spending time with family, sleeping, and traveling to different places.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother: Over the Top house?
Being away from home. Family is everything. Without them, I would have nothing. Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Be myself, lie when I have to, and make people fall in love with innocent, little ol' me!
Which Big Brother Houseguests do you like the most and least?
Janelle Pierzina from Seasons 6, 7, and 15 was amazing! She was a beast at comps and managed to stay in the house even when she was hated.
Amanda Zuckerman from Season 15 was SO annoying! She was loud and everything was always about her. She was a crybaby when things didn't go her way.
What would you take into the house, and why?
A fan because I can't sleep without one, a journal to write everything down, and a picture of my family. They keep me going.
Fun facts about yourself:
1. I've never been any further west than Western Kentucky.
2. I know every word to every Shania Twain song.
3. I can cook the meanest chicken casserole.
4. If I could have any job in the world it would be a talk show host.
5. I have had the same friends since Pre-K.
This cast screams "B-squad" and I really don't like how they're desperate to use the "over the top" gimmick phrase. The more you claim that you're crazy and wild, the less interesting you probably are, and everyone here seems either boring or like they're trying too hard.
My Favorites = Danielle, Morgan
The Lovable One / America's Favorite = Alex or maybe Whitney for the women, Monte for the men
The Confrontational One / Villain = Neeley and Shelby already know that they are going to be confrontational, so let's just give the win to them. Kryssie, on the other hand, I think might be acting. She could definitely be up there as far as starting arguments, but I feel like she doesn't have as much of a mean streak in her in comparison.
Biggest Physical Threats = Morgan for the women (and perhaps overall), Monte for the men
Biggest Mental Threat = Kryssie or Shelby....I'm not falling into the Scott trap.
Most Attractive = For my personal tastes, Shelby is the most attractive at a first glance, but her laugh is awful and her personality might be even worse. Danielle and Morgan would probably be my major picks. Whitney would be so much cuter if it weren't for her voice—I'm just not into the southern belle thing.
The Showmance = Shane or Monte with one of the Willett girls (Alex most likely)
The Bromance = I don't think we'll have a strong one this year
Most Annoying = Cornbread, Neeley, Shelby's laugh, Whitney's voice, Justin
The Crybaby = Whitney, Scott
The Dumb Jock = Monte
The Weakest Link = Cornbread, Whitney, Scott
Winner Potentials = Morgan for the women, Shane for the men
They also had mentioned either Jason Roy or Jozea Flores would be returning to the game. I wasn't a fan of either of them during their seasons, so...not digging that aspect. Can't we have Zach Rance or Nick Uhas or anyone else who was interesting but not annoying?
Throughout the season, you can hit me up on Twitter @ToeKneeManGo to get my thoughts on Big Brother as it is happening and as I'm watching the live feeds.
What are your first impressions of this group?
Who would you like to see win?
Tell us in the comments below!
Who would you like to see win?
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