Here at Fanboys Anonymous, while some of the content is made up of editorial articles about random topics, much content falls into specific running segments.
* Note: Some segments are no longer in circulation or may only be revived after long intervals, rather than on a regular basis.
At the beginning of every month, the schedule for movie releases is listed. If you had to go see six movies that month, which ones would you see?
Showing off some particularly interesting pieces from the artists out there that have the fanboy spirit behind them.
The Blueprint Project is a catch-all terminology for a variety of different series that revolve around taking the full history of a particular character and writing the most condensed, "gold-standard" version of their story, while incorporating as many references as possible. These include The Batman Blueprint ("The Batman: A Knight-Time Story - 100 Records from the Wayne Foundation Archives"), a rewrite of Star Wars, and much more. Check here for a list of some of those projects.
Taking a look at some of the most interesting cosplay outfits and giving credit where credit is due
How would you end the story of a particular character?
Who would we like to see portraying certain roles in movies and TV? Various members of the site pick who they would like to see cast as those particular characters.
Examining a film or television show and breaking down how to correct the problems with it by rewriting the story and fixing the issues.
What would you do for a sequel?
Spotlights for clothing or apparel, fashion tips on how to be both geek and chic, and anything else of that sort.
Where we let our creative minds roam free and step behind the keyboards not as journalists, but as writers.
Where the fanboys speculate on aspects of a story that haven't been defined, either predictions of spoilers or an attempt to explain something that we've already seen.
Examining a what video game might look like as inspired by a particular movie, television show or something else.
Reviews represented in report card format, where you grade films based on Story, Characters, Tone, Acting, Visuals, Audio and more.
If you had to pick the top four things to represent a particular fanboy subject matter, what would those four things be?
A flashback of nostalgia where we fondly look back on the geeky things from our childhood and our most memorable moments.
Before a movie comes out, let's try to see if we can predict the whole thing in advance.
Showcasing a particular person and profiling what makes them awesome so they can get the proper attention they deserve. There are subdivisions for various different entities, such as YouTube Spotlight, Cosplay Spotlight, Gaming Spotlight, Cinema Spotlight and so on.
What stands out above the rest? Help us decide and vote on which things should advance to be crowned the ultimate winner.
Everyone always says the book is better than the movie...but is it?
The Fanboys Anonymous version of the Marry, Fuck, Kill game.
What were the news stories and events that happened this week in the world of geek culture?
Examining the alternate realities of what could have been if certain things had happened the way they were originally planned, such as different actors being cast in roles.
A complete rundown of the entire James Bond franchise with full in-depth discussions on all the films.
A general discussion podcast with no extraneous gimmicks.
Analyzing the ins and outs of a particular concept.
We may not have worked on these projects directly, but that doesn't mean we can't still give our thoughts as outsiders. The fanboys sit down and give you an audio track that you can sync up while you watch a particular television show or film.
Reviewing something as in-depth as possible in just 60 seconds.
Fanboys and fangirls gather to watch a few films that all tie together with some sort of centralized theme and compare them.
Critiquing the hits and misses.
Every so often, we are compelled to do a special that doesn't fit into any of the other shows. This is the place to find those rare gems.
Watching a movie trailer and doing a first impressions reaction to it.
Opening mystery boxes.
Do you have any ideas for segments that you would like to see?
Send us an email with your suggestions!